Deuteronomy 15

  1 G1223 For G2033 seven G2094 years G4160 you shall make G859 a release.
  2 G2532 And G3779 thus is G3588 the G4366.2 order G3588 of the G859 release. G863 You shall cancel G3956 every G5532.3 [2loan G2398 1private], G3739 the one which G3784 [3owes G1473 4to you G3588 1 your G4139 2neighbor]. G2532 And G3588   G80 [3of your brother G1473   G3756 1you shall not G523 2exact payment], G3754 for G1941 it has been called G859 a release G2962 to the lord G3588   G2316 your God. G1473  
  3 G3588 The G245 alien -- G523 you shall exact G3745 as much as G1437 might G1510.3 be G1473 due you G3844 from G1473 him; G3588   G1161 but G80 [3for your brother G1473   G859 2a release G4160 1you shall make] G3588   G5532.3 of your loan. G1473  
  4 G3754 For G3756 there shall not G1510.8.3 be G1722 among G1473 you G1729 one lacking; G3754 for G2127 by a blessing G2127 [3shall bless G1473 4you G2962 1 the lord G3588   G2316 2your God] G1473   G1722 in G3588 the G1093 land G3739 which G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 your God G1473   G1325 gives G1473 to you G1722 by G2819 lot G2624.1 to inherit G1473 it.
  5 G1437 But if G1161   G189 in hearing G191 you should hearken to G3588 the G5456 voice G2962 of the lord G3588   G2316 your God, G1473   G5442 to guard G2532 and G4160 to do G3956 all G3588   G1785 these commandments G3778   G3739 which G1473 I G1781 give charge G1473 to you G4594 today,
  6 G3754 for G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 your God G1473   G2127 blessed G1473 you G3739 in which G5158 manner G2980 he spoke G1473 to you; G2532 then G1155 you shall lend G1484 [2nations G4183 1to many], G1473 but you G1161   G3756 shall not G1155 borrow; G2532 and G756 you shall control G1473   G1484 [2nations G4183 1many], G1473 but of you G1161   G3756 they shall not control. G756  
  7 G1437 And if G1161   G1096 there should be G1722 among G1473 you G1729 one lacking G1537 from G3588   G80 your brethren G1473   G1722 in G1520 one G3588   G4172 of your cities G1473   G1722 in G3588 the G1093 land G3739 which G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 your God G1473   G1325 gives G1473 to you, G3756 you shall not G649.1 disregard G3588   G2588 your heart, G1473   G3761 nor G3756 in any way G3361   G4963.1 close G3588   G5495 your hand G1473   G575 from G3588   G80 your brother -- G1473   G3588 the one G1926.1 wanting.
  8 G455 In opening, G455 you shall open G3588   G5495 your hands G1473   G1473 to him, G2532 and G1156 [2a loan G1155 1you shall lend] G1473 to him G3745 as much G302 as G1926.1 he wants, G2532 and G2596 according to G3745 as much as G5302 he lacks.
  9 G4337 Take heed G4572 to yourself! G3361 there be not G1096   G4487 [2thing G2927 1a hidden] G1722 in G3588   G2588 your heart, G1473   G457.2 a violation of the law, G3004 saying, G1448 [4approaches G3588 1The G2094 3year G3588   G1442 2seventh], G2094 the year G3588 of the G859 release; G2532 and G4188.2 [2should be wicked G3588   G3788 1your eye] G1473   G3588 towards G80 your brother G1473   G3588 that G1926.1 is wanting, G2532 that G3756 you should not G1325 give G1473 to him; G2532 and G994 he shall call to aid G2596 against G1473 you G4314 to G2962 the lord, G2532 and G1510.8.3 there shall be G1722 in G1473 you G266 [2sin G3173 1a great].
  10 G1325 Giving, G1325 you shall give G1473 to him, G2532 and G1156 [3a loan G1155 1you shall lend G1473 2to him] G3745 as much as G302   G1926.1 he wants G1473 of you. G2532 And G3756 you shall not fret G3076   G3588 in G2588 your heart G1473   G1325 of your giving G1473   G1473 to him, G3754 for G1223 on account of G3588   G4487 this matter G3778   G2127 [3will bless G1473 4you G2962 1 the lord G3588   G2316 2your God] G1473   G1722 in G3956 all G3588   G2041 your works, G1473   G2532 and G1722 in G3956 all things G3739 of which G302 ever G1911 you should put G3588   G5495 your hand to . G1473  
  11 G3756 For in no way G1063   G3361   G1587 should [2fail G1729 1 the one lacking] G575 from G3588   G1093 your land. G1473   G1223 Because of G3778 this G1473 I G1473 give charge to you G1781   G4160 to do G3588   G4487 this thing, G3778   G3004 saying, G455 In opening, G455 you shall open G3588   G5495 your hands G1473   G3588 to G80 [3brother G1473 1your G3588   G3993 2needy], G2532 and G3588 to the G1926.1 one wanting G3588   G1909 upon G3588   G1093 your land. G1473  
  12 G1437 And if G1161   G4097 [3should be sold G1473 4to you G3588   G80 1your brother G1473   G3588   G* 2a Hebrew man], G2228 or G3588 the G* Hebrew woman, G1398 he shall serve G1473 to you G1803 six G2094 years, G2532 and G3588 the G1442 seventh G1821 you shall send G1473 him G1658 free G575 from G1473 you.
  13 G3752 And whenever G1161   G1821 you should send G1473 him G1658 free G575 from G1473 you, G3756 you shall not send G1821   G1473 him G2756 empty.
  14 G2186.3 With supplies G2186.2 you shall provide G1473 him G575 from G3588   G4263 your sheep, G1473   G2532 and G575 from G3588   G4621 your grain, G1473   G2532 and G575 from G3588   G3025 your wine vat. G1473   G2505 As G2127 [3blessed G1473 4you G2962 1 the lord G3588   G2316 2your God] G1473   G1325 you shall give G1473 to him.
  15 G2532 And G3403 you shall remember G3754 that G3610 you were a servant G1510.7.2   G1722 in G1093 the land G* of Egypt, G2532 and G3084 [3ransomed G1473 4you G2962 1 the lord G3588   G2316 2your God] G1473   G1564 from there. G1223 On account of G3778 this G1473 I G1473 give charge to you G1781   G4160 to do G3588   G4487 this thing. G3778  
  16 G1437 But if G1161   G3004 he should say G4314 to G1473 you, G3756 I shall not G1831 go forth G575 from G1473 you, G3754 for G25 he loves G1473 you, G2532 and G3588   G3614 your house, G1473   G3754 for G2095 it is good G1510.2.3   G1473 to him G3844 to be by G1473 you;
  17 G2532 then G2983 you shall take G3588 the G3692.1 shoemaker's awl, G2532 and G5168.1 make a hole G3588   G3775 in his ear G1473   G4314 against G3588 the G2374 door, G2532 and G1510.8.3 he will be G1473 to you G3610 a servant G1519 into G3588 the G165 eon. G2532 And G3588   G3814 of your maidservant G1473   G4160 you shall do G5615 likewise.
  18 G3756 [2not G4642 4hard G1510.8.3 1It shall 3be] G1726 before G1473 you G1821 sending G1473 them G1658 free G575 from G1473 you, G3754 for G1906.2 the yearly G3408 wage G3588 of the G3411 hireling -- G1398 he served G1473 to you G1803 six G2094 years. G2532 And G2127 [3shall bless G1473 4you G2962 1 the lord G3588   G2316 2your God] G1473   G1722 in G3956 all G3739 what G302 ever G4160 you should do.
  19 G3956 Every G4416 first-born G3739 which G302 ever G5088 should give birth G1722 among G3588   G1016 your oxen, G1473   G2532 and G1722 among G3588   G4263 your sheep, G1473   G3588 [2the G732.1 3males G37 1you shall sanctify] G2962 to the lord G3588   G2316 your God. G1473   G3756 You shall not G2038 work G1722 with G3588   G4416 [2first-born G3448 3calf G1473 1your], G2532 and G3766.2 in no way G2751 should you shear G3588 the G4416 first-born G3588   G4263 of your sheep. G1473  
  20 G1725 Before G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 your God G1473   G2068 you shall eat G1473 it G1763 year G1537 by G1763 year, G1722 in G3588 the G5117 place G3739 in which G302 ever G1586 [3should choose G2962 1 the lord G3588   G2316 2your God] -- G1473   G1473 you G2532 and G3588   G3624 your house. G1473  
  21 G1437 And if G1161   G1510.3 there might be G1722 in G1473 it G3470 a blemish -- G5560 lame G2228 or G5185 blind, G2228 or G2532 even G3956 any G3470 [2blemish G4190 1severe], G3756 you shall not G2380 sacrifice G1473 it G2962 to the lord G3588   G2316 your God. G1473  
  22 G1722 In G3588   G4172 your cities G1473   G2068 you shall eat G1473 it. G3588 The G169 unclean G1722 in G1473 you G2532 and G3588 the G2513 clean G5615 likewise G2068 shall eat G5613 as G1393 the doe G2228 or G1643.1 stag.
  23 G4133 Except G3588   G129 its blood G1473   G3756 you shall not G2068 eat; G1909 [3upon G3588 4the G1093 5ground G1632 1you shall pour G1473 2it] G5613 as G5204 water.
  1 G1223 δι΄ G2033 επτά G2094 ετών G4160 ποιήσεις G859 άφεσιν
  2 G2532 και G3779 ούτως G3588 το G4366.2 πρόσταγμα G3588 της G859 αφέσεως G863 αφήσεις G3956 παν G5532.3 χρέος G2398 ίδιον G3739 ο G3784 οφείλει G1473 σοι G3588 ο G4139 πλησίον G2532 και G3588 τον G80 αδελφόν σου G1473   G3756 ουκ G523 απαιτήσεις G3754 ότι G1941 επικέκληται G859 άφεσις G2962 κυρίω G3588 τω G2316 θεώ σου G1473  
  3 G3588 τον G245 αλλότριον G523 απαιτήσεις G3745 όσα G1437 εάν G1510.3 η G1473 σοι G3844 παρ΄ G1473 αυτώ G3588 τω G1161 δε G80 αδελφώ σου G1473   G859 άφεσιν G4160 ποιήσεις G3588 του G5532.3 χρέους σου G1473  
  4 G3754 ότι G3756 ουκ G1510.8.3 έσται G1722 εν G1473 σοι G1729 ενδεής G3754 ότι G2127 ευλογών G2127 ευλογήσει G1473 σε G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G1722 εν G3588 τη G1093 γη G3739 ην G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G1325 δίδωσί G1473 σοι G1722 εν G2819 κλήρω G2624.1 κατακληρονομήσαι G1473 αυτήν
  5 G1437 εάν δε G1161   G189 ακοή G191 ακούσητε G3588 της G5456 φωνής G2962 κυρίου G3588 του G2316 θεού υμών G1473   G5442 φυλάσσειν G2532 και G4160 ποιείν G3956 πάσας G3588 τας G1785 εντολάς ταύτας G3778   G3739 ας G1473 εγώ G1781 εντέλλομαί G1473 σοι G4594 σήμερον
  6 G3754 ότι G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G2127 ευλόγησέ G1473 σε G3739 ον G5158 τρόπον G2980 ελάλησέ G1473 σοι G2532 και G1155 δανιείς G1484 έθνεσι G4183 πολλοίς G1473 συ δε G1161   G3756 ου G1155 δανιή G2532 και G756 άρξεις συ G1473   G1484 εθνών G4183 πολλών G1473 σου δε G1161   G3756 ουκ άρξουσιν G756  
  7 G1437 εάν δε G1161   G1096 γένηται G1722 εν G1473 σοι G1729 ενδεής G1537 εκ G3588 των G80 αδελφών σου G1473   G1722 εν G1520 μία G3588 των G4172 πόλεών σου G1473   G1722 εν G3588 τη G1093 γη G3739 η G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G1325 δίδωσί G1473 σοι G3756 ουκ G649.1 αποστέρξεις G3588 την G2588 καρδίαν σου G1473   G3761 ουδ΄ G3756 ου μη G3361   G4963.1 συσφίγξεις G3588 την G5495 χείρά σου G1473   G575 από G3588 του G80 αδελφού σου G1473   G3588 του G1926.1 επιδεομένου
  8 G455 ανοίγων G455 ανοίξεις G3588 τας G5495 χείράς σου G1473   G1473 αυτώ G2532 και G1156 δάνειον G1155 δανιείς G1473 αυτώ G3745 όσον G302 αν G1926.1 επιδέηται G2532 και G2596 καθ΄ G3745 όσον G5302 υστερείται
  9 G4337 πρόσεχε G4572 σεαυτώ G3361 μη γένηται G1096   G4487 ρήμα G2927 κρυπτόν G1722 εν G3588 τη G2588 καρδία σου G1473   G457.2 ανόμημα G3004 λέγων G1448 εγγίζει G3588 το G2094 έτος G3588 το G1442 έβδομον G2094 έτος G3588 της G859 αφέσεως G2532 και G4188.2 πονηρεύσηται G3588 ο G3788 οφθαλμός σου G1473   G3588 τω G80 αδελφώ σου G1473   G3588 τω G1926.1 επιδεομένω G2532 και G3756 ου G1325 δως G1473 αυτώ G2532 και G994 βοήσεται G2596 κατά G1473 σου G4314 προς G2962 κύριον G2532 και G1510.8.3 έσται G1722 εν G1473 σοι G266 αμαρτία G3173 μεγάλη
  10 G1325 διδούς G1325 δώσεις G1473 αυτώ G2532 και G1156 δάνειον G1155 δανιείς G1473 αυτώ G3745 όσον αν G302   G1926.1 επιδέηται G1473 σου G2532 και G3756 ου λυπηθήση G3076   G3588 τη G2588 καρδία σου G1473   G1325 διδόντος σου G1473   G1473 αυτώ G3754 ότι G1223 διά G3588 το G4487 ρήμα τούτο G3778   G2127 ευλογήσει G1473 σε G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G1722 εν G3956 πάσι G3588 τοις G2041 έργοις σου G1473   G2532 και G1722 εν G3956 πάσιν G3739 ου G302 αν G1911 επιβάλης G3588 την G5495 χείρά σου G1473  
  11 G3756 ου γαρ μη G1063   G3361   G1587 εκλίπη G1729 ενδεής G575 από G3588 της G1093 γης σου G1473   G1223 διά G3778 τούτο G1473 εγώ G1473 σοι εντέλλομαι G1781   G4160 ποιείν G3588 το G4487 ρήμα τούτο G3778   G3004 λέγων G455 ανοίγων G455 ανοίξεις G3588 τας G5495 χείράς σου G1473   G3588 τω G80 αδελφώ G1473 σου G3588 τω G3993 πένητι G2532 και G3588 τω G1926.1 επιδεομένω G3588 τω G1909 επί G3588 της G1093 γης σου G1473  
  12 G1437 εάν δε G1161   G4097 πραθή G1473 σοι G3588 ο G80 αδελφός σου G1473   G3588 ο G* Εβραίος G2228 η G3588 η G* Εβραία G1398 δουλεύσει G1473 σοι G1803 εξ G2094 έτη G2532 και G3588 τω G1442 εβδόμω G1821 εξαποστελείς G1473 αυτόν G1658 ελεύθερον G575 από G1473 σου
  13 G3752 όταν δε G1161   G1821 εξαποστέλλης G1473 αυτόν G1658 ελεύθερον G575 από G1473 σου G3756 ουκ εξαποστελείς G1821   G1473 αυτόν G2756 κενόν
  14 G2186.3 εφόδιον G2186.2 εφοδιάσεις G1473 αυτόν G575 από G3588 των G4263 προβάτων σου G1473   G2532 και G575 από G3588 του G4621 σίτου σου G1473   G2532 και G575 από G3588 του G3025 ληνού σου G1473   G2505 καθά G2127 ευλόγησέ G1473 σε G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G1325 δώσεις G1473 αυτώ
  15 G2532 και G3403 μνησθήση G3754 ότι G3610 οικέτης ήσθα G1510.7.2   G1722 εν G1093 γη G* Αιγύπτου G2532 και G3084 ελυτρώσατό G1473 σε G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G1564 εκείθεν G1223 διά G3778 τούτο G1473 εγώ G1473 σοι εντέλλομαι G1781   G4160 ποιείν G3588 το G4487 ρήμα τούτο G3778  
  16 G1437 εάν δε G1161   G3004 λέγη G4314 προς G1473 σε G3756 ουκ G1831 εξελεύσομαι G575 από G1473 σου G3754 ότι G25 ηγάπησέ G1473 σε G2532 και G3588 την G3614 οικίαν σου G1473   G3754 ότι G2095 ευ εστίν G1510.2.3   G1473 αυτώ G3844 παρά G1473 σοι
  17 G2532 και G2983 λήψη G3588 το G3692.1 οπήτιον G2532 και G5168.1 τρυπήσεις G3588 το G3775 ους αυτού G1473   G4314 προς G3588 την G2374 θύραν G2532 και G1510.8.3 έσται G1473 σοι G3610 οικέτης G1519 εις G3588 τον G165 αιώνα G2532 και G3588 την G3814 παιδίσκην σου G1473   G4160 ποιήσεις G5615 ωσαύτως
  18 G3756 ου G4642 σκληρόν G1510.8.3 έσται G1726 εναντίον G1473 σου G1821 εξαποστελλομένων G1473 αυτών G1658 ελευθέρων G575 από G1473 σου G3754 ότι G1906.2 επέτειον G3408 μισθόν G3588 του G3411 μισθωτού G1398 εδούλευσέ G1473 σοι G1803 εξ G2094 έτη G2532 και G2127 ευλογήσει G1473 σε G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G1722 εν G3956 πάσιν G3739 οις G302 αν G4160 ποιής
  19 G3956 παν G4416 πρωτότοκον G3739 ο G302 αν G5088 τεχθή G1722 εν G3588 ταις G1016 βουσί σου G1473   G2532 και G1722 εν G3588 τοις G4263 προβάτοις σου G1473   G3588 τα G732.1 αρσενικά G37 αγιάσεις G2962 κυρίω G3588 τω G2316 θεώ σου G1473   G3756 ουκ G2038 έργα G1722 εν G3588 τω G4416 πρωτοτόκω G3448 μόσχω G1473 σου G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G2751 κείρης G3588 το G4416 πρωτότοκον G3588 των G4263 προβάτων σου G1473  
  20 G1725 έναντι G2962 κυρίου G3588 του G2316 θεού σου G1473   G2068 φαγή G1473 αυτό G1763 ενιαυτόν G1537 εξ G1763 ενιαυτού G1722 εν G3588 τω G5117 τόπω G3739 ω G302 αν G1586 εκλέξηται G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός σου G1473   G1473 συ G2532 και G3588 ο G3624 οίκός σου G1473  
  21 G1437 εάν δε G1161   G1510.3 η G1722 εν G1473 αυτώ G3470 μώμος G5560 χωλόν G2228 η G5185 τυφλόν G2228 η G2532 και G3956 πας G3470 μώμος G4190 πονηρός G3756 ου G2380 θύσεις G1473 αυτό G2962 κυρίω G3588 τω G2316 θεώ σου G1473  
  22 G1722 εν G3588 ταις G4172 πόλεσί σου G1473   G2068 φαγή G1473 αυτό G3588 ο G169 ακάθαρτος G1722 εν G1473 σοι G2532 και G3588 ο G2513 καθαρός G5615 ωσαύτως G2068 φάγεται G5613 ως G1393 δορκάδα G2228 η G1643.1 έλαφον
  23 G4133 πλην G3588 το G129 αίμα αυτού G1473   G3756 ου G2068 φαγή G1909 επί G3588 την G1093 γην G1632 εκχεείς G1473 αυτό G5613 ως G5204 ύδωρ
    1 G1223 PREP δι G2033 N-NUI επτα G2094 N-GPN ετων G4160 V-FAI-2S ποιησεις G859 N-ASF αφεσιν
    2 G2532 CONJ και G3778 ADV ουτως G3588 T-NSN το   N-NSN προσταγμα G3588 T-GSF της G859 N-GSF αφεσεως   V-FAI-2S αφησεις G3956 A-ASN παν   N-ASN χρεος G2398 A-ASN ιδιον G3739 R-ASN ο G3784 V-PAI-3S οφειλει G4771 P-DS σοι G3588 T-NSM ο G4139 ADV πλησιον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον G80 N-ASM αδελφον G4771 P-GS σου G3364 ADV ουκ G523 V-FAI-2S απαιτησεις G3754 CONJ οτι   V-RPI-3S επικεκληται G859 N-NSF αφεσις G2962 N-DSM κυριω G3588 T-DSM τω G2316 N-DSM θεω G4771 P-GS σου
    3 G3588 T-ASM τον G245 A-ASM αλλοτριον G523 V-FAI-2S απαιτησεις G3745 A-NPN οσα G1437 CONJ εαν G1510 V-PAS-3S η G4771 P-DS σοι G3844 PREP παρ G846 D-DSM αυτω G3588 T-GSM του G80 N-GSM αδελφου G4771 P-GS σου G859 N-ASF αφεσιν G4160 V-FAI-2S ποιησεις G3588 T-GSN του   N-GSN χρεους G4771 P-GS σου
    4 G3754 CONJ οτι G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G1722 PREP εν G4771 P-DS σοι G1729 A-NSM ενδεης G3754 CONJ οτι G2127 V-PAPNS ευλογων G2127 V-FAI-3S ευλογησει G4771 P-AS σε G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G1065 N-DSF γη G3739 R-DSF η G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G1325 V-PAI-3S διδωσιν G4771 P-DS σοι G1722 PREP εν G2819 N-DSM κληρω   V-AAN κατακληρονομησαι G846 D-ASF αυτην
    5 G1437 CONJ εαν G1161 PRT δε G189 N-DSF ακοη G1522 V-AAS-2P εισακουσητε G3588 T-GSF της G5456 N-GSF φωνης G2962 N-GSM κυριου G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G4771 P-GP υμων G5442 V-PAN φυλασσειν G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-PAN ποιειν G3956 A-APF πασας G3588 T-APF τας G1785 N-APF εντολας G3778 D-APF ταυτας G3745 A-APF οσας G1473 P-NS εγω G1781 V-PMI-1S εντελλομαι G4771 P-DS σοι G4594 ADV σημερον
    6 G3754 CONJ οτι G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G2127 V-AAI-3S ευλογησεν G4771 P-AS σε G3739 R-ASM ον G5158 N-ASM τροπον G2980 V-AAI-3S ελαλησεν G4771 P-DS σοι G2532 CONJ και G1155 V-FAI-2S δανιεις G1484 N-DPN εθνεσιν G4183 A-DPN πολλοις G4771 P-NS συ G1161 PRT δε G3364 ADV ου G1155 V-FMI-2S δανιη G2532 CONJ και G757 V-FAI-2S αρξεις G4771 P-NS συ G1484 N-GPN εθνων G4183 A-GPN πολλων G4771 P-GS σου G1161 PRT δε G3364 ADV ουκ G757 V-FAI-3P αρξουσιν
    7 G1437 CONJ εαν G1161 PRT δε G1096 V-AMS-3S γενηται G1722 PREP εν G4771 P-DS σοι G1729 A-NSM ενδεης G3588 T-GPM των G80 N-GPM αδελφων G4771 P-GS σου G1722 PREP εν G1519 A-DSF μια G3588 T-GPF των G4172 N-GPF πολεων G4771 P-GS σου G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G1065 N-DSF γη G3739 R-DSF η G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G1325 V-PAI-3S διδωσιν G4771 P-DS σοι G3364 ADV ουκ   V-FAI-2S αποστερξεις G3588 T-ASF την G2588 N-ASF καρδιαν G4771 P-GS σου G3761 CONJ ουδ G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη   V-AAS-2S συσφιγξης G3588 T-ASF την G5495 N-ASF χειρα G4771 P-GS σου G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G80 N-GSM αδελφου G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-GSM του   V-PMPGS επιδεομενου
    8 G455 V-PAPNS ανοιγων G455 V-FAI-2S ανοιξεις G3588 T-APF τας G5495 N-APF χειρας G4771 P-GS σου G846 D-DSM αυτω G1156 N-ASN δανειον G1155 V-FAI-2S δανιεις G846 D-DSM αυτω G3745 A-ASN οσον   V-PMI-3S επιδεεται G2596 PREP καθ G3745 A-ASN οσον   V-FMI-3S ενδεειται
    9 G4337 V-PAD-2S προσεχε G4572 D-DSM σεαυτω G3165 ADV μη G1096 V-AMS-3S γενηται G4487 N-NSN ρημα G2927 A-ASM κρυπτον G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G2588 N-DSF καρδια G4771 P-GS σου   N-NSN ανομημα G3004 V-PAPNS λεγων G1448 V-PAI-3S εγγιζει G3588 T-NSN το G2094 N-NSN ετος G3588 T-NSN το G1442 A-NSN εβδομον G2094 N-NSN ετος G3588 T-GSF της G859 N-GSF αφεσεως G2532 CONJ και   V-AMS-3S πονηρευσηται G3588 T-NSM ο G3788 N-NSM οφθαλμος G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-DSM τω G80 N-DSM αδελφω G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-DSM τω   V-PMPDS επιδεομενω G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G1325 V-FAI-2S δωσεις G846 D-DSM αυτω G2532 CONJ και G994 V-FMI-3S βοησεται G2596 PREP κατα G4771 P-GS σου G4314 PREP προς G2962 N-ASM κυριον G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G1722 PREP εν G4771 P-DS σοι G266 N-NSF αμαρτια G3173 A-NSF μεγαλη
    10 G1325 V-PAPNS διδους G1325 V-FAI-2S δωσεις G846 D-DSM αυτω G2532 CONJ και G1156 N-ASN δανειον G1155 V-FAI-2S δανιεις G846 D-DSM αυτω G3745 A-ASN οσον   V-PMI-3S επιδεεται G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3076 V-FPI-2S λυπηθηση G3588 T-DSF τη G2588 N-DSF καρδια G4771 P-GS σου G1325 V-PAPGS διδοντος G4771 P-GS σου G846 D-DSM αυτω G3754 CONJ οτι G1223 PREP δια G3588 T-ASN το G4487 N-ASN ρημα G3778 D-ASN τουτο G2127 V-FAI-3S ευλογησει G4771 P-AS σε G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DPN πασιν G3588 T-DPN τοις G2041 N-DPN εργοις G2532 CONJ και G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DPN πασιν G3364 ADV ου G302 PRT αν G1911 V-AAS-2S επιβαλης G3588 T-ASF την G5495 N-ASF χειρα G4771 P-GS σου
    11 G3364 ADV ου G1063 PRT γαρ G3165 ADV μη G1587 V-AAS-3S εκλιπη G1729 A-NSM ενδεης G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G1223 PREP δια G3778 D-ASN τουτο G1473 P-NS εγω G4771 P-DS σοι G1781 V-PMI-1S εντελλομαι G4160 V-PAN ποιειν G3588 T-ASN το G4487 N-ASN ρημα G3778 D-ASN τουτο G3004 V-PAPNS λεγων G455 V-PAPNS ανοιγων G455 V-FAI-2S ανοιξεις G3588 T-APF τας G5495 N-APF χειρας G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-DSM τω G80 N-DSM αδελφω G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-DSM τω G3993 N-DSM πενητι G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DSM τω   V-PMPDS επιδεομενω G3588 T-DSM τω G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G4771 P-GS σου
    12 G1437 CONJ εαν G1161 PRT δε G4097 V-APS-3S πραθη G4771 P-DS σοι G3588 T-NSM ο G80 N-NSM αδελφος G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-NSM ο G1445 A-NSM εβραιος G2228 CONJ η G3588 T-NSF η G1445 A-NSF εβραια G1398 V-FAI-3S δουλευσει G4771 P-DS σοι G1803 N-NUI εξ G2094 N-APN ετη G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DSN τω G1442 A-DSN εβδομω G1821 V-FAI-2S εξαποστελεις G846 D-ASM αυτον G1658 A-ASM ελευθερον G575 PREP απο G4771 P-GS σου
    13 G3752 ADV οταν G1161 PRT δε G1821 V-PAS-2S εξαποστελλης G846 D-ASM αυτον G1658 A-ASM ελευθερον G575 PREP απο G4771 P-GS σου G3364 ADV ουκ G1821 V-FAI-2S εξαποστελεις G846 D-ASM αυτον G2756 A-ASM κενον
    14   N-ASN εφοδιον   V-FAI-2S εφοδιασεις G846 D-ASM αυτον G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GPN των G4263 N-GPN προβατων G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G4621 N-GSM σιτου G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSF της G3025 N-GSF ληνου G4771 P-GS σου G2505 ADV καθα G2127 V-AAI-3S ευλογησεν G4771 P-AS σε G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G1325 V-FAI-2S δωσεις G846 D-DSM αυτω
    15 G2532 CONJ και G3403 V-FPI-2S μνησθηση G3754 CONJ οτι G3610 N-NSM οικετης G1510 V-IAI-2S ησθα G1722 PREP εν G1065 N-DSF γη G125 N-GSF αιγυπτου G2532 CONJ και G3084 V-AMI-3S ελυτρωσατο G4771 P-AS σε G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G1564 ADV εκειθεν G1223 PREP δια G3778 D-ASN τουτο G1473 P-NS εγω G4771 P-DS σοι G1781 V-PMI-1S εντελλομαι G4160 V-PAN ποιειν G3588 T-ASN το G4487 N-ASN ρημα G3778 D-ASN τουτο
    16 G1437 CONJ εαν G1161 PRT δε G3004 V-PAS-3S λεγη G4314 PREP προς G4771 P-AS σε G3364 ADV ουκ G1831 V-FMI-1S εξελευσομαι G575 PREP απο G4771 P-GS σου G3754 CONJ οτι G25 V-RAI-3S ηγαπηκεν G4771 P-AS σε G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G3614 N-ASF οικιαν G4771 P-GS σου G3754 CONJ οτι G2095 ADV ευ G846 D-DSM αυτω G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G3844 PREP παρα G4771 P-DS σοι
    17 G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-FMI-2S λημψη G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN οπητιον G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-2S τρυπησεις G3588 T-ASN το G5621 N-ASN ωτιον G846 D-GSM αυτου G4314 PREP προς G3588 T-ASF την G2374 N-ASF θυραν G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G4771 P-DS σοι G3610 N-NSM οικετης G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASM τον G165 N-ASM αιωνα G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G3814 N-ASF παιδισκην G4771 P-GS σου G4160 V-FAI-2S ποιησεις G5615 ADV ωσαυτως
    18 G3364 ADV ου G4642 A-NSN σκληρον G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G1726 PREP εναντιον G4771 P-GS σου G1821 V-PMPGP εξαποστελλομενων G846 D-GPM αυτων G1658 A-GPM ελευθερων G575 PREP απο G4771 P-GS σου G3754 CONJ οτι   A-ASM εφετιον G3408 N-ASM μισθον G3588 T-GSM του G3411 A-GSM μισθωτου G1398 V-AAI-3S εδουλευσεν G4771 P-DS σοι G1803 N-NUI εξ G2094 N-APN ετη G2532 CONJ και G2127 V-FAI-3S ευλογησει G4771 P-AS σε G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DPM πασιν G3739 R-DPM οις G1437 CONJ εαν G4160 V-PAS-2S ποιης
    19 G3956 A-NSN παν G4416 A-NSN πρωτοτοκον G3739 R-NSN ο G1437 CONJ εαν G5088 V-APS-3S τεχθη G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPM τοις G1016 N-DPM βουσιν G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPN τοις G4263 N-DPN προβατοις G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-APN τα   A-APN αρσενικα G37 V-FAI-2S αγιασεις G2962 N-DSM κυριω G3588 T-DSM τω G2316 N-DSM θεω G4771 P-GS σου G3364 ADV ουκ G2038 V-FMI-2S εργα G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G4416 A-DSM πρωτοτοκω G3448 N-DSM μοσχω G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G2751 V-AAS-2S κειρης G3588 T-ASN το G4416 A-ASN πρωτοτοκον G3588 T-GPN των G4263 N-GPN προβατων G4771 P-GS σου
    20 G1725 PREP εναντι G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2068 V-FMI-2S φαγη G846 D-ASN αυτο G1763 N-ASM ενιαυτον G1537 PREP εξ G1763 N-GSM ενιαυτου G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G5117 N-DSM τοπω G3739 R-DSM ω G1437 CONJ εαν   V-AMS-3S εκλεξηται G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G4771 P-GS σου G4771 P-NS συ G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G3624 N-NSM οικος G4771 P-GS σου
    21 G1437 CONJ εαν G1161 PRT δε G1510 V-PAS-3S η G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DSN αυτω G3470 N-NSM μωμος G5560 A-NSN χωλον G2228 CONJ η G5185 A-NSN τυφλον G2228 CONJ η G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NSM πας G3470 N-NSM μωμος G4190 A-NSM πονηρος G3364 ADV ου G2380 V-FAI-2S θυσεις G846 D-ASN αυτο G2962 N-DSM κυριω G3588 T-DSM τω G2316 N-DSM θεω G4771 P-GS σου
    22 G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις G4172 N-DPF πολεσιν G4771 P-GS σου G2068 V-FMI-2S φαγη G846 D-ASN αυτο G3588 T-NSM ο G169 A-NSM ακαθαρτος G1722 PREP εν G4771 P-DS σοι G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G2513 A-NSM καθαρος G5615 ADV ωσαυτως G2068 V-FMI-3S εδεται G3739 CONJ ως G1393 N-ASF δορκαδα G2228 CONJ η   N-ASM ελαφον
    23 G4133 ADV πλην G3588 T-ASN το G129 N-ASN αιμα G3364 ADV ου G2068 V-FMI-2P φαγεσθε G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G1632 V-FAI-2S εκχεεις G846 D-ASN αυτο G3739 CONJ ως G5204 N-ASN υδωρ
HOT(i) 1 מקץ שׁבע שׁנים תעשׂה שׁמטה׃ 2 וזה דבר השׁמטה שׁמוט כל בעל משׁה ידו אשׁר ישׁה ברעהו לא יגשׂ את רעהו ואת אחיו כי קרא שׁמטה ליהוה׃ 3 את הנכרי תגשׂ ואשׁר יהיה לך את אחיך תשׁמט ידך׃ 4 אפס כי לא יהיה בך אביון כי ברך יברכך יהוה בארץ אשׁר יהוה אלהיך נתן לך נחלה לרשׁתה׃ 5 רק אם שׁמוע תשׁמע בקול יהוה אלהיך לשׁמר לעשׂות את כל המצוה הזאת אשׁר אנכי מצוך היום׃ 6 כי יהוה אלהיך ברכך כאשׁר דבר לך והעבטת גוים רבים ואתה לא תעבט ומשׁלת בגוים רבים ובך לא ימשׁלו׃ 7 כי יהיה בך אביון מאחד אחיך באחד שׁעריך בארצך אשׁר יהוה אלהיך נתן לך לא תאמץ את לבבך ולא תקפץ את ידך מאחיך האביון׃ 8 כי פתח תפתח את ידך לו והעבט תעביטנו די מחסרו אשׁר יחסר׃ 9 השׁמר לך פן יהיה דבר עם לבבך בליעל לאמר קרבה שׁנת השׁבע שׁנת השׁמטה ורעה עינך באחיך האביון ולא תתן לו וקרא עליך אל יהוה והיה בך חטא׃ 10 נתון תתן לו ולא ירע לבבך בתתך לו כי בגלל הדבר הזה יברכך יהוה אלהיך בכל מעשׂך ובכל משׁלח ידך׃ 11 כי לא יחדל אביון מקרב הארץ על כן אנכי מצוך לאמר פתח תפתח את ידך לאחיך לעניך ולאבינך בארצך׃ 12 כי ימכר לך אחיך העברי או העבריה ועבדך שׁשׁ שׁנים ובשׁנה השׁביעת תשׁלחנו חפשׁי מעמך׃ 13 וכי תשׁלחנו חפשׁי מעמך לא תשׁלחנו ריקם׃ 14 העניק תעניק לו מצאנך ומגרנך ומיקבך אשׁר ברכך יהוה אלהיך תתן׃ 15 וזכרת כי עבד היית בארץ מצרים ויפדך יהוה אלהיך על כן אנכי מצוך את הדבר הזה היום׃ 16 והיה כי יאמר אליך לא אצא מעמך כי אהבך ואת ביתך כי טוב לו עמך׃ 17 ולקחת את המרצע ונתתה באזנו ובדלת והיה לך עבד עולם ואף לאמתך תעשׂה כן׃ 18 לא יקשׁה בעינך בשׁלחך אתו חפשׁי מעמך כי משׁנה שׂכר שׂכיר עבדך שׁשׁ שׁנים וברכך יהוה אלהיך בכל אשׁר תעשׂה׃ 19 כל הבכור אשׁר יולד בבקרך ובצאנך הזכר תקדישׁ ליהוה אלהיך לא תעבד בבכר שׁורך ולא תגז בכור צאנך׃ 20 לפני יהוה אלהיך תאכלנו שׁנה בשׁנה במקום אשׁר יבחר יהוה אתה וביתך׃ 21 וכי יהיה בו מום פסח או עור כל מום רע לא תזבחנו ליהוה אלהיך׃ 22 בשׁעריך תאכלנו הטמא והטהור יחדו כצבי וכאיל׃ 23 רק את דמו לא תאכל על הארץ תשׁפכנו כמים׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H7093 מקץ   H7651 שׁבע of seven H8141 שׁנים years H6213 תעשׂה thou shalt make H8059 שׁמטה׃ a release.
  2 H2088 וזה And this H1697 דבר the manner H8059 השׁמטה of the release: H8058 שׁמוט shall release H3605 כל Every H1167 בעל creditor H4874 משׁה   H3027 ידו   H834 אשׁר that H5383 ישׁה lendeth H7453 ברעהו unto his neighbor H3808 לא he shall not H5065 יגשׂ exact H853 את   H7453 רעהו of his neighbor, H853 ואת   H251 אחיו or of his brother; H3588 כי because H7121 קרא it is called H8059 שׁמטה release. H3068 ליהוה׃ the LORD's
  3 H853 את   H5237 הנכרי Of a foreigner H5065 תגשׂ thou mayest exact H834 ואשׁר but which H1961 יהיה is H854 לך את thine with H251 אחיך thy brother H8058 תשׁמט shall release; H3027 ידך׃ thine hand
  4 H657 אפס Save H3588 כי when H3808 לא no H1961 יהיה there shall be H34 בך אביון poor H3588 כי among you; for H1288 ברך shall greatly bless H1288 יברכך shall greatly bless H3068 יהוה the LORD H776 בארץ thee in the land H834 אשׁר which H3068 יהוה the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God H5414 נתן giveth H5159 לך נחלה thee an inheritance H3423 לרשׁתה׃ to possess
  5 H7535 רק Only H518 אם if H8085 שׁמוע thou carefully hearken H8085 תשׁמע thou carefully hearken H6963 בקול unto the voice H3068 יהוה of the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God, H8104 לשׁמר to observe H6213 לעשׂות to do H853 את   H3605 כל all H4687 המצוה commandments H2063 הזאת these H834 אשׁר which H595 אנכי I H6680 מצוך command H3117 היום׃ thee this day.
  6 H3588 כי For H3068 יהוה the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God H1288 ברכך blesseth H834 כאשׁר thee, as H1696 דבר he promised H5670 לך והעבטת thee: and thou shalt lend H1471 גוים nations, H7227 רבים unto many H859 ואתה but thou H3808 לא shalt not H5670 תעבט borrow; H4910 ומשׁלת and thou shalt reign H1471 בגוים nations, H7227 רבים over many H3808 ובך לא but they shall not H4910 ימשׁלו׃ reign
  7 H3588 כי If H1961 יהיה there be H34 בך אביון among you a poor man H259 מאחד of one H251 אחיך of thy brethren H259 באחד within any H8179 שׁעריך of thy gates H776 בארצך in thy land H834 אשׁר which H3068 יהוה the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God H5414 נתן giveth H3808 לך לא thee, thou shalt not H553 תאמץ harden H853 את   H3824 לבבך thine heart, H3808 ולא nor H7092 תקפץ shut H853 את   H3027 ידך thine hand H251 מאחיך brother: H34 האביון׃ from thy poor
  8 H3588 כי But H6605 פתח thou shalt open H6605 תפתח wide H853 את   H3027 ידך thine hand H5670 לו והעבט unto him, and shalt surely lend H5670 תעביטנו unto him, and shalt surely lend H1767 די him sufficient H4270 מחסרו for his need, H834 אשׁר which H2637 יחסר׃ he wanteth.
  9 H8104 השׁמר Beware H6435 לך פן that H1961 יהיה there be H1697 דבר not a thought H5973 עם in H3824 לבבך heart, H1100 בליעל thy wicked H559 לאמר saying, H7126 קרבה is at hand; H8141 שׁנת year, H7651 השׁבע The seventh H8141 שׁנת the year H8059 השׁמטה of release, H7489 ורעה be evil H5869 עינך and thine eye H251 באחיך brother, H34 האביון against thy poor H3808 ולא him naught; H5414 תתן and thou givest H7121 לו וקרא and he cry H5921 עליך against H413 אל unto H3068 יהוה the LORD H1961 והיה thee, and it be H2399 בך חטא׃ sin
  10 H5414 נתון when thou givest H5414 תתן   H3808 לו ולא shall not H7489 ירע be grieved H3824 לבבך him, and thine heart H5414 בתתך   H3588 לו כי unto him: because that H1558 בגלל for H1697 הדבר thing H2088 הזה this H1288 יברכך shall bless H3069 יהוה   H430 אלהיך thy God H3605 בכל thee in all H4639 מעשׂך thy works, H3605 ובכל and in all H4916 משׁלח that thou puttest H3027 ידך׃ thine hand
  11 H3588 כי For H3808 לא shall never H2308 יחדל cease H34 אביון the poor H7130 מקרב out of H776 הארץ the land: H5921 על therefore H3651 כן therefore H595 אנכי I H6680 מצוך command H559 לאמר thee, saying, H6605 פתח Thou shalt open H6605 תפתח wide H853 את   H3027 ידך thine hand H251 לאחיך unto thy brother, H6041 לעניך to thy poor, H34 ולאבינך and to thy needy, H776 בארצך׃ in thy land.
  12 H3588 כי if H4376 ימכר be sold H251 לך אחיך thy brother, H5680 העברי a Hebrew man, H176 או or H5680 העבריה a Hebrew woman, H5647 ועבדך unto thee, and serve H8337 שׁשׁ thee six H8141 שׁנים years; H8141 ובשׁנה year H7637 השׁביעת then in the seventh H7971 תשׁלחנו thou shalt let him go H2670 חפשׁי free H5973 מעמך׃ from
  13 H3588 וכי And when H7971 תשׁלחנו thou sendest him out H2670 חפשׁי free H5973 מעמך from H3808 לא thee, thou shalt not H7971 תשׁלחנו let him go away H7387 ריקם׃ empty:
  14 H6059 העניק   H6059 תעניק   H6629 לו מצאנך out of thy flock, H1637 ומגרנך and out of thy floor, H3342 ומיקבך and out of thy winepress: H834 אשׁר wherewith H1288 ברכך hath blessed H3068 יהוה the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God H5414 תתן׃ thee thou shalt give
  15 H2142 וזכרת And thou shalt remember H3588 כי that H5650 עבד a bondman H1961 היית thou wast H776 בארץ in the land H4714 מצרים of Egypt, H6299 ויפדך redeemed H3068 יהוה and the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God H5921 על thee: therefore H3651 כן thee: therefore H595 אנכי I H6680 מצוך command H853 את   H1697 הדבר thing H2088 הזה thee this H3117 היום׃ today.
  16 H1961 והיה And it shall be, H3588 כי if H559 יאמר he say H413 אליך unto H3808 לא thee, I will not H3318 אצא go away H5973 מעמך from H3588 כי thee; because H157 אהבך he loveth H853 ואת   H1004 ביתך thee and thine house, H3588 כי because H2895 טוב   H5973 לו עמך׃ with
  17 H3947 ולקחת Then thou shalt take H853 את   H4836 המרצע an awl, H5414 ונתתה and thrust H241 באזנו through his ear H1817 ובדלת unto the door, H1961 והיה and he shall be H5650 לך עבד thy servant H5769 עולם forever. H637 ואף And also H519 לאמתך unto thy maidservant H6213 תעשׂה thou shalt do H3651 כן׃ likewise.
  18 H3808 לא It shall not H7185 יקשׁה seem hard unto thee, H5869 בעינך seem hard unto thee, H7971 בשׁלחך   H853 אתו   H2670 חפשׁי free H5973 מעמך from H3588 כי thee; for H4932 משׁנה a double H7939 שׂכר he hath been worth H7916 שׂכיר hired servant H5647 עבדך in serving H8337 שׁשׁ thee six H8141 שׁנים years: H1288 וברכך shall bless H3068 יהוה and the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God H3605 בכל thee in all H834 אשׁר that H6213 תעשׂה׃ thou doest.
  19 H3605 כל All H1060 הבכור the firstling H834 אשׁר that H3205 יולד come H1241 בבקרך of thy herd H6629 ובצאנך and of thy flock H2145 הזכר males H6942 תקדישׁ thou shalt sanctify H3068 ליהוה unto the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God: H3808 לא thou shalt do no H5647 תעבד work H1060 בבכר with the firstling H7794 שׁורך of thy bullock, H3808 ולא nor H1494 תגז shear H1060 בכור the firstling H6629 צאנך׃ of thy sheep.
  20 H6440 לפני before H3068 יהוה the LORD H430 אלהיך thy God H398 תאכלנו Thou shalt eat H8141 שׁנה year H8141 בשׁנה by year H4725 במקום in the place H834 אשׁר which H977 יבחר shall choose, H3068 יהוה the LORD H859 אתה thou H1004 וביתך׃ and thy household.
  21 H3588 וכי And if H1961 יהיה there be H3971 בו מום blemish H6455 פסח therein, lame, H176 או or H5787 עור blind, H3605 כל any H3971 מום blemish, H7451 רע ill H3808 לא thou shalt not H2076 תזבחנו sacrifice H3068 ליהוה it unto the LORD H430 אלהיך׃ thy God.
  22 H8179 בשׁעריך it within thy gates: H398 תאכלנו Thou shalt eat H2931 הטמא the unclean H2889 והטהור and the clean H3162 יחדו alike, H6643 כצבי as the roebuck, H354 וכאיל׃ and as the hart.
  23 H7535 רק Only H853 את   H1818 דמו the blood H3808 לא thou shalt not H398 תאכל eat H5921 על it upon H776 הארץ the ground H8210 תשׁפכנו thereof; thou shalt pour H4325 כמים׃ as water.
  1 H7093 At the end H7651 of every seven H8141 years H6213 [H8799] thou shalt make H8059 a release.
  2 H1697 And this is the manner H8059 of the release: H1167 H4874 H3027 Every creditor H5383 [H8686] that lendeth H7453 any thing to his neighbour H8058 [H8800] shall release H5065 [H8799] it; he shall not exact H7453 it of his neighbour, H251 or of his brother; H7121 [H8804] because it is called H3068 the LORD'S H8059 release.
  3 H5237 Of a foreigner H5065 [H8799] thou mayest exact H251 it again: but that which is thine with thy brother H3027 thine hand H8058 [H8686] shall release;
  4 H657 Except H34 when there shall be no poor H3068 among you; for the LORD H1288 [H8763] shall greatly H1288 [H8762] bless H776 thee in the land H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H5414 [H8802] giveth H5159 thee for an inheritance H3423 [H8800] to possess it:
  5 H8085 [H8800] Only if thou shalt carefully H8085 [H8799] hearken H6963 to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H8104 [H8800] to observe H6213 [H8800] to do H4687 all these commandments H6680 [H8764] which I command H3117 thee this day.
  6 H3068 For the LORD H430 thy God H1288 [H8765] shall bless H1696 [H8765] thee, as he promised H5670 [H8689] thee: and thou shalt lend H7227 to many H1471 nations, H5670 [H8799] but thou shalt not borrow; H4910 [H8804] and thou shalt reign H7227 over many H1471 nations, H4910 [H8799] but they shall not reign over thee.
  7 H34 If there shall be among you a poor man H259 of one H251 of thy brethren H259 within any H8179 of thy gates H776 in thy land H3068 which the LORD H430 the God H5414 [H8802] giveth H553 [H8762] thee, thou shalt not harden H3824 thy heart, H7092 [H8799] nor shut H3027 thine hand H34 from thy poor H251 brother:
  8 H6605 [H8799] But thou shalt open H3027 thine hand H6605 [H8800] wide H5670 [H8687] to him, and shalt surely H5670 [H8686] lend H1767 him sufficient H4270 for his need, H2637 [H8799] in that which he lacketh.
  9 H8104 [H8734] Beware H1697 that there be not a thought H1100 in thy worthless H3824 heart, H559 [H8800] saying, H7651 The seventh H8141 year, H8141 the year H8059 of release, H7126 [H8804] is at hand; H5869 and thine eye H7489 [H8804] shall be evil H34 against thy poor H251 brother, H5414 [H8799] and thou shalt give H7121 [H8804] him nothing; and he shall call H3068 to the LORD H2399 against thee, and it shall be sin to thee.
  10 H5414 [H8800] Thou shalt surely H5414 [H8799] give H3824 him, and thy heart H3415 [H8799] shall not be grieved H5414 [H8800] when thou givest H1558 to him: because H1697 that for this thing H3068 the LORD H430 thy God H1288 [H8762] shall bless H4639 thee in all thy works, H4916 and in all that thou puttest H3027 thine hand to.
  11 H34 For the poor H2308 [H8799] shall never cease H7130 from H776 the land: H6680 [H8764] therefore I command H559 [H8800] thee, saying, H6605 [H8799] Thou shalt open H3027 thine hand H6605 [H8800] wide H251 to thy brother, H6041 to thy poor, H34 and to thy needy, H776 in thy land.
  12 H251 And if thy brother, H5680 an Hebrew man, H5680 or an Hebrew woman, H4376 [H8735] shall be sold H5647 [H8804] to thee, and serve H8337 thee six H8141 years; H7637 then in the seventh H8141 year H7971 [H8762] thou shalt let him go H2670 free from thee.
  13 H7971 [H8762] And when thou sendest H2670 him out free H7971 [H8762] from thee, thou shalt not let him depart H7387 empty:
  14 H6059 [H8686] Thou shalt furnish H6059 [H8687] him liberally H6629 out of thy flock, H1637 and out of thy floor, H3342 and out of thy winepress: H3068 of that which the LORD H430 thy God H1288 [H8765] hath blessed H5414 [H8799] thee thou shalt give to him.
  15 H2142 [H8804] And thou shalt remember H5650 that thou wast a slave H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H3068 and the LORD H430 thy God H6299 [H8799] ransomed H6680 [H8764] thee: therefore I command H1697 thee this thing H3117 this day.
  16 H559 [H8799] And it shall be, if he shall say H3318 [H8799] to thee, I will not leave H157 [H8804] thee; because he loveth H1004 thee and thy house, H2895 [H8804] because he is well with thee;
  17 H3947 [H8804] Then thou shalt take H4836 an awl, H5414 [H8804] and thrust H241 it through his ear H1817 into the door, H5650 and he shall be thy servant H5769 to the age. H519 And also to thy maidservant H6213 [H8799] thou shalt do likewise.
  18 H7185 [H8799] It shall not seem hard H5869 to thee, H7971 [H8763] when thou sendest him away H2670 free H4932 from thee; for he hath been of double H7939 the worth H7916 of a hired servant H5647 [H8804] to thee, in serving H8337 thee six H8141 years: H3068 and the LORD H430 thy God H1288 [H8765] shall bless H6213 [H8799] thee in all that thou doest.
  19 H1060 All the firstling H2145 males H3205 [H8735] that come H1241 of thy herd H6629 and of thy flock H6942 [H8686] thou shalt sanctify H3068 to the LORD H430 thy God: H5647 [H8799] thou shalt do no work H1060 with the firstling H7794 of thy herd, H1494 [H8799] nor shear H1060 the firstling H6629 of thy flock.
  20 H398 [H8799] Thou shalt eat H6440 it at the face of H3068 the LORD H430 thy God H8141 year H8141 by year H4725 in the place H3068 which the LORD H977 [H8799] shall choose, H1004 thou and thy household.
  21 H3971 And if there is any blemish H6455 in it, as if it is lame, H5787 or blind, H7451 or hath any ill H3971 blemish, H2076 [H8799] thou shalt not sacrifice H3068 it to the LORD H430 thy God.
  22 H398 [H8799] Thou shalt eat H8179 it within thy gates: H2931 the unclean H2889 and the clean H3162 person shall eat it alike, H6643 as the roebuck, H354 and as the hart.
  23 H398 [H8799] Only thou shalt not eat H1818 its blood; H8210 [H8799] thou shalt pour H776 it upon the earth H4325 as water.
Vulgate(i) 1 septimo anno facies remissionem 2 quae hoc ordine celebrabitur cui debetur aliquid ab amico vel proximo ac fratre suo repetere non poterit quia annus remissionis est Domini 3 a peregrino et advena exiges civem et propinquum repetendi non habes potestatem 4 et omnino indigens et mendicus non erit inter vos ut benedicat tibi Dominus in terra quam traditurus est tibi in possessionem 5 si tamen audieris vocem Domini Dei tui et custodieris universa quae iussit et quae ego hodie praecipio tibi benedicet tibi ut pollicitus est 6 fenerabis gentibus multis et ipse a nullo accipies mutuum dominaberis nationibus plurimis et tui nemo dominabitur 7 si unus de fratribus tuis qui morantur intra portas civitatis tuae in terra quam Dominus Deus tuus daturus est tibi ad paupertatem venerit non obdurabis cor tuum nec contrahes manum 8 sed aperies eam pauperi et dabis mutuum quod eum indigere perspexeris 9 cave ne forte subripiat tibi impia cogitatio et dicas in corde tuo adpropinquat septimus annus remissionis et avertas oculos a paupere fratre tuo nolens ei quod postulat mutuum commodare ne clamet contra te ad Dominum et fiat tibi in peccatum 10 sed dabis ei nec ages quippiam callide in eius necessitatibus sublevandis ut benedicat tibi Dominus Deus tuus in omni tempore et in cunctis ad quae manum miseris 11 non deerunt pauperes in terra habitationis tuae idcirco ego praecipio tibi ut aperias manum fratri tuo egeno et pauperi qui tecum versatur in terra 12 cum tibi venditus fuerit frater tuus hebraeus aut hebraea et sex annis servierit tibi in septimo anno dimittes eum liberum 13 et quem libertate donaveris nequaquam vacuum abire patieris 14 sed dabis viaticum de gregibus et de area et torculari tuo quibus Dominus Deus tuus benedixerit tibi 15 memento quod et ipse servieris in terra Aegypti et liberaverit te Dominus Deus tuus et idcirco ego nunc praecipiam tibi 16 sin autem dixerit nolo egredi eo quod diligat te et domum tuam et bene sibi apud te esse sentiat 17 adsumes subulam et perforabis aurem eius in ianua domus tuae et serviet tibi usque in aeternum ancillae quoque similiter facies 18 non avertes ab eis oculos tuos quando dimiseris eos liberos quoniam iuxta mercedem mercennarii per sex annos servivit tibi ut benedicat tibi Dominus Deus tuus in cunctis operibus quae agis 19 de primogenitis quae nascuntur in armentis et ovibus tuis quicquid sexus est masculini sanctificabis Domino Deo tuo non operaberis in primogenito bovis et non tondebis primogenita ovium 20 in conspectu Domini Dei tui comedes ea per annos singulos in loco quem elegerit Dominus tu et domus tua 21 sin autem habuerit maculam et vel claudum fuerit vel caecum aut in aliqua parte deforme vel debile non immolabitur Domino Deo tuo 22 sed intra portas urbis tuae comedes illud tam mundus quam inmundus similiter vescentur eis quasi caprea et cervo 23 hoc solum observabis ut sanguinem eorum non comedas sed effundas in terram quasi aquam
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 Septimo anno facies remissionem, 2 quæ hoc ordine celebrabitur. Cui debetur aliquid ab amico vel proximo ac fratre suo, repetere non poterit, quia annus remissionis est Domini. 3 A peregrino et advena exiges: civem et propinquum repetendi non habebis potestatem. 4 Et omnino indigens et mendicus non erit inter vos: ut benedicat tibi Dominus Deus tuus in terra, quam traditurus est tibi in possessionem. 5 Si tamen audieris vocem Domini Dei tui, et custodieris universa quæ jussit, et quæ ego hodie præcipio tibi, benedicet tibi, ut pollicitus est. 6 Fœnerabis gentibus multis, et ipse a nullo accipies mutuum. Dominaberis nationibus plurimis, et tui nemo dominabitur. 7 Si unus de fratribus tuis, qui morantur intra portas civitatis tuæ in terra quam Dominus Deus tuus daturus est tibi, ad paupertatem venerit, non obdurabis cor tuum, nec contrahes manum, 8 sed aperies eam pauperi, et dabis mutuum, quo eum indigere perspexeris. 9 Cave ne forte subrepat tibi impia cogitatio, et dicas in corde tuo: Appropinquat septimus annus remissionis: et avertas oculos tuos a paupere fratre tuo, nolens ei quod postulat mutuum commodare: ne clamet contra te ad Dominum, et fiat tibi in peccatum. 10 Sed dabis ei: nec ages quippiam callide in ejus necessitatibus sublevandis, ut benedicat tibi Dominus Deus tuus in omni tempore, et in cunctis ad quæ manum miseris. 11 Non deerunt pauperes in terra habitationis tuæ: idcirco ego præcipio tibi, ut aperias manum fratri tuo egeno et pauperi, qui tecum versatur in terra. 12 Cum tibi venditus fuerit frater tuus Hebræus aut Hebræa, et sex annis servierit tibi, in septimo anno dimittes eum liberum: 13 et quem libertate donaveris, nequaquam vacuum abire patieris: 14 sed dabis viaticum de gregibus, et de area, et torculari tuo, quibus Dominus Deus tuus benedixerit tibi. 15 Memento quod et ipse servieris in terra Ægypti, et liberaverit te Dominus Deus tuus, et idcirco ego nunc præcipio tibi. 16 Sin autem dixerit: Nolo egredi: eo quod diligat te, et domum tuam, et bene sibi apud te esse sentiat: 17 assumes subulam, et perforabis aurem ejus in janua domus tuæ, et serviet tibi usque in æternum. Ancillæ quoque similiter facies. 18 Non avertas ab eis oculos tuos, quando dimiseris eos liberos, quoniam juxta mercedem mercenarii per sex annos servivit tibi: ut benedicat tibi Dominus Deus tuus in cunctis operibus quæ agis. 19 De primogenitis, quæ nascuntur in armentis, et in ovibus tuis, quidquid est sexus masculini, sanctificabis Domino Deo tuo. Non operaberis in primogenito bovis, et non tondebis primogenita ovium. 20 In conspectu Domini Dei tui comedes ea per annos singulos in loco quem elegerit Dominus, tu et domus tua. 21 Sin autem habuerit maculam, vel claudum fuerit, vel cæcum, aut in aliqua parte deforme vel debile, non immolabitur Domino Deo tuo: 22 sed intra portas urbis tuæ comedes illud: tam mundus quam immundus similiter vescentur eis, quasi caprea et cervo. 23 Hoc solum observabis, ut sanguinem eorum non comedas, sed effundes in terram quasi aquam.
Wycliffe(i) 1 In the seuenthe yeer thou schalt make remyssioun, 2 that schal be fillid bi this ordre. To whom ony thing is `dettid, ethir owid of his freend, ether neiybore, and brother, he schal not mowe axe, for it is the yeer of remyssioun of the Lord. 3 Thou schalt axe of a pilgrym and comelyng; thou hast not power to axe of a citeseyn and neiybore; 4 and outerli a nedi man and begger schal not be among you, that thi Lord God blesse thee, in the lond which he schal yyue to thee in to the possessioun. 5 If netheles thou schalt here the vois of thi Lord God, and schalt kepe alle thingis whiche he comaundide, and whiche Y comaunde to dai to thee, he schal blesse thee, as he bihiyte. 6 Thou schalt leene to many folkis, and thou schalt not take borewyng of ony man; thou schalt be lord of ful many naciouns, and no man schal be lord of thee. 7 If oon of thi britheren that dwellen with ynne the yatis of thi citee, in the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, cometh to pouert, thou schalt not make hard thin herte, nether thou schalt `drawe to gydere the hond, 8 but thou schalt opene it to the pore man, and thou schalt `yyue loone to which thou siest hym haue nede. 9 Be thou war lest perauenture wickid thouyt crepe priueli to thee, and thou seie in thin herte, The seuenthe yeer of remyssioun neiyeth; and thou turne awey the iyen fro thi pore brother, and thou nyle yyue to hym the loone that he axith; lest he crie ayens thee to the Lord, and it be maad to thee in to synne. 10 But thou schalt yyue to hym, and thou schalt `not do ony thing falsly in releuynge `hise nedis, that thi Lord God blesse thee in al tyme, and in alle thingis to whiche thou schalt sette to hond. 11 Pore men schulen not faile in the lond of `thin habitacioun; therfor Y comaunde to thee, that thou opene the hond to thi brother nedi and pore, that lyuen with thee in the lond. 12 Whanne thi brothir an Ebrew man, ethir an Ebrew womman, is seeld to thee, and hath serued thee sixe yeer, in the seuenthe yeer thou schalt delyuere hym fre. 13 And thou schalt not suffre hym go awey voide, to whom thou hast yyue fredom; 14 but thou schalt yyue lijflode in the weye, of flockis, and of cornfloor, and of thi pressour, in whiche thi Lord God hath blessid thee. 15 Haue thou mynde that also thou seruedist in the lond of Egipt, and thi Lord God delyurede thee, `ether made thee free, and therfor Y comaunde now to thee. 16 Forsothe if `the seruaunt seith, Y nyle go out, for he loueth thee, and thin hows, and feelith that it is wel to hym at thee, thou schalt take `a nal, 17 and thou schalt peerse his eere in the yate of thin hous, and he schal serue thee til in to the world, `that is til to the iubilee, ethir fiftithe yeer; also thou schalt do in lijk maner to the handmayde. 18 Thou schalt not turne awei fro hem thin iyen, whanne thou schalt delyure hem fre, for bi the hire of an hirid man thei serueden thee bi sixe yeer; that thi Lord God blesse thee, in alle the werkis whiche thou doist. 19 Of the first gendrid thingis that ben borun in thi droues, and scheep, what euer is of male kynde, thou schalt halewe to thi Lord God. Thou schalt not worche in the firste gendrid thing `of oxe, and thou schalt not clippe the firste gendrid thinges of scheep. 20 Thou schalt ete tho bi alle yeeris in the siyt of thi Lord God, thou, and thin hows, in the place `which the Lord chees. 21 Sotheli if it hath a wem, ethir is crokid, ethir is blynd, ethir is foul, ethir feble in ony part, it schal not be offrid to thi Lord God; 22 but thou schalt ete it with ynne the yatis of thi citee, bothe a cleene man and vncleene schulen ete tho in lijk maner, as a capret and an hert. 23 Onely thou schalt kepe this, that thou ete not the blood of tho, but schede out as watir in to erthe.
Tyndale(i) 1 At the ende of seuen yere thou shalt make a fre yere. 2 And this is the maner off the fre yere, whosoever lendeth ought with his hande vnto his neyghboure, maye not axe agayne that which he hath lent, of his neyghboure or of his brother: because it is called the lordes fre yere, 3 yet of a straunger thou maist call it home agayne. But that which thou hast with thy brother thyne hande shall remytt, 4 and that in any wyse, that there be no begger amonge you. For the Lorde shall blesse the lande whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the, an heritaunce to possesse it: 5 so that thou herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to obserue ad doo all these commaundmentes which I commaunde you this daye: 6 ye and then the Lorde thy God shall blesse the as he hath promysed the, and thou shalt lende vnto many nacyons, and shalt borowe of no man, and shalt raygne ouer many nacyons, but none shal reygne ouer the. 7 When one of thi brethern amonge you is waxed poore in any of thi cities within thi lode which the Lorde thi God geueth the, se that thou harden not thine hert nor shetto thyne hande from thi poore brother: 8 But open thyne hande vnto him and lende him sufficient for his nede which he hath. 9 And beware that there be not a poynte of Belial in thine hert, that thou woldest saye. The seuenth yere, the yere of fredome is at honde, and therfore it greue the to loke on thy poore brother and geuest him nought and he then crye vnto the Lorde agenst the and it be synne vnto the: 10 But geue him, and let it not greue thine hert to geue. Because that for that thinge, the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in all thi workes and in all that thou puttest thine hande to. 11 For the londe shall neuer be without poore. Wherfore I comaunde the sayenge: open thine hande vnto thi brother that is neady ad poore in thy lande. 12 Yf thi brother an Hebrue sell him self to the or an Hebruas, he shall serue the syxe yere and the seuenth yere thou shalt lett him go fre from the. 13 And when thou sendest hym out fre from the, thou shalt not let him goo awaye emptye: 14 but shalt geue him of thy shepe and of thi corne and of thy wyne, and geue him off that where with the Lorde thi God hath blessed the. 15 And remembre that thou wast a seruaunte in the londe of Egipte, and the Lorde thi God delyuered the thence: wherfore I commaunde the this thinge to daye. 16 But and yf he saye vnto the, I will not goo awaye from the, because he loueth the and thine housse and is well at ease with the. 17 Then take a naule and nayle his eare too the doore there with ad let him be thi seruaunte foreuer and vnto thi mayde seruaunte thou shalt doo likewise. 18 And let it not greue thine eyes to lett him goo out from the, for he hath bene worthe a double hired seruaunte to the in his seruyce .vi. yeres. And the Lorde thi God shall blesse the in all that thou doest. 19 All the firstborne that come of thine oxen and of thi shepe that are males, thou shalt halowe vnto the Lorde thi God. Thou shalt do no seruyce with the firstborne of thi shepe: 20 but shalt eate the before the Lord thi God yere by yere in the place which the Lorde hath chosen both thou and thine houssholde. 21 Yf there be any deformyte there in, whether it be lame or blinde or what soeuer euell fauerednesse it hath, thou shalt not offer it vnto the Lorde thi God: 22 But shalt eate it in thyne awne citie, the vncleane and the cleane indifferently, as the roo and the hert. 23 Only eate not the bloude there of, but poure it vppon the grounde as water.
Coverdale(i) 1 In the seueth yeare shalt thou make a Fre yeare. This is ye maner of the Fre yeare. 2 Who so euer ledeth oughte with his hande vnto his neghboure, shal not requyre it of his neghboure or his brother: for it is called the Fre yeare vnto the LORDE. 3 Of a strauger mayest thou requyre it: but vnto him that is thy brother, shalt thou remytte it. 4 There shall be no begger amoge you: for the LORDE shal blesse ye in the lode which the LORDE yi God shal geue ye to inheritaunce to take it in possession, 5 onely yt thou herke vnto the voyce of the LORDE yi God, & kepe all these comaundemetes which I comaunde the this daye, 6 that thou maiest do therafter. For the LORDE yi God shal blesse the, as he hath promysed the. The shalt thou lende vnto many nacions, & shalt borowe of noman. Thou shalt raigne ouer many nacions, & noman shal reigne ouer ye. 7 Whan one of thy brethre is waxed poore in eny cite within thy londe, which ye LORDE yi God shal geue ye, thou shalt not harden thine hert, ner withdrawe thine hande from thy poore brother: 8 but shalt open thine hande vnto him, and lende him, acordinge as he hath nede. 9 Bewarre, that there be not a poynte of Belial in thine hert, that thou woldest saye: The seuenth yeare, the yeare of Fredome is at honde. For yf thou lokest not fredly vpo thy poore brother, and geuest him nothinge then shall he crye ouer the vnto the LORDE, and it shall be synne vnto the: 10 But thou shalt geue him, and let it not greue thine hert that thou geuest him. For because of it, shall the LORDE thy God blesse the in all thy workes, and in all that thou puttest thine hande vnto. 11 The londe shal neuer be without poore, therfore commaunde I the and saye, that thou open thine hande vnto thy brother, which is neady and poore in thy londe. 12 Yf thy brother an Hebrue or Hebruesse be solde vnto the, he shal serue the sixe yeare, in the seuenth yeare shalt thou let him go Fre. 13 And wha thou deliuerest him fre, thou shalt not let him go from the emptye, 14 but shalt geue him of thy shepe, of thy corne, and of yi wyne, so that thou geue him of that, which the LORDE thy God hath blessed the withall. 15 And remembre that thou also wast a seruaunte in the lode of Egipte, and how that the LORDE thy God delyuered the, therfore commaunde I the this thinge to daye. 16 But yf he saye vnto the: I wyll not go out awaye from the, for I loue ye and thine house (in so moch as he is well at ease with the) 17 then take a botkyn, and bore him thorow his eare to the dore, and let him be thy seruaunt for euer. And with thy mayde shalt thou do likewyse. 18 And let it not seme greuous vnto the, to let him go fre from the (for he hath serued the sixe yeares as a dubble hyred seruaunt) then shall the LORDE thy God blesse the in all that thou doest. 19 All the first borne that come of thine oxen and shepe, yt are males, shalt thou halowe vnto the LORDE thy God. Thou shalt not plowe with the firstborne of thine oxe, and shalt not clyppe the firstborne of thy shepe: 20 Before the LORDE thy God shalt thou eate the euery yeare, in the place that the LORDE choseth, thou and thine housholde. 21 But yf it haue a deformyte, so that it is lame or blynde, or hath eny other euell blemysh, thou shalt not offre it vnto ye LORDE thy God, 22 but shalt eate it within thine awne gates) whether thou be vncleane or cleane) euen as the Roo and Hert. 23 Onely se that thou eate not of the bloude therof, but poure it out as water vpon the grounde.
MSTC(i) 1 At the end of seven years thou shalt make a free year. 2 And this is the manner of the free year: whosoever lendeth ought with his hand unto his neighbour, may not ask again that which he hath lent, of his neighbour or of his brother: because it is called the LORD's free year, 3 yet of a stranger thou mayest call it home again. But that which thou hast with thy brother thine hand shall remit, 4 and that in any wise, that there be no beggar among you. For the LORD shall bless the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, an inheritance, to possess it: 5 so that thou hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and do all these commandments which I command you this day. 6 Yea, and then the LORD thy God shall bless thee as he hath promised thee, and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and shalt borrow of no man, and shalt reign over many nations, but none shall reign over thee. 7 When one of thy brethren among you is waxed poor in any of thy cities within thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, see that thou harden not thine heart nor shut to thine hand from thy poor brother: 8 But open thine hand unto him and lend him sufficient for his need which he hath. 9 And beware that there be not a point of Belial in thine heart, that thou wouldest say, 'The seventh year, the year of freedom is at hand,' and therefore it grieve thee to look on thy poor brother and givest him nought and he then cry unto the LORD against thee and it be sin unto thee. 10 But give him, and let it not grieve thine heart to give. Because that for that thing, the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works and in all that thou puttest thine hand to. 11 For the land shall never be without poor. Wherefore I command thee, saying, 'Open thine hand unto thy brother that is needy and poor in thy land.' 12 If thy brother, an Hebrew, sell himself to thee, or an Hebrewess, he shall serve thee six years and the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty: 14 but shalt give him of thy sheep and of thy corn and of thy wine, and give him of that wherewith the LORD thy God hath blessed thee. 15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God delivered thee thence: wherefore I command thee this thing today. 16 But and if he say unto thee, 'I will not go away from thee,' because he loveth thee and thine house and is well at ease with thee: 17 Then take an awl and nail his ear to the door therewith and let him be thy servant forever, and unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise. 18 And let it not grieve thine eyes to let him go out from thee, for he hath been worth a double hired servant to thee in his service six years. And the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 All the firstborn that come of thine oxen and of thy sheep that are males, thou shalt hallow unto the LORD thy God. Thou shalt do no service with the firstborn of thy sheep: 20 but shalt eat them before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the LORD hath chosen, both thou and thine household. 21 If there be any deformity therein, whether it be lame or blind or whatsoever evil favouredness it hath, thou shalt not offer it unto the LORD thy God: 22 But shalt eat it in thine own city, the unclean and the clean indifferently, as the roe and the hart. 23 Only eat not the blood thereof, but pour it upon the ground as water.
Matthew(i) 1 At the end of seuen yere thou shalt make a fre yere. And thys is the maner of the fre yere, 2 whosoeuer lendeth ought wt hys hand vnto hys neyghbour, may not aske agayne that whyche he hath lent, of hys neyghbour or of his brother: bicause it was called the lords fre yer 3 yet of a straunger thou maiste call it home agayne. But that which thou hast with thy brother thyne hand shal remit, & that in any wyse, 4 that there be no begger amonge you. For the Lord shall blesse the land which the Lord thy God geueth the, an enheritaunce to possesse it: 5 so that thou herken vnto the voice of the Lord thy God, to obserue & do al these commaundementes which I commaund you this day: 6 yea, & then the Lord thy God shal blesse the as he hath promised the, and thou shalt lend vnto many nations, and shalte borowe of no man, and shalt raygne ouer many nations, but none shall raygne ouer the. 7 When one of thy brethren among you is waxed poore in any of thy cityes within thy land whych the Lord thy God geueth the, se that thou harden not thyne hert nor shet to thine hand from thy poore brother: 8 But open thyne hand vnto him & lende hym suffitiente for hys nede whych he hath. 9 And beware that there be not a poynt of Belial in thine hert, that thou wouldest say. The seuenth yere, the yere of fredome is at hand, & therfore it greues the to loke on thy poore brother and geuest hym nought & he then cry vnto the Lord againste the, and it be synne vnto the: 10 But giue him & let it not greue thine herte to giue. Bycause that for that thinge, the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in all thy workes & in all that thou puttest thyne hand to. 11 For the land shall neuer be wythout pore. Wherfore I commaund the saying: open thine hand vnto thy brother that is neady and pore in thy land. 12 If thy brother an Hebrue sel him self to the or an Hebruesse, he shal serue the syxe yere & the seuenth yere thou shalt let him go fre from the. 13 And when thou sendest hym out fre from the, thou shalt not let him go away emptye: 14 but shalt giue him of thy shepe & of thi corne and of thy wine, and giue him of that wherwith the Lord thy God hath blessed the. 15 And remembre that thou waste a seruaunt in the lande of Egypte, and the Lord thy God delyuered the thence: wherfore I commaunde the thys thyng to daye. 16 But and if he saye vnto the, I wyl not go awaye from the, bicause he loueth the & thyne house & is well at ease with the. 17 Then take a naule and nayle hys eare to the dore therewith & let hym be thy seruaunte for euer and vnto thy my mayde seruaunte thou shalte do likewise. 18 And let him not greue thine eyes to let him go out from the, for he hath bene worth a double hired seruaunte to the in his seruice .vi. yeres. And the Lord thy God shall blesse the in al that thou doest. 19 Al the first borne that come of thine oxen & of thy shepe that are males, thou shalt halowe vnto the lord thy God. Thou shalt do no seruice wyth the fyrst borne of thy shepe: 20 but shalt eat them before the Lorde thy God yere by yere in the place which the Lord hath chosen both thou & thine housholde. 21 If there be any deformitie therin, whether it be lame or blynde, or whatsoeuer euyll fauerdenesse it hath, thou shalt not offer it vnto the Lorde thy God: 22 But shalt eat it in thine own cytye the vncleane & the cleane indifferently, as the roo and the herte. 23 Onelye eate not the bloud therof, but purge it vpon the grounde as water.
Great(i) 1 In the seuenth yeare thou shalt make a fredome. And this is the maner of the fredom 2 whosoeuer lendeth ought wyth hys hande vnto his neyghboure, maye not aske againe (that whych he hath lent) of hys neyghboure or of his brother: because it is called the Lordes fre yeare: 3 yet of a straunger thou mayst call it home agayne. But he that is thy brother, him shall thyne hande remytt, 4 Neuertheles there shall be no begger amonge you. For the Lord shall blesse the in the lande, whych the Lorde thy God geueth the, an enheritaunce to possesse it: 5 so that thou herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to obserue and do all these commaundmentes, which I commaunde the this daye. 6 For the Lorde thy God hath blessed the as he hath promysed the, and thou shalt lende vnto many nacyons, but thou thy selfe shalt not borowe: And thou shalt raygne ouer many nacions, and they shall not raygne ouer the. 7 Yf one of thy brethren amonge you be poore wythin any of thy gates in thy lande which the Lorde thy God geueth the, thou shalt not harden thine hert, nor shut to thyne hande from thy poore brother: 8 But open thyne hande vnto him, & lende hym sufficient for his nede, which he hath. 9 Beware, that there be not a wycked poynte in thine hert, that thou woldest saye: The seuenth yeare, the yeare of fredome is at hande, and therfore it greueth the to loke on thy poore brother, and geuest him naught & he then crye vnto the Lord against the, and it be synne vnto the: 10 But geue him, and let it not greue thyne hert to geue vnto him. Because that for thys thynge, the Lord thy God shall blesse the in all thy workes, & in all that thou puttest thyne hande to. 11 The lande shall neuer be wtout poore: And therfore I commaunde the sayinge: Thou shalt open thyne hande vnto thy brother that is neady and poore in thy lande. 12 If thy brother an Hebrue sell hym selfe to the, or an Hebruesse, & serue the sixe yeare, in the seuenth yeare thou shalt let hym go fre from the. 13 And when thou sendest him out fre from the, thou shalt not let hym go awaye emptye: 14 but shalt geue hym of thy shepe, of thy corne, and of thy wyne, and geue hym of that, wher wt the Lorde thy God hath blessed the. 15 And remembre, that thou wast a seruante in the lande of Egypte, and the Lorde thy God delyuered the thence: and therfore I commaunde the thys thynge to daye. 16 And yf he saye vnto the I wyll not go awaye from the, because he loueth the & thyne house, and is well at ease with the: 17 Then shalt thou take an aule, and nayle his eare to the doore therwith, & let hym be thy seruaunte for euer: And vnto thy mayde seruaunte thou shalt do lyke wise. 18 And let it not greue thyne eye, whan thou lettest him go out fre from the, for he hath bene worth a double hyred seruaunte to the in hys seruice syxe yeres, And the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in all that thou doest. 19 All the fyrst gendred that come of thyne oxen, and of thy shepe that are males, thou shalt halowe vnto the Lord thy God. Thou shalt do no worke with the fyrst gendred of thyne oxen, ner shere the fyrst gendred of thy shepe: 20 Thou shalt eate it before the Lord thy God yeare by yeare, in the place whych the Lorde hath chosen, both thou and thyne housholde. 21 If there be any deformyte therin, as yf it be lame, or blynde, or haue any other euell fauorednesse, thou shalt not offer it vnto the Lord thy God: 22 But shalt eate it within thyne awne gates, the vncleane and the cleane indifferently, as the roo & the hert. 23 Only eate not the bloude therof, but poure it vpon the grounde as water.
Geneva(i) 1 At the terme of seuen yeeres thou shalt make a freedome. 2 And this is the maner of the freedome: euery creditour shall quite ye lone of his hand which he hath lent to his neighbour: he shall not aske it againe of his neighbour, nor of his brother: for the yeere of the Lords freedome is proclaimed. 3 Of a stranger thou mayest require it: but that which thou hast with thy brother, thine hand shall remit: 4 Saue when there shall be no poore with thee: for the Lord shall blesse thee in the land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee, for an inheritance to possesse it: 5 So that thou hearken vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God to obserue and doe all these commandements, which I commande thee this day. 6 For the Lord thy God hath blessed thee, as he hath promised thee: and thou shalt lend vnto many nations, but thou thy selfe shalt not borow, and thou shalt reigne ouer many nations, and they shall not reigne ouer thee. 7 If one of thy brethren with thee be poore within any of thy gates in thy land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poore brother: 8 But thou shalt open thine hand vnto him, and shalt lend him sufficient for his neede which he hath. 9 Beware that there be not a wicked thought in thine heart, to say, The seuenth yeere, the yeere of freedome is at hand: therefore it grieueth thee to looke on thy poore brother, and thou giuest him nought, and he crie vnto the Lord against thee, so that sinne be in thee: 10 Thou shalt giue him, and let it not grieue thine heart to giue vnto him: for because of this the Lord thy God shall blesse thee in al thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand to. 11 Because there shall be euer some poore in the land, therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand vnto thy brother, to thy needie, and to thy poore in thy land. 12 If thy brother an Ebrewe sell himselfe to thee, or an Ebrewesse, and serue thee sixe yeere, euen in the seuenth yeere thou shalt let him goe free from thee: 13 And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him goe away emptie, 14 But shalt giue him a liberall reward of thy sheepe, and of thy corne, and of thy wine: thou shalt giue him of that wherewith the Lord thy God hath blessed thee. 15 And remember that thou wast a seruant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God deliuered thee: therefore I command thee this thing to day. 16 And if he say vnto thee, I will not go away from thee, because he loueth thee and thine house, and because he is well with thee, 17 Then shalt thou take a naule, and perce his eare through against the doore, and he shall be thy seruant for euer: and vnto thy maid seruant thou shall doe likewise. 18 Let it not grieue thee, when thou lettest him goe out free from thee: for he hath serued thee sixe yeeres, which is the double worth of an hired seruant: and the Lord thy God shall blesse thee in all that thou doest. 19 All the first borne males that come of thy cattell, and of thy sheepe, thou shalt sanctifie vnto the Lord thy God. Thou shalt do no worke with thy first borne bullocke, nor sheare thy first borne sheepe. 20 Thou shalt eate it before the Lord thy God yeere by yeere, in the place which the Lord shall chose, both thou, and thine household. 21 But if there be any blemish therein, as if it be lame, or blind, or haue any euill fault, thou shalt not offer it vnto the Lord thy God, 22 But shalt eate it within thy gates: the vncleane, and the cleane shall eate it alike, as the roe bucke, and as the hart. 23 Onely thou shalt not eate the blood thereof, but powre it vpon the ground as water.
Bishops(i) 1 At the terme of seuen yeres, thou shalt make a freedome 2 And this is the maner of the freedome: Who so euer lendeth ought with his hande vnto his neighbour, may not aske agayne (that which he hath lent) of his neighbour or of his brother, because it is called the Lordes free yere 3 Yet of a straunger thou mayst call it home agayne: but he that is thy brother, hym shall thine hande remit 4 Neuerthelesse, there shalbe no begger among you: for the Lorde shall blesse thee in the lande which the Lorde thy God geueth thee for an inheritaunce 5 So that thou hearken vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God, to obserue and do all these commaundementes which I commaunde thee this day 6 For the Lorde thy God hath blessed thee, as he hath promised thee, and thou shalt lende vnto many nations, but thou thy selfe shalt not borowe: And thou shalt raigne ouer many nations, and they shall not raigne ouer thee 7 If one of thy brethren among you be poore within any of thy gates in thy lande which the Lorde thy God geueth thee: thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut to thine hande from thy poore brother 8 But thou shalt open thine hande vnto hym, and lende hym sufficient for his neede which he hath 9 Beware that there be not a wicked thought in thine heart, that thou wouldest say, the seuenth yere, the yere of freedome is at hande: and therfore it greeueth thee to loke on thy poore brother, and geuest hym naught, and he then crye vnto the Lorde agaynst thee, and it be sinne vnto thee 10 Thou shalt geue hym, and let it not greeue thine heart to geue vnto hym: Because that for this thyng the Lorde thy God shall blesse thee in all thy workes, and in all that thou puttest thine hande to 11 The lande shall neuer be without poore: and therfore I comaunde thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hande vnto thy brother that is needy & poore in thy lande 12 If thy brother an Hebrue sell hym selfe to thee, or an Hebrue woman, and serue thee sixe yeres, in the seuenth yere thou shalt let hym go free from thee 13 And when thou sendest hym out free from thee, thou shalt not let hym go away emptie 14 But shalt geue hym of thy sheepe, of thy corne, and of thy wine, and geue hym of that wherwith the Lorde thy God hath blessed thee 15 And remember that thou wast a seruaunt in the lande of Egypt, and the Lorde thy God deliuered thee thence: and therfore I commaunde thee this thyng to day 16 And if he say vnto thee, I wyll not go away from thee: because he loueth thee and thine house, and is well at ease with thee 17 Then shalt thou take an aule, & nayle his eare to the doore therwith, and let hym be thy seruaunt for euer: And vnto thy mayde seruaunt thou shalt do likewise 18 And let it not greeue thine eye, when thou lettest him go out free fro thee, for he hath ben worth a double hired seruaunt to thee in his seruice sixe yeres: And the Lord thy God shall blesse thee in all that thou doest 19 All the first males that come of thy cattell and of thy sheepe, thou shalt halowe vnto the Lorde thy God: Thou shalt do no worke with the first borne bullocke, nor sheare the first gendred of thy sheepe 20 Thou shalt eate it before the Lorde thy God yere by yere, in the place which the Lorde shall choose, both thou and thy housholde 21 If there be any blemishe therin: as if it be lame, or blynde, or haue any other euyll fauourednesse, thou shalt not offer it vnto the Lorde thy God 22 But shalt eate it within thine owne gates, the vncleane and cleane person shal eate it alike, as the Roe & the Hart 23 Only eate not the blood therof: but powre it vpon the grounde as water
DouayRheims(i) 1 In the seventh year thou shalt make a remission, 2 Which shall be celebrated in this order. He to whom any thing is owing from his friend or neighbour or brother, cannot demand it again, because it is the year of remission of the Lord. 3 Of the foreigner or stranger thou mayst exact it: of thy countryman and neighbour thou shalt not have power to demand it again. 4 And there shall be no poor nor beggar among you: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in the land which he will give thee in possession. 5 Yet so if thou hear the voice of the Lord thy God, and keep all things that he hath ordained, and which I command thee this day, he will bless thee, as he hath promised. 6 Thou shalt lend to many nations, and thou shalt borrow of no man. Thou shalt have dominion over very many nations, and no one shall have dominion over thee. 7 If one of thy brethren that dewlleth within thy gates of thy city in the land which the Lord thy God will give thee, come to poverty: thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor close thy hand, 8 But shalt open it to the poor man, thou shalt lend him, that which thou perceivest he hath need of. 9 Beware lest perhaps a wicked thought steal in upon thee, and thou say in thy heart: The seventh year of remission draweth nigh; and thou turn away thy eyes from thy poor brother, denying to lend him that which he asketh: lest he cry against thee to the Lord, and it become a sin unto thee. 10 But thou shalt give to him: neither shalt thou do any thing craftily in relieving his necessities: that the Lord thy God may bless thee at all times, and in all things to which thou shalt put thy hand. 11 There will not be wanting poor in the land of thy habitation: therefore I command thee to open thy hand to thy needy and poor brother, that liveth in the land. 12 When thy brother a Hebrew man, or Hebrew woman is sold to thee, and hath served thee six years, in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free: 13 And when thou sendest him out free, thou shalt not let him go away empty: 14 But shall give him for his way out of thy flocks, and out of thy barnfloor, and thy winepress, wherewith the Lord thy God shall bless thee. 15 Remember that thou also wast a bondservant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God made thee free, and therefore I now command thee this. 16 But if he say: I will not depart: because he loveth thee, and thy house, and findeth that he is well with thee: 17 Thou shalt take an awl, and bore through his ear in the door of thy house, and he shall serve thee for ever: thou shalt do in like manner to thy womanservant also. 18 Turn not away thy eyes from them when thou makest them free: because he hath served thee six years according to the wages of a hireling: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the works that thou dost. 19 Of the firstlings, that come of thy herds and thy sheep, thou shalt sanctify to the Lord thy God whatsoever is of the male sex. Thou shalt not work with the firstling of a bullock, and thou shalt not shear the firstlings of thy sheep. 20 In the sight of the Lord thy God shalt thou eat them every year, in the place that the Lord shall choose, thou and thy house. 21 But if it have a blemish, or be lame, or blind, or in any part disfigured or feeble, it shall not be sacrificed to the Lord thy God. 22 But thou shalt eat it within the gates of thy city: the clean and the unclean shall eat them alike, as the roe and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt take heed not to eat their blood, but pour it out on the earth as water.
KJV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbor shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD's release. 3 Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release; 4 Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it: 5 Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day. 6 For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. 7 If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother: 8 But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth. 9 Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. 12 And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty: 14 Thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy winepress: of that wherewith the LORD thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee this thing to day. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee; because he loveth thee and thine house, because he is well with thee; 17 Then thou shalt take an awl, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever. And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto thee, when thou sendest him away free from thee; for he hath been worth a double hired servant to thee, in serving thee six years: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 All the firstling males that come of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God: thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thy bullock, nor shear the firstling of thy sheep. 20 Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. 21 And if there be any blemish therein, as if it be lame, or blind, or have any ill blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the LORD thy God. 22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck, and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof; thou shalt pour it upon the ground as water.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD's release. 3 Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release; 4 Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it: 5 Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day. 6 For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. 7 If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother: 8 But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth. 9 Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. 12 And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty: 14 Thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy winepress: of that wherewith the LORD thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee this thing to day. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee; because he loveth thee and thine house, because he is well with thee; 17 Then thou shalt take an aul, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever. And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto thee, when thou sendest him away free from thee; for he hath been worth a double hired servant to thee, in serving thee six years: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 All the firstling males that come of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God: thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thy bullock, nor shear the firstling of thy sheep. 20 Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. 21 And if there be any blemish therein, as if it be lame, or blind, or have any ill blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the LORD thy God. 22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck, and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof; thou shalt pour it upon the ground as water.
  1 H7093 At the end H7651 of every seven H8141 years H6213 thou shalt make [H8799]   H8059 a release.
  2 H1697 And this is the manner H8059 of the release H1167 : Every creditor H4874   H3027   H5383 that lendeth [H8686]   H7453 ought unto his neighbour H8058 shall release [H8800]   H5065 it; he shall not exact [H8799]   H7453 it of his neighbour H251 , or of his brother H7121 ; because it is called [H8804]   H3068 the LORD'S H8059 release.
  3 H5237 Of a foreigner H5065 thou mayest exact [H8799]   H251 it again : but that which is thine with thy brother H3027 thine hand H8058 shall release [H8686]  ;
  4 H657 Save H34 when there shall be no poor H3068 among you; for the LORD H1288 shall greatly [H8763]   H1288 bless [H8762]   H776 thee in the land H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H5414 giveth [H8802]   H5159 thee for an inheritance H3423 to possess [H8800]   it:
  5 H8085 Only if thou carefully [H8800]   H8085 hearken [H8799]   H6963 unto the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God H8104 , to observe [H8800]   H6213 to do [H8800]   H4687 all these commandments H6680 which I command [H8764]   H3117 thee this day.
  6 H3068 For the LORD H430 thy God H1288 blesseth [H8765]   H1696 thee, as he promised [H8765]   H5670 thee: and thou shalt lend [H8689]   H7227 unto many H1471 nations H5670 , but thou shalt not borrow [H8799]   H4910 ; and thou shalt reign [H8804]   H7227 over many H1471 nations H4910 , but they shall not reign [H8799]   over thee.
  7 H34 If there be among you a poor man H259 of one H251 of thy brethren H259 within any H8179 of thy gates H776 in thy land H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H5414 giveth [H8802]   H553 thee, thou shalt not harden [H8762]   H3824 thine heart H7092 , nor shut [H8799]   H3027 thine hand H34 from thy poor H251 brother:
  8 H6605 But thou shalt open [H8799]   H3027 thine hand H6605 wide [H8800]   H5670 unto him, and shalt surely [H8687]   H5670 lend [H8686]   H1767 him sufficient H4270 for his need H2637 , in that which he wanteth [H8799]  .
  9 H8104 Beware [H8734]   H1697 that there be not a thought H1100 in thy wicked H3824 heart H559 , saying [H8800]   H7651 , The seventh H8141 year H8141 , the year H8059 of release H7126 , is at hand [H8804]   H5869 ; and thine eye H7489 be evil [H8804]   H34 against thy poor H251 brother H5414 , and thou givest [H8799]   H7121 him nought; and he cry [H8804]   H3068 unto the LORD H2399 against thee, and it be sin unto thee.
  10 H5414 Thou shalt surely [H8800]   H5414 give [H8799]   H3824 him, and thine heart H3415 shall not be grieved [H8799]   H5414 when thou givest [H8800]   H1558 unto him: because H1697 that for this thing H3068 the LORD H430 thy God H1288 shall bless [H8762]   H4639 thee in all thy works H4916 , and in all that thou puttest H3027 thine hand unto.
  11 H34 For the poor H2308 shall never cease [H8799]   H7130 out of H776 the land H6680 : therefore I command [H8764]   H559 thee, saying [H8800]   H6605 , Thou shalt open [H8799]   H3027 thine hand H6605 wide [H8800]   H251 unto thy brother H6041 , to thy poor H34 , and to thy needy H776 , in thy land.
  12 H251 And if thy brother H5680 , an Hebrew man H5680 , or an Hebrew woman H4376 , be sold [H8735]   H5647 unto thee, and serve [H8804]   H8337 thee six H8141 years H7637 ; then in the seventh H8141 year H7971 thou shalt let him go [H8762]   H2670 free from thee.
  13 H7971 And when thou sendest [H8762]   H2670 him out free H7971 from thee, thou shalt not let him go away [H8762]   H7387 empty:
  14 H6059 Thou shalt furnish [H8686]   H6059 him liberally [H8687]   H6629 out of thy flock H1637 , and out of thy floor H3342 , and out of thy winepress H3068 : of that wherewith the LORD H430 thy God H1288 hath blessed [H8765]   H5414 thee thou shalt give [H8799]   unto him.
  15 H2142 And thou shalt remember [H8804]   H5650 that thou wast a bondman H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt H3068 , and the LORD H430 thy God H6299 redeemed [H8799]   H6680 thee: therefore I command [H8764]   H1697 thee this thing H3117 to day.
  16 H559 And it shall be, if he say [H8799]   H3318 unto thee, I will not go away [H8799]   H157 from thee; because he loveth [H8804]   H1004 thee and thine house H2895 , because he is well [H8804]   with thee;
  17 H3947 Then thou shalt take [H8804]   H4836 an aul H5414 , and thrust [H8804]   H241 it through his ear H1817 unto the door H5650 , and he shall be thy servant H5769 for ever H519 . And also unto thy maidservant H6213 thou shalt do [H8799]   likewise.
  18 H7185 It shall not seem hard [H8799]   H5869 unto thee H7971 , when thou sendest him away [H8763]   H2670 free H7939 from thee; for he hath been worth H4932 a double H7916 hired servant H5647 to thee, in serving [H8804]   H8337 thee six H8141 years H3068 : and the LORD H430 thy God H1288 shall bless [H8765]   H6213 thee in all that thou doest [H8799]  .
  19 H1060 All the firstling H2145 males H3205 that come [H8735]   H1241 of thy herd H6629 and of thy flock H6942 thou shalt sanctify [H8686]   H3068 unto the LORD H430 thy God H5647 : thou shalt do no work [H8799]   H1060 with the firstling H7794 of thy bullock H1494 , nor shear [H8799]   H1060 the firstling H6629 of thy sheep.
  20 H398 Thou shalt eat [H8799]   H6440 it before H3068 the LORD H430 thy God H8141 year H8141 by year H4725 in the place H3068 which the LORD H977 shall choose [H8799]   H1004 , thou and thy household.
  21 H3971 And if there be any blemish H6455 therein, as if it be lame H5787 , or blind H7451 , or have any ill H3971 blemish H2076 , thou shalt not sacrifice [H8799]   H3068 it unto the LORD H430 thy God.
  22 H398 Thou shalt eat [H8799]   H8179 it within thy gates H2931 : the unclean H2889 and the clean H3162 person shall eat it alike H6643 , as the roebuck H354 , and as the hart.
  23 H398 Only thou shalt not eat [H8799]   H1818 the blood H8210 thereof; thou shalt pour [H8799]   H776 it upon the ground H4325 as water.
Thomson(i) 1 Every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the ordinance touching this release. Thou shalt remit every private debt which thy neighbour oweth thee, and shalt not demand it of thy brother; for the release for the Lord thy God is proclaimed. 3 Of a stranger thou mayst demand what may be due to thee from him; but to a brother thou shalt make a release of what he oweth thee, 4 because among you there is to be none in want; because the Lord thy God will, with blessing, bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, that you may possess it, 5 if you will but hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, to keep, and perform, all these commandments which I this day command you. 6 Because the Lord thy God hath blessed thee in the manner he promised thee, therefore thou shalt lend to many nations and shalt not borrow, and thou shalt rule over many nations, and they shall not rule over thee. 7 If then there chance to be among you a needy person; one of thy brethren, in one of thy cities in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy brother who is in want. 8 Thou shalt open thy hands liberally to him, and lend him what he is in want of, according to his necessity. 9 Take heed to thyself that there be not a lurking thought in thy heart; a wicked suggestion, saying, The seventh year, the year of remission is near at hand. When thou shalt look with an evil eye at thy brother who is in want, and not give him, he will cry to the Lord against thee, and it will be a great sin in thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and lend him freely, what he is in want of, according to his necessity. And thou shalt not be grieved at heart when thou givest to him; for on this account the Lord thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all the labours of thy hands. 11 Because thy land may never be without some indigent person in it, therefore I give thee a charge to do this thing, saying, Thou shalt open thy hands liberally to thy brother who is in want, and to the needy in thy land. 12 And if thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, be sold to thee, he shall serve thee six years; and on the seventh thou shalt send him away from thee, free. 13 And when thou shalt send him away free from thee, thou shalt not send him away empty. 14 Thou shalt furnish him liberally with provision for the journey, from thy flock and from thy corn, and thy wine. According as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee, thou shalt give him; 15 and remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that thence the Lord thy God redeemed thee; therefore I command thee to do this thing. 16 And if he shall say to thee, I will not go away from thee, because he hath loved thee, and thy family, and is well with thee; 17 then thou shalt take an awl, and bore his ear against the door, and he shall be thy servant forever. And in the same manner thou shalt treat thy maid servant. 18 It shall not seem hard to thee that they are let go free from thee; for they have saved thee the wages of an hireling. He hath served thee six years. When the Lord thy God hath blessed thee in all thou doest, 19 every firstling of thy herds, and thy flocks, even all the males, thou shalt dedicate to the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not work a firstling bull, nor shear the firstlings of thy flock. 20 Thou shalt eat them before the Lord, year after year, in the place which the Lord thy God shall chuse, thou and thy household. 21 But if any hath a blemish in it; if it be lame, or blind, or any way blemished, thou shalt not sacrifice it to the Lord thy God. 22 In thy cities thou mayst eat it: the unclean with thee as well as the clean may eat it, like the roebuck or deer. 23 But the blood you shall not eat. Thou shalt pour out that on the ground, like water.
Webster(i) 1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth aught to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD'S release. 3 Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine with thy brother thy hand shall release: 4 Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it: 5 Only if thou shalt carefully hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day. 6 For the LORD thy God shall bless thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend to many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. 7 If there shall be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD the God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy poor brother: 8 But thou shalt open thy hand wide to him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth. 9 Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thy eye shall be evil against thy poor brother, and thou shalt give him naught; and he shall cry to the LORD against thee, and it shall be sin to thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thy heart shall not be grieved when thou givest to him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thy hand to. 11 For the poor shall never cease from the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thy hand wide to thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. 12 And if thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, shall be sold to thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him depart empty: 14 Thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy wine-press: of that with which the LORD thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give to him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bond-man in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee this thing this day. 16 And it shall be, if he shall say to thee, I will not leave thee; because he loveth thee and thy house, because he is well with thee; 17 Then thou shalt take an awl, and thrust it through his ear into the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever. And also to thy maid-servant thou shalt do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard to thee, when thou sendest him away free from thee; for he hath been of double the worth of a hired servant to thee, in serving thee six years: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 All the firstling males that come of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify to the LORD thy God: thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thy bullock, nor shear the firstling of thy sheep. 20 Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. 21 And if there is any blemish in it, as if it is lame, or blind, or hath any ill blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it to the LORD thy God. 22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck, and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt not eat its blood; thou shalt pour it upon the ground as water.
  1 H7093 At the end H7651 of every seven H8141 years H6213 [H8799] thou shalt make H8059 a release.
  2 H1697 And this is the manner H8059 of the release H1167 H4874 H3027 : Every creditor H5383 [H8686] that lendeth H7453 any thing to his neighbour H8058 [H8800] shall release H5065 [H8799] it; he shall not exact H7453 it of his neighbour H251 , or of his brother H7121 [H8804] ; because it is called H3068 the LORD'S H8059 release.
  3 H5237 Of a foreigner H5065 [H8799] thou mayest exact H251 it again: but that which is thine with thy brother H3027 thy hand H8058 [H8686] shall release;
  4 H657 Except H34 when there shall be no poor H3068 among you; for the LORD H1288 [H8763] shall greatly H1288 [H8762] bless H776 thee in the land H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H5414 [H8802] giveth H5159 thee for an inheritance H3423 [H8800] to possess it:
  5 H8085 [H8800] Only if thou shalt carefully H8085 [H8799] hearken H6963 to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God H8104 [H8800] , to observe H6213 [H8800] to do H4687 all these commandments H6680 [H8764] which I command H3117 thee this day.
  6 H3068 For the LORD H430 thy God H1288 [H8765] shall bless H1696 [H8765] thee, as he promised H5670 [H8689] thee: and thou shalt lend H7227 to many H1471 nations H5670 [H8799] , but thou shalt not borrow H4910 [H8804] ; and thou shalt reign H7227 over many H1471 nations H4910 [H8799] , but they shall not reign over thee.
  7 H34 If there shall be among you a poor man H259 of one H251 of thy brethren H259 within any H8179 of thy gates H776 in thy land H3068 which the LORD H430 the God H5414 [H8802] giveth H553 [H8762] thee, thou shalt not harden H3824 thy heart H7092 [H8799] , nor shut H3027 thy hand H34 from thy poor H251 brother:
  8 H6605 [H8799] But thou shalt open H3027 thy hand H6605 [H8800] wide H5670 [H8687] to him, and shalt surely H5670 [H8686] lend H1767 him sufficient H4270 for his need H2637 [H8799] , in that which he lacketh.
  9 H8104 [H8734] Beware H1697 that there be not a thought H1100 in thy wicked H3824 heart H559 [H8800] , saying H7651 , The seventh H8141 year H8141 , the year H8059 of release H7126 [H8804] , is at hand H5869 ; and thy eye H7489 [H8804] shall be evil H34 against thy poor H251 brother H5414 [H8799] , and thou shalt give H7121 [H8804] him nothing; and he shall cry H3068 to the LORD H2399 against thee, and it shall be sin to thee.
  10 H5414 [H8800] Thou shalt surely H5414 [H8799] give H3824 him, and thy heart H3415 [H8799] shall not be grieved H5414 [H8800] when thou givest H1558 to him: because H1697 that for this thing H3068 the LORD H430 thy God H1288 [H8762] shall bless H4639 thee in all thy works H4916 , and in all that thou puttest H3027 thy hand to.
  11 H34 For the poor H2308 [H8799] shall never cease H7130 from H776 the land H6680 [H8764] : therefore I command H559 [H8800] thee, saying H6605 [H8799] , Thou shalt open H3027 thy hand H6605 [H8800] wide H251 to thy brother H6041 , to thy poor H34 , and to thy needy H776 , in thy land.
  12 H251 And if thy brother H5680 , an Hebrew man H5680 , or an Hebrew woman H4376 [H8735] , shall be sold H5647 [H8804] to thee, and serve H8337 thee six H8141 years H7637 ; then in the seventh H8141 year H7971 [H8762] thou shalt let him go H2670 free from thee.
  13 H7971 [H8762] And when thou sendest H2670 him out free H7971 [H8762] from thee, thou shalt not let him depart H7387 empty:
  14 H6059 [H8686] Thou shalt furnish H6059 [H8687] him liberally H6629 out of thy flock H1637 , and out of thy floor H3342 , and out of thy winepress H3068 : of that which the LORD H430 thy God H1288 [H8765] hath blessed H5414 [H8799] thee thou shalt give to him.
  15 H2142 [H8804] And thou shalt remember H5650 that thou wast a slave H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt H3068 , and the LORD H430 thy God H6299 [H8799] redeemed H6680 [H8764] thee: therefore I command H1697 thee this thing H3117 this day.
  16 H559 [H8799] And it shall be, if he shall say H3318 [H8799] to thee, I will not leave H157 [H8804] thee; because he loveth H1004 thee and thy house H2895 [H8804] , because he is well with thee;
  17 H3947 [H8804] Then thou shalt take H4836 an awl H5414 [H8804] , and thrust H241 it through his ear H1817 into the door H5650 , and he shall be thy servant H5769 for ever H519 . And also to thy maidservant H6213 [H8799] thou shalt do likewise.
  18 H7185 [H8799] It shall not seem hard H5869 to thee H7971 [H8763] , when thou sendest him away H2670 free H4932 from thee; for he hath been of double H7939 the worth H7916 of a hired servant H5647 [H8804] to thee, in serving H8337 thee six H8141 years H3068 : and the LORD H430 thy God H1288 [H8765] shall bless H6213 [H8799] thee in all that thou doest.
  19 H1060 All the firstling H2145 males H3205 [H8735] that come H1241 of thy herd H6629 and of thy flock H6942 [H8686] thou shalt sanctify H3068 to the LORD H430 thy God H5647 [H8799] : thou shalt do no work H1060 with the firstling H7794 of thy herd H1494 [H8799] , nor shear H1060 the firstling H6629 of thy flock.
  20 H398 [H8799] Thou shalt eat H6440 it before H3068 the LORD H430 thy God H8141 year H8141 by year H4725 in the place H3068 which the LORD H977 [H8799] shall choose H1004 , thou and thy household.
  21 H3971 And if there is any blemish H6455 in it, as if it is lame H5787 , or blind H7451 , or hath any ill H3971 blemish H2076 [H8799] , thou shalt not sacrifice H3068 it to the LORD H430 thy God.
  22 H398 [H8799] Thou shalt eat H8179 it within thy gates H2931 : the unclean H2889 and the clean H3162 person shall eat it alike H6643 , as the roebuck H354 , and as the hart.
  23 H398 [H8799] Only thou shalt not eat H1818 its blood H8210 [H8799] ; thou shalt pour H776 it upon the ground H4325 as water.
Brenton(i) 1 Every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the ordinance of the release: thou shalt remit every private debt which thy neighbour owes thee, and thou shalt not ask payment of it from thy brother; for it has been called a release to the Lord thy God. 3 Of a stranger thou shalt ask again whatsoever he has of thine, but to thy brother thou shalt remit his debt to thee. 4 For thus there shall not be a poor person in the midst of thee, for the Lord thy God will surely bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God gives thee by inheritance, that thou shouldest inherit it. 5 And if ye shall indeed hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, to keep and do all these commandments, as many as I charge thee this day, 6 (for the Lord thy God has blessed thee in the way of which he spoke to thee,) then thou shalt lend to many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over thee. 7 And if there shall be in the midst of thee a poor man of thy brethren in one of thy cities in the land, which the Lord thy God gives thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, neither shalt thou by any means close up thine hand from thy brother who is in want. 8 Thou shalt surely open thine hands to him, and shalt lend to him as much as he wants according to his need. 9 Take heed to thyself that there be not a secret thing in thine heart, an iniquity, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, draws nigh; and thine eye shall be evil to thy brother that is in want, and thou shalt not give to him, and he shall cry against thee to the Lord, and there shall be great sin in thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give to him, and thou shalt lend him as much as he wants, according as he is in need; and thou shalt not grudge in thine heart as thou givest to him, because on this account the Lord thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all things on which thou shalt lay thine hand. 11 For the poor shall not fail off thy land, therefore I charge thee to do this thing, saying, Thou shalt surely open thine hands to thy poor brother, and to him that is distressed upon thy land. 12 And if thy brother or sister, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, be sold to thee, he shall serve thee six years, and in the seventh year thou shalt send him out free from thee. 13 And when thou shalt send him out free from thee, thou shalt not send him out empty. 14 Thou shalt give him provision for the way from thy flock, and from thy corn, and from thy wine; as the Lord thy God has blessed thee, thou shalt give to him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God redeemed thee from thence; therefore I charge thee to do this thing. 16 And if he should say to thee, I will not go out from thee, because he continues to love thee and thy house, because he is well with thee; 17 then thou shalt take an awl, and bore his ear through to the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever; and in like manner shalt thou do to thy maid-servant. 18 It shall not seem hard to thee when they are sent out free from thee, because thy servant has served thee six years according to the annual hire of a hireling; so the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all things whatsoever thou mayest do. 19 Every first-born that shall be born among thy kine and thy sheep, thou shalt sanctify the males to the Lord thy God; thou shalt not work with thy first-born calf, and thou shalt not shear the first-born of thy sheep. 20 Thou shalt eat it before the Lord year by year in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, thou and thy house. 21 And if there be in it a blemish, if it be lame or blind, an evil blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it to the Lord thy God. 22 Thou shalt eat it in thy cities; the unclean in thee and the clean shall eat it in like manner, as the doe or the stag. 23 Only ye shall not eat the blood; thou shalt pour it out on the earth as water.
Brenton_Greek(i) 1 Διʼ ἑπτὰ ἐτῶν ποιήσεις ἄφεσιν. 2 Καὶ οὕτω τὸ πρόσταγμα τῆς ἀφέσεως· ἀφήσεις πᾶν χρέος ἴδιον, ὃ ὀφείλει σοι ὁ πλησίον, καὶ τὸν ἀδελφόν σου οὐκ ἀπαιτήσεις· ἐπικέκληται γὰρ ἄφεσις Κυρίῳ τῷ Θεῷ σου. 3 Τὸν ἀλλότριον ἀπαιτήσεις ὅσα ἐὰν ᾖ σοι παρʼ αὐτῷ, τῷ δὲ ἀδελφῷ σου ἄφεσιν ποιήσεις τοῦ χρέους σου. 4 Ὅτι οὐκ ἔσται ἐν σοὶ ἐνδεὴς, ὅτι εὐλογῶν εὐλογήσει σε Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου ἐν τῇ γῇ, ᾗ Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου δίδωσί σοι ἐν κλήρῳ κατακληρονομεῖν σε αὐτήν.
5 Ἐὰν δὲ ἀκοῇ εἰσακούσητε τῆς φωνῆς Κυρίου τοῦ Θεοῦ ὑμῶν φυλάσσειν καὶ ποιεῖν πάσας τὰς ἐντολὰς ταύτας, ὅσας ἐγὼ ἐντέλλομαί σοι σήμερον, 6 ὅτι Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου εὐλόγησέ σε ὃν τρόπον ἐλάλησέ σοι· καὶ δανειεῖς ἔθνεσι πολλοῖς, σὺ δὲ οὐ δανειῇ· καὶ ἄρξεις ἐθνῶν πολλῶν, σοῦ δὲ οὐκ ἄρξουσιν.
7 Ἐὰν δὲ γένηται ἐν σοὶ ἐνδεὴς ἐκ τῶν ἀδελφῶν σου ἐν μιᾷ τῶν πόλεών σου ἐν τῇ γῇ, ᾗ Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου δίδωσί σοι, οὐκ ἀποστέρξεις τὴν καρδίαν σου, οὐδʼ οὐ μὴ συσφίγξῃς τὴν χεῖρά σου ἀπὸ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ σου τοῦ ἐπιδεομένου. 8 Ἀνοίγων ἀνοίξεις τὰς χεῖράς σου αὐτῷ, καὶ δάνειον δανειεῖς αὐτῷ ὅσον ἐπιδέεται, καθότι ἐνδεεῖται. 9 Πρόσεχε σεαυτῷ μὴ γένηται ῥῆμα κρυπτὸν ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ σου ἀνόμημα, λέγων, Ἐγγίζει τὸ ἔτος τὸ ἕβδομον, ἔτος τῆς ἀφέσεως, καὶ πονηρεύσηται ὁ ὀφθαλμός σου τῷ ἀδελφῷ σου τῷ ἐπιδεομένῳ, καὶ οὐ δώσεις αὐτῷ, καὶ καταβοήσεται κατὰ σοῦ πρὸς Κύριον, καὶ ἔσται ἐν σοὶ ἁμαρτία μεγάλη. 10 Διδοὺς δώσεις αὐτῷ, καὶ δάνειον δανειεῖς αὐτῷ ὅσον ἐπιδέεται, καθότι ἐνδεεῖται· καὶ οὐ λυπηθήσῃ τῇ καρδίᾳ σου διδόντος σου αὐτῷ, ὅτι διά τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο εὐλογήσει σε Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς ἔργοις, καὶ ἐν πᾶσιν οὗ ἂν ἐπιβάλῃς τὴν χεῖρά σου. 11 Οὐ γὰρ μὴ ἐκλίπῃ ἐνδεὴς ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς σου· διὰ τοῦτο ἐγώ σοι ἐντέλλομαι ποιεῖν τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο, λέγων, ἀνοίγων ἀνοίξεις τὰς χεῖράς σου τῷ ἀδελφῷ σου τῷ πένητι καὶ τῷ ἐπιδεομένῳ τῷ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς σου.
12 Ἐὰν δὲ πραθῇ σοι ὁ ἀδελφός σου ὁ Ἑβραῖος ἢ Ἑβραία, δουλεύσει σοι ἓξ ἔτη, καὶ τῷ ἑβδόμῳ ἐξαποστελεῖς αὐτὸν ἐλεύθερον ἀπὸ σοῦ. 13 Ὅταν δὲ ἐξαποστέλλῃς αὐτὸν ἐλεύθερον ἀπὸ σοῦ, οὐκ ἐξαποστελεῖς αὐτὸν κενόν. 14 Ἐφόδιον ἐφοδιάσεις αὐτὸν ἀπὸ τῶν προβάτων σου, καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ σίτου σου, καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ οἴνου σου· καθὰ εὐλόγησέ σε Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου, δώσεις αὐτῷ.
15 Καὶ μνησθήσῃ ὅτι οἰκέτης ἦσθα ἐν γῇ Αἰγύπτου, καὶ ἐλυτρώσατό σε Κύριος ὁ Θεὸς σου ἐκεῖθεν· διὰ τοῦτο ἐγώ σοι ἐντέλλομαι ποιεῖν τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο. 16 Ἐὰν δὲ λέγῃ πρὸς σὲ, οὐκ ἐξελεύσομαι ἀπὸ σοῦ, ὅτι ἠγάπηκέ σε καὶ τὴν οἰκίαν σου, ὅτι εὖ ἐστιν αὐτῷ παρὰ σοί. 17 Καὶ λήψῃ τὸ ὀπήτιον, καὶ τρυπήσεις τὸ ὠτίον αὐτοῦ πρὸς τὴν θύραν, καὶ ἔσται σοι οἰκέτης εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα· καὶ τὴν παιδίσκην σου ὡσαύτως ποιήσεις. 18 Οὐ σκληρὸν ἔσται ἐναντίον σου ἐξαποστελλομένων αὐτῶν ἐλευθέρων ἀπὸ σοῦ, ὅτι ἐπέτειον μισθὸν τοῦ μισθωτοῦ ἐδούλευσέ σοι ἓξ ἔτη· καὶ εὐλογήσει σε Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου ἐν πᾶσιν, οἷς ἐὰν ποιῇς.
19 Πᾶν πρωτότοκον, ὃ ἐὰν τεχθῇ ἐν ταῖς βουσί σου, καὶ ἐν τοῖς προβάτοις σου, τὰ ἀρσενικά, ἁγιάσεις Κυρίῳ τῷ Θεῷ σου· οὐκ ἐργᾷ ἐν τῷ πρωτοτόκῳ μόσχῳ σου, καὶ οὐ μὴ κείρῃς τὰ πρωτότοκα τῶν προβάτων σου. 20 Ἔναντι Κυρίου φαγῇ αὐτὸ ἐνιαυτὸν ἐξ ἐνιαυτοῦ ἐν τῷ τόπῳ ᾧ ἐὰν ἐκλέξηται Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου, σὺ καὶ ὁ οἶκός σου. 21 Ἐὰν δὲ ᾖ ἐν αὐτῷ μῶμος, χωλὸν ἢ τυφλὸν, μῶμον πονηρὸν, οὐ θύσεις αὐτὸ Κυρίῳ τῷ Θεῷ σου.
22 Ἐν ταῖς πόλεσί σου φαγῇ αὐτό· ὁ ἀκάθαρτος ἐν σοὶ, καὶ ὁ καθαρὸς ὡσαύτως ἔδεται ὡς δορκάδα ἢ ἔλαφον. 23 Πλὴν αἷμα οὐ φάγεσθε· ἐπὶ τὴν γῆν ἐκχεεῖς αὐτὸ ὡς ὕδωρ.
Leeser(i) 1 At the end of every seven years shalt thou make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor shall release the loan which he hath lent to his neighbor; he shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother; because the release year in honor of the Lord hath been proclaimed. 3 Of a foreigner thou mayest exact payment; but that which is thine with thy brother shall thy hand release. 4 Although indeed there should be no needy man among thee; for the Lord will greatly bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it: 5 Yet only if thou wilt carefully hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all this commandment which I command thee this day. 6 For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he hath spoken unto thee; and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over many nations, but over thee shall they not rule. 7 If there be among thee a needy man, any one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee: thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy needy brother. 8 But thou shalt open wide thy hand unto him, and thou shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, which his want requireth. 9 Beware that there be not a wicked thought in thy heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thy eye be thus evil against thy needy brother, so that thou wouldst give him nought; and if he cry concerning thee unto the Lord, it will be sin in thee: 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thy heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him; for because of this thing the Lord thy God will bless thee in all thy work, and in all the acquisition of thy hand. 11 For the needy will not cease out of the land; therefore do I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open wide thy hand unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. 12 If thy brother, the Hebrew, or a Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, he shall serve thee six years; and in the seventh year shalt thou let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou lettest him go out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty: 14 Thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flocks, and out of thy threshing-floor, and out of thy wine-press; wherewith the Lord thy God hath blessed thee, that shalt thou give unto him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou hast been a bond-man in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy God hath redeemed thee; therefore do I command thee this thing today. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee; because he loveth thee and thy house, because he is well with thee: 17 Then shalt thou take an awl, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be unto thee a servant for ever; and also unto thy maid-servant shalt thou do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto thee, when thou sendest him away free from thee, that for double the wages of a hired laborer hath he served thee six years; and the Lord thy God will bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 All the first-born males that come of thy herds and of thy flocks shalt thou sanctify unto the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work with the first-born of thy bullock, and not shear the first-born of thy sheep. 20 Before the Lord thy God shalt thou eat it year by year, in the place which the Lord will choose, thou with thy household. 21 And if there be any blemish thereon, if it be lame, or blind, or have any other ill blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the Lord thy God. 22 Within thy gates shalt thou eat it, the unclean and the clean together, as the roebuck, and as the hart. 23 Only the blood thereof shalt thou not eat: upon the ground shalt thou pour it out as water.
YLT(i) 1 `At the end of seven years thou dost make a release, 2 and this is the matter of the release: Every owner of a loan is to release his hand which he doth lift up against his neighbour, he doth not exact of his neighbour and of his brother, but hath proclaimed a release to Jehovah; 3 of the stranger thou mayest exact, and that which is thine with thy brother doth thy hand release; 4 only when there is no needy one with thee, for Jehovah doth greatly bless thee in the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee—an inheritance to possess it. 5 `Only, if thou dost diligently hearken to the voice of Jehovah thy God, to observe to do all this command which I am commanding thee to-day, 6 for Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee as He hath spoken to thee; and thou hast lent to many nations, and thou hast not borrowed; and thou hast ruled over many nations, and over thee they do not rule. 7 `When there is with thee any needy one of one of thy brethren, in one of thy cities, in thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, thou dost not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy needy brother; 8 for thou dost certainly open thy hand to him, and dost certainly lend him sufficient for his lack which he lacketh. 9 `Take heed to thee lest there be a word in thy heart—worthless, saying, Near is the seventh year, the year of release; and thine eye is evil against thy needy brother, and thou dost not give to him, and he hath called concerning thee unto Jehovah, and it hath been in thee sin; 10 thou dost certainly give to him, and thy heart is not sad in thy giving to him, for because of this thing doth Jehovah thy God bless thee in all thy works, and in every putting forth of thy hand; 11 because the needy one doth not cease out of the land, therefore I am commanding thee, saying, Thou dost certainly open thy hand to thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy one, in thy land.
12 `When thy brother is sold to thee, a Hebrew or a Hebrewess, and he hath served thee six years—then in the seventh year thou dost send him away free from thee. 13 And when thou dost send him away free from thee, thou dost not send him away empty; 14 thou dost certainly encircle him out of thy flock, and out of thy threshing-floor, and out of thy wine-vat; of that which Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee thou dost give to him, 15 and thou hast remembered that a servant thou hast been in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God doth ransom thee; therefore I am commanding thee this thing to-day. 16 `And it hath been, when he saith unto thee, I go not out from thee—because he hath loved thee, and thy house, because it is good for him with thee— 17 then thou hast taken the awl, and hast put it through his ear, and through the door, and he hath been to thee a servant age-during; and also to thy handmaid thou dost do so. 18 `It is not hard in thine eyes, in thy sending him away free from thee; for the double of the hire of an hireling he hath served thee six years, and Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee in all that thou dost.
19 `Every firstling that is born in thy herd and in thy flock—the male thou dost sanctify to Jehovah thy God; thou dost not work with the firstling of thine ox, nor shear the firstling of thy flock; 20 before Jehovah thy God thou dost eat it year by year, in the place which Jehovah doth choose, thou and thy house. 21 `And when there is in it a blemish, lame, or blind, any evil blemish, thou dost not sacrifice it to Jehovah thy God; 22 within thy gates thou dost eat it, the unclean and the clean alike, as the roe, and as the hart. 23 Only, its blood thou dost not eat; on the earth thou dost pour it as water.
JuliaSmith(i) 1 From the end of seven years thou shalt make a remission: 2 And this the word of the remission: Every lord to release the lending of his hand which he shall put upon his friend; he shall not exact his friend and his brother, for a remission was called to Jehovah. 3 Foreigners thou shalt exact of, and what shall be to thee with thy brother thine hand shall remit: 4 Only when no needy shall be with thee; for Jehovah blessing will bless thee in the land which Jehovah thy God gave to thee an inheritance to possess it: 5 Only if hearing, thou shalt hear to the voice of Jehovah thy God, to watch to do all these commands which I command thee this day. 6 For Jehovah thy God blessed thee as he spake to thee: and thou didst lend to many nations, and thou shalt not borrow; and thou didst rule over many nations, and they shall not rule over thee. 7 When the needy shall be among thee, from one of thy brethren, in one of thy gates in thy land which Jehovah thy God gave to thee, thou shalt not harden thy heart, and thou shalt not shut thy hand from thy needy brother. 8 For opening, thou shalt open thy hand to him, and lending, thou shalt lend him a sufficiency for his want which he shall want 9 Watch to thyself lest a word shall be with thy heart, of Belial, saying. The seventh year, the year of remission is drawing near; and thine eye be evil against thy needy brother and thou wilt not give to him; and he call against thee to Jehovah, and it was sin in thee. 10 Giving, thou shalt give to him, and thy heart shall not be evil in thy giving to him; for because of this word Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all the sending forth of thy hand. 11 For the needy shall not cease from the midst of thy land: for this I command thee, saying, Opening, thou shalt open thy hand to thy brother, to thy afflicted and to thy needy in thy land. 12 When thy brother a Hebrew, or Hebrewess, shall be sold to thee, and serving thee six years; in the seventh year thou shalt send him away free from thee. 13 And when thou shalt send him away free from thee, thou shalt not send him away empty. 14 Furnishing, thou shalt furnish to him from thy sheep and from thy threshing floor, and from thy wine vat: with which Jehovah thy God blessed thee thou shalt give to him. 15 And remember that thou wert a servant in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God will redeem thee: for I command thee this word this day. 16 And it was when he shall say to thee, I will not go forth from thee; for he loved thee and thy house, for it was well to him with thee; 17 And take an awl and give it upon his ear, and against the door, and he was to thee for a servant forever. And also to thy maid shalt thou do thus. 18 It shall not be hard in thine eye in thy sending him away free from thee, because for the year of the wages of the hireling he served thee six years: and Jehovah thy God blessed thee in all which thou shalt do. 19 All the first-born that shall be brought forth among thy cattle and among thy sheep, the male thou shalt consecrate to Jehovah thy God: thou shalt not work with the first-born of thy bullock, and thou shalt not shear first-born of thy sheep. 20 Before Jehovah thy God thou shalt eat it year by year, in the place which Jehovah shall choose, thou, and thy house. 21 And when a blemish shall be in it, lame or blind, any evil blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it to Jehovah thy God. 22 In thy gates thou shalt eat it: the unclean and the clean together, as the roe and the stag. 23 Only its blood thou shalt not eat: upon the earth shalt thou pour it as water.
Darby(i) 1 At the end of seven years thou shalt make a release, 2 and this is the manner of the release: Every creditor shall relax his hand from the loan which he hath lent unto his neighbour; he shall not demand it of his neighbour, or of his brother; for a release to Jehovah hath been proclaimed. 3 Of the foreigner thou mayest demand it; but what is thine with thy brother thy hand shall release; 4 save when there shall be no one in need among you; for Jehovah will greatly bless thee in the land that Jehovah thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it, 5 if thou only diligently hearken unto the voice of Jehovah thy God, to take heed to do all this commandment which I command thee this day. 6 For Jehovah thy God will bless thee, as he promised thee; and thou shalt lend on pledge to many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over thee. 7 If there be amongst you a poor man, any one of thy brethren in one of thy gates, in thy land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy brother in need; 8 but thou shalt open thy hand bountifully unto him, and shalt certainly lend him on pledge what is sufficient for his need, [in that] which he lacketh. 9 Beware that there be not a wicked thought in thy heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry against thee to Jehovah, and it be sin in thee. 10 Thou shalt bountifully give unto him, and thy heart shall not be evil-disposed when thou givest unto him; because for this thing Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all the business of thy hand. 11 For the needy shall never cease from within the land; therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thy hand bountifully unto thy brother, to thy poor and to thy needy, in thy land. 12 If thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, have been sold unto thee, he shall serve thee six years, and in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty; 14 thou shalt certainly furnish him from thy sheep, and out of thy floor, and out of thy winepress: of what Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee with shalt thou give unto him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and that Jehovah thy God redeemed thee; therefore I command thee this thing to-day. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee, -- because he loveth thee and thy house, because he is well with thee, -- 17 then thou shalt take an awl, and thrust it through his ear and into the door; and he shall be thy bondman for ever. And also unto thy handmaid thou shalt do likewise. 18 Let it not seem hard unto thee, when thou sendest him away free from thee; for double the worth of a hired servant hath he been to thee, [in] serving thee six years; and Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 Every firstling that is born among thy kine and among thy sheep that is a male, thou shalt hallow to Jehovah thy God: thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thy kine, nor shear the firstling of thy sheep. 20 Thou shalt eat it before Jehovah thy God, year by year, in the place which Jehovah will choose, thou and thy household. 21 But if there be a defect therein, [if it be] lame, or blind, [or have] any evil defect, thou shalt not sacrifice it to Jehovah thy God. 22 In thy gates shalt thou eat it; the unclean and the clean [shall eat it] alike, as the gazelle and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof: thou shalt pour it upon the earth as water.
ERV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release that which he hath lent unto his neighbour; he shall not exact it of his neighbour and his brother; because the LORD’S release hath been proclaimed. 3 Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it: but whatsoever of thine is with thy brother thine hand shall release. 4 Howbeit there shall be no poor with thee; (for the LORD will surely bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it;) 5 if only thou diligently hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all this commandment which I command thee this day. 6 For the LORD thy God will bless thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over thee. 7 If there be with thee a poor man, one of thy brethren, within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother: 8 but thou shalt surely open thine hand unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need [in that] which he wanteth. 9 Beware that there be not a base thought in thine heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou give him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy work, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt surely open thine hand unto thy brother, to thy needy, and to thy poor, in thy land. 12 If thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou lettest him go free from thee, thou shalt not let him go empty: 14 thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy threshing-floor, and out of thy winepress: as the LORD thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee this thing today. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go out from thee; because he loveth thee and thine house, because he is well with thee; 17 then thou shalt take an awl, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever. And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto thee, when thou lettest him go free from thee; for to the double of the hire of an hireling hath he served thee six years: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 All the firstling males that are born of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God: thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thine ox, nor shear the firstling of thy flock. 20 Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. 21 And if it have any blemish, [as if it be] lame or blind, any ill blemish whatsoever, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the LORD thy God. 22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean and the clean [shall eat it] alike, as the gazelle, and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof; thou shalt pour it out upon the ground as water.
ASV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release that which he hath lent unto his neighbor; he shall not exact it of his neighbor and his brother; because Jehovah's release hath been proclaimed. 3 Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it: but whatsoever of thine is with thy brother thy hand shall release. 4 Howbeit there shall be no poor with thee (for Jehovah will surely bless thee in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it), 5 if only thou diligently hearken unto the voice of Jehovah thy God, to observe to do all this commandment which I command thee this day. 6 For Jehovah thy God will bless thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over thee.
7 If there be with thee a poor man, one of thy brethren, within any of thy gates in thy land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy poor brother; 8 but thou shalt surely open thy hand unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need [in that] which he wanteth. 9 Beware that there be not a base thought in thy heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou give him nought; and he cry unto Jehovah against thee, and it be sin unto thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thy heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him; because that for this thing Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all thy work, and in all that thou puttest thy hand unto. 11 For the poor will never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt surely open thy hand unto thy brother, to thy needy, and to thy poor, in thy land.
12 If thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou lettest him go free from thee, thou shalt not let him go empty: 14 thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy threshing-floor, and out of thy winepress; as Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee this thing to-day. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go out from thee, because he loveth thee and thy house, because he is well with thee; 17 then thou shalt take an awl, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever. And also unto thy maid-servant thou shalt do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto thee, when thou lettest him go free from thee; for to the double of the hire of a hireling hath he served thee six years: and Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all that thou doest.
19 All the firstling males that are born of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto Jehovah thy God: thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thy herd, nor shear the firstling of thy flock. 20 Thou shalt eat it before Jehovah thy God year by year in the place which Jehovah shall choose, thou and thy household. 21 And if it have any blemish, [as if it be] lame or blind, any ill blemish whatsoever, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto Jehovah thy God. 22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean and the clean [shall eat it] alike, as the gazelle, and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof; thou shalt pour it out upon the ground as water.
  1 H7093 At the end H7651 of every seven H8141 years H6213 thou shalt make H8059 a release.
  2 H1697 And this is the manner H8059 of the release: H4874 every creditor H8058 shall release H5383 that which he hath lent H7453 unto his neighbor; H5065 he shall not exact H7453 it of his neighbor H251 and his brother; H3068 because Jehovah's H8059 release H7121 hath been proclaimed.
  3 H5237 Of a foreigner H5065 thou mayest exact H251 it: but whatsoever of thine is with thy brother H3027 thy hand H8058 shall release.
  4 H657 Howbeit H34 there shall be no poor H3068 with thee; (for Jehovah H1288 will surely H1288 bless H776 thee in the land H3068 which Jehovah H430 thy God H5414 giveth H5159 thee for an inheritance H3423 to possess it;)
  5 H8085 if only thou diligently H8085 hearken H6963 unto the voice H3068 of Jehovah H430 thy God, H8104 to observe H6213 to do H4687 all this commandment H6680 which I command H3117 thee this day.
  6 H3068 For Jehovah H430 thy God H1288 will bless H1696 thee, as he promised H5670 thee: and thou shalt lend H7227 unto many H1471 nations, H5670 but thou shalt not borrow; H4910 and thou shalt rule H7227 over many H1471 nations, H4910 but they shall not rule over thee.
  7 H34 If there be with thee a poor man, H259 one H251 of thy brethren, H259 within any H8179 of thy gates H776 in thy land H3068 which Jehovah H430 thy God H5414 giveth H553 thee, thou shalt not harden H3824 thy heart, H7092 nor shut H3027 thy hand H34 from thy poor H251 brother;
  8 H6605 but thou shalt surely H6605 open H3027 thy hand H5670 unto him, and shalt surely H5670 lend H1767 him sufficient H4270 for his need H2637 in that which he wanteth.
  9 H8104 Beware H1100 that there be not a base H1697 thought H3824 in thy heart, H559 saying, H7651 The seventh H8141 year, H8141 the year H8059 of release, H7126 is at hand; H5869 and thine eye H7489 be evil H34 against thy poor H251 brother, H5414 and thou give H7121 him nought; and he cry H3068 unto Jehovah H2399 against thee, and it be sin unto thee.
  10 H5414 Thou shalt surely H5414 give H3824 him, and thy heart H3415 shall not be grieved H5414 when thou givest H1558 unto him; because H1697 that for this thing H3068 Jehovah H430 thy God H1288 will bless H4639 thee in all thy work, H4916 and in all that thou puttest H3027 thy hand unto.
  11 H34 For the poor H2308 will never cease H7130 out of H776 the land: H6680 therefore I command H559 thee, saying, H6605 Thou shalt surely H6605 open H3027 thy hand H251 unto thy brother, H34 to thy needy, H6041 and to thy poor, H776 in thy land.
  12 H251 If thy brother, H5680 a Hebrew man, H5680 or a Hebrew woman, H4376 be sold H5647 unto thee, and serve H8337 thee six H8141 years; H7637 then in the seventh H8141 year H7971 thou shalt let him go H2670 free from thee.
  13 H7971 And when thou lettest H2670 him go free H7971 from thee, thou shalt not let him go H7387 empty:
  14 H6059 thou shalt furnish H6059 him liberally H6629 out of thy flock, H1637 and out of thy threshing-floor, H3342 and out of thy winepress; H3068 as Jehovah H430 thy God H1288 hath blessed H5414 thee thou shalt give unto him.
  15 H2142 And thou shalt remember H5650 that thou wast a bondman H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H3068 and Jehovah H430 thy God H6299 redeemed H6680 thee: therefore I command H1697 thee this thing H3117 to-day.
  16 H559 And it shall be, if he say H3318 unto thee, I will not go out H157 from thee; because he loveth H1004 thee and thy house, H2895 because he is well with thee;
  17 H3947 then thou shalt take H4836 an awl, H5414 and thrust H241 it through his ear H1817 unto the door, H5650 and he shall be thy servant H5769 for ever. H519 And also unto thy maid-servant H6213 thou shalt do likewise.
  18 H7185 It shall not seem hard H5869 unto thee, H7971 when thou lettest him go H2670 free H4932 from thee; for to the double H7939 of the hire H7916 of a hireling H5647 hath he served H8337 thee six H8141 years: H3068 and Jehovah H430 thy God H1288 will bless H6213 thee in all that thou doest.
  19 H1060 All the firstling H2145 males H3205 that are born H1241 of thy herd H6629 and of thy flock H6942 thou shalt sanctify H3068 unto Jehovah H430 thy God: H5647 thou shalt do no work H1060 with the firstling H7794 of thy herd, H1494 nor shear H1060 the firstling H6629 of thy flock.
  20 H398 Thou shalt eat H6440 it before H3068 Jehovah H430 thy God H8141 year H8141 by year H4725 in the place H3068 which Jehovah H977 shall choose, H1004 thou and thy household.
  21 H3971 And if it have any blemish, H6455 as if it be lame H5787 or blind, H7451 any ill H3971 blemish H2076 whatsoever, thou shalt not sacrifice H3068 it unto Jehovah H430 thy God.
  22 H398 Thou shalt eat H8179 it within thy gates: H2931 the unclean H2889 and the clean H3162 shall eat it alike, H6643 as the gazelle, H354 and as the hart.
  23 H398 Only thou shalt not eat H1818 the blood H8210 thereof; thou shalt pour H776 it out upon the ground H4325 as water.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release that which he hath lent unto his neighbour; he shall not exact it of his neighbour and his brother; because the LORD'S release hath been proclaimed. 3 Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it; but whatsoever of thine is with thy brother thy hand shall release. 4 Howbeit there shall be no needy among you - for the LORD will surely bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it - 5 if only thou diligently hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all this commandment which I command thee this day. 6 For the LORD thy God will bless thee, as He promised thee; and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over thee. 7 If there be among you a needy man, one of thy brethren, within any of thy gates, in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy needy brother; 8 but thou shalt surely open thy hand unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need in that which he wanteth. 9 Beware that there be not a base thought in thy heart, saying: 'The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand'; and thine eye be evil against thy needy brother, and thou give him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin in thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thy heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him; because that for this thing the LORD thy God will bless thee in all thy work, and in all that thou puttest thy hand unto. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land; therefore I command thee, saying: 'Thou shalt surely open thy hand unto thy poor and needy brother, in thy land.' 12 If thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, he shall serve thee six years; and in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou lettest him go free from thee, thou shalt not let him go empty; 14 thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy threshing-floor, and out of thy winepress; of that wherewith the LORD thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee; therefore I command thee this thing to-day. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto thee: 'I will not go out from thee'; because he loveth thee and thy house, because he fareth well with thee; 17 then thou shalt take an awl, and thrust it through his ear and into the door, and he shall be thy bondman for ever. And also unto thy bondwoman thou shalt do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto thee, when thou lettest him go free from thee; for to the double of the hire of a hireling hath he served thee six years; and the LORD thy God will bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 All the firstling males that are born of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God; thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thine ox, nor shear the firstling of thy flock. 20 Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. 21 And if there be any blemish therein, lameness, or blindness, any ill blemish whatsoever, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the LORD thy God. 22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates; the unclean and the clean may eat it alike, as the gazelle, and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof; thou shalt pour it out upon the ground as water.
Rotherham(i) 1 At the end of seven years, shalt thou make a release. 2 And, this, shall be the manner of the release, Every creditor who lendeth aught to his neighbour, his hand shall release it,––he shall not exact it of his neighbour or his brother, because there hath been proclaimed a release, unto Yahweh. 3 Of a foreigner, thou mayest exact it,––but, what thou hast with thy brother, thy hand shall release; 4 save, when there shall be among you no needy person,––for Yahweh will, indeed bless, thee, in the land which Yahweh thy God is giving unto thee as an inheritance, to possess it: 5 only if thou, do hearken, unto the voice of Yahweh thy God,––to observe to do––all this commandment which I am commanding thee today. 6 When, Yahweh thy God, hath blessed thee, as he spake unto thee, then shalt thou lend unto many nations, but, thou, shalt not borrow, and, thou shalt rule over many nations, but, over thee, shall they not rule. 7 When there cometh to be among you a needy person, any one of thy brethren, within any one of thy gates, in thy land, which Yahweh thy God is giving unto thee, thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy needy brother: 8 but thou shalt, open, thy hand unto him,––and, lend, him, enough to meet the poverty which doth impoverish him. 9 Take thou heed to thyself, lest there be something near thine abandoned heart, saying––Drawing nigh, is the seventh year, the year of release, and so thine eye be, evil, against thy needy brother, and thou give not unto him,––and he cry out against thee, unto Yahweh, and it become in thee, a sin! 10 Thou shalt, give, unto him, and thy heart, shall not be evil, when thou givest unto him,––for, on account of this very thing, will Yahweh thy God bless thee, in all that thou doest, and in all whereunto thou puttest thy hand. 11 For the needy will not cease out of the midst of the land––for this cause, am I commanding thee, saying, Thou shalt, open, thy hand unto thy brother, to thy poor and to thy needy, in thy land.
12 When thy brother, a Hebrew man (or a Hebrew woman) selleth himself unto thee, then shall he serve thee six years,––and, in the seventh year, shalt thou let him go out free, from thee; 13 and, when thou lettest him go out free, from thee, thou shalt not let him go out, empty: 14 thou shalt, richly load, him out of thy flock, and out of thy threshing–floor, and out of thy wine–vat,––of that wherewith Yahweh thy God hath blessed thee, shalt thou give unto him; 15 and thou shalt remember, that, a servant, thou wast, in the land of Egypt, and that Yahweh thy God, redeemed thee,––for this cause, am I commanding thee this thing, today. 16 And it shall be, if he shall say unto thee, I will not go away from thee,––because he loveth thee, and thy household, because he is well off with thee, 17 then shalt thou take an awl, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, so shall he be thy servant all his life. And, unto thine handmaid also, shalt thou do thus. 18 It shall not be hard in thine eyes, when thou lettest him go out free, from thee; for, to the double of the hire of a hireling, hath he served thee, six years,––so will Yahweh thy God bless thee, in all that thou doest.
19 Every firstling that is brought forth in thy herd and in thy flock, that is a male, shalt thou hallow unto Yahweh thy God,––thou shalt not work with a firstling of thine oxen, neither shalt thou shear a firstling of thy flock: 20 before Yahweh thy God, shalt thou eat it, year by year, in the place which Yahweh shall choose,––thou, and thy household. 21 But, when there is in it any blemish, lameness or blindness, any ill blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto Yahweh thy God: 22 within thine own gates, mayest thou eat it,––the unclean [of you] and the clean, alike, as the gazelle and as the hart. 23 Only, the blood thereof, shalt thou not eat,––on the earth, shalt thou pour it out, like water.
CLV(i) 1 At the end of seven years you shall make a release. 2 And this is the term of the release:every possessor is to release the loan of his hand that he lent to his associate. He shall not exact it from his associate or his brother, for Yahweh's release has been proclaimed. 3 From the foreigner you may exact it. Yet that which you came to have from your brother, let your hand release it;" 4 only that there should be no needy among you, for Yahweh shall bless, yea bless you in the land that Yahweh your Elohim is giving to you as an allotment to tenant it. 5 Now if you should hearken, yea hearken to the voice of Yahweh your Elohim so as to observe to obey all this instruction that I am enjoining on you today, 6 then Yahweh your Elohim will bless you, just as He promised to you. And you will cause many nations to give you securities, yet you yourself shall give no securities. You will rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you. 7 In case there should be among you a needy person, one of your brothers within one of your gates in your land that Yahweh your Elohim is giving to you, you shall neither make your heart rigid nor shut your hand from your needy brother. 8 Rather you shall open, yea open your hand to him and let him give security, yea security sufficient for his lack that is lacking to him. 9 Guard yourself lest there should be in your heart the decadent word, saying:The seventh year is near, the year of the release, so that your eye is evil toward your needy brother, and you give him nothing. Then he may call out to Yahweh concerning you, and it will be held as a sin against you. 10 You shall give, yea give to him, and your heart shall not feel bad at your giving to him. For owing to this matter Yahweh your Elohim shall bless you in all your work and in every undertaking of your hand. 11 Since the needy shall not leave off from being within the land, therefore I am instructing you, saying:You shall open, yea open your hand to your brother, to your humble and to your needy in your land. 12 In case your brother should be sold to you, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, who has served you six years, then in the seventh year you shall dismiss him from you free. 13 And when you dismiss him from you free you shall not send him away empty-handed. 14 You shall furnish, yea furnish him some from your flock, from your threshing site and from your wine vat; just as Yahweh your Elohim has blessed you shall you give to him. 15 Remember that you had become a servant in the country of Egypt, and Yahweh your Elohim ransomed you. Therefore I am instructing you to obey this word today. 16 But it may be that he says to you:I shall not go forth from you, since he loves you and your household because it was well for him with you. 17 Then you take an awl and put it through his ear and into the door, and he will come to be your eonian servant; and so you shall do to your maidservant too. 18 It should not seem hard in your eyes when you dismiss him from you free because he was worth double the hire of a hireling when he served you six years. So Yahweh your Elohim will bless you in all that you shall do. 19 All the firstborn males that shall be born in your herd and in your flock you shall sanctify to Yahweh your Elohim. You shall neither serve with the firstborn of your kine nor shall you shear the firstborn of your flock. 20 You shall eat it before Yahweh your Elohim year by year in the place that Yahweh shall choose, you and your household. 21 Yet in case there should be a blemish in it, lame or blind, any bad blemish, you shall not sacrifice it to Yahweh your Elohim. 22 Within your gates you may eat it, the unclean among you and the clean together, as you would of the gazelle and of the stag. 23 But its blood you shall not eat. On the earth shall you pour it out like water.
BBE(i) 1 At the end of every seven years there is to be a general forgiveness of debt. 2 This is how it is to be done: every creditor is to give up his right to whatever he has let his neighbour have; he is not to make his neighbour, his countryman, give it back; because a general forgiveness has been ordered by the Lord. 3 A man of another nation may be forced to make payment of his debt, but if your brother has anything of yours, let it go; 4 But there will be no poor among you; for the Lord will certainly give you his blessing in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for your heritage; 5 If only you give ear to the voice of the Lord your God, and take care to keep all these orders which I give you today. 6 For the Lord your God will give you his blessing as he has said: you will let other nations have the use of your money, but you will not make use of theirs; you will be rulers over a number of nations, but they will not be your rulers. 7 If in any of your towns in the land which the Lord your God is giving you, there is a poor man, one of your countrymen, do not let your heart be hard or your hand shut to him; 8 But let your hand be open to give him the use of whatever he is in need of. 9 And see that there is no evil thought in your heart, moving you to say to yourself, The seventh year, the year of forgiveness is near; and so looking coldly on your poor countryman you give him nothing; and he will make an outcry to the Lord against you, and it will be judged as sin in you. 10 But it is right for you to give to him, without grief of heart: for because of this, the blessing of the Lord your God will be on all your work and on everything to which you put your hand. 11 For there will never be a time when there are no poor in the land; and so I give orders to you, Let your hand be open to your countrymen, to those who are poor and in need in your land. 12 If one of your countrymen, a Hebrew man or woman, becomes your servant for a price and does work for you six years, in the seventh year let him go free. 13 And when you make him free, do not let him go away with nothing in his hands: 14 But give him freely from your flock and from your grain and your wine: in the measure of the wealth which the Lord your God has given you, you are to give to him. 15 And keep in mind that you yourself were a servant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God made you free: so I give you this order today. 16 But if he says to you, I have no desire to go away from you; because you and your family are dear to him and he is happy with you; 17 Then take a sharp-pointed instrument, driving it through his ear into the door, and he will be your servant for ever. And you may do the same for your servant-girl. 18 Let it not seem hard to you that you have to send him away free; for he has been working for you for six years, which is twice the regular time for a servant: and the blessing of the Lord your God will be on you in everything you do. 19 All the first males to come to birth in your herd and your flock are to be holy to the Lord your God: the first birth of your ox is not to be used for work, the wool of your first lamb is not to be cut. 20 But year by year you and all your house are to take a meal of it before the Lord, in the place of his selection. 21 But if it has any mark on it, if it is blind or has damaged legs, or if there is anything wrong with it, it may not be offered to the Lord your God. 22 It may be used for food in your houses: the unclean and the clean may take of it, as of the gazelle and the roe. 23 Only do not take its blood for food, but let it be drained out on the earth like water.
MKJV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you shall make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release. Every man who has a loan to his neighbor shall release it. He shall not exact it from his neighbor, or from his brother, because it is called Jehovah's release. 3 You may exact it from a foreigner, but your hand shall release that which is yours with your brother, 4 except when there shall be no poor among you. For Jehovah shall greatly bless you in the land which Jehovah your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it, 5 only if you carefully listen to the voice of Jehovah your God to be careful to do all these commandments which I command you today. 6 For Jehovah your God blesses you as He promised you. And you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you. 7 If there is among you a poor man of one of your brothers inside any of your gates in your land which Jehovah your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart nor shut your hand from your poor brother. 8 But you shall open your hand wide to him, and shall surely lend him enough for his need, that which he lacks. 9 Beware that there is not a thought in your wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand, and your eye may be evil against your poor brother, and you give him nothing. And he may cry to Jehovah against you, and it is sin to you. 10 You shall surely give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing Jehovah your God shall bless you in all your works, and in all that you put your hand to. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land. Therefore, I command you saying, You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor, and to your needy, in your land. 12 If your brother, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. 13 And when you send him out free from you, you shall not let him go away empty. 14 You shall richly bestow on him from your flock, and from your grain floor, and from your winepress; with what Jehovah your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. 15 And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah your God redeemed you. Therefore I command you this thing today. 16 And if he says to you, I will not go away from you, because he loves you and your house, because it has been good for him with you; 17 then you shall take an awl and put it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. And also to your slave-girl you shall do so. 18 It shall not seem hard to you when you send him away from you free, for he has been worth a double hired servant in serving you six years. And Jehovah your God shall bless you in all that you do. 19 All the first-born males that come from your herd and from your flock, you shall set apart to Jehovah your God. You shall do no work with the first-born of your bull, nor shear the first-born of your sheep. 20 You shall eat before Jehovah your God year by year in the place which Jehovah shall choose, you and your household. 21 And if there is a blemish in it, lame, or blindness, or any ill blemish, you shall not sacrifice it to Jehovah your God. 22 You shall eat it inside your gates. The unclean and the clean shall eat it alike, as the gazelle, and as the hart. 23 Only you shall not eat the blood of it. You shall pour it on the ground like water.
LITV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you shall make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Everyone who has a loan to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbor and his brother, because a release has been proclaimed for Jehovah. 3 You may exact it from a foreigner, but your hand shall release whatever is yours with your brother, 4 only that there shall be no one in need among you. For Jehovah will greatly bless you in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you for an inheritance, to possess it, 5 only if hearing you listen to the voice of Jehovah your God, to take heed to do all this command which I am commanding you today. 6 For Jehovah your God will bless you as He promised you. And you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you. 7 If there is a poor man among you, one of your brothers inside any of your gates in your land which Jehovah your God is giving to you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your needy brother. 8 But you shall surely open your hand to him, and shall surely lend him enough for his need in that which he lacks. 9 Beware that there is no evil thought in your heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release draws near; and your eye be evil against your needy brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to Jehovah against you and it be sin to you. 10 You shall surely give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because Jehovah your God will bless you for this thing, in all your work, and in all that you put your hand to. 11 For the poor will never cease from the midst of the land. On account of this I command you, saying, You shall surely open your hand to your poor and needy brother in your land. 12 If your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. 13 And when you send him out free from you, you shall not let him go away empty. 14 You shall richly bestow on him from your flock, and from your threshing floor, and from your winepress, with that which Jehovah your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. 15 And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah your God redeemed you. On account of this I command you this thing today. 16 And it shall be, if he says to you, I will not go out from you because he loves you and your house, because it was good for him with you; 17 then you shall take an awl, and shall put it through his ear, and through the door, and he shall be your slave forever. And you shall do so to your slave-girl also. 18 It shall not seem hard in your eyes when you send him away free from you. For to the double of the hire of a hireling he has served you six years. And Jehovah your God will bless you in all that you do. 19 The firstling males that are born of your herd and of your flock, you shall sanctify to Jehovah your God. You shall do no work with the firstling of your ox, nor shear the firstling of your flock. 20 You shall eat it before Jehovah your God year by year in the place which Jehovah shall choose, you and your household. 21 And if there is any blemish in it, lameness, or blindness, or any evil blemish whatever, you shall not sacrifice it to Jehovah your God. 22 You shall eat it inside your gates; the unclean and the clean alike, as the gazelle and as the hart. 23 Only, you shall not eat its blood; you shall pour it on the ground like water.
ECB(i) 1
THE TORAH ON DEBT RELEASE At the end of seven years, work a release 2 - and this is the word of the release: every master whose hand lends aught to his friend releases it; he exacts not of his friend or of his brother; because it is called, the release of Yah Veh. 3 Of a stranger you exact: but whatever of yours is with your brother, your hand releases; 4 except when there are no needy among you. For Yah Veh greatly blesses you in the land Yah Veh your Elohim gives you - an inheritance to possess: 5 only, in hearing, hear the voice of Yah Veh your Elohim, to guard to work all these misvoth I misvah you this day: 6 for Yah Veh your Elohim blesses you, as he worded you. Pledge to many goyim, but pawn not; that you reign over many goyim but they not reign over you. 7 When there are any needy among you of one of your brothers within one of your portals in your land which Yah Veh your Elohim gives you, neither strengthen your heart nor shut your hand from your needy brother: 8 but open your hand wide to him and in pledging, pledge him sufficient for the lack he lacks. 9 Guard that there be no word in your heart of Beli Yaal, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, approaches; and you vilify your eye against your needy brother and you give him naught; and he calls to Yah Veh against you and it becomes sin to you; 10 in giving, give him and vilify not your heart when you give him: because for this word Yah Veh your Elohim blesses you in all your works and in all you spread your hand. 11 For the needy never cease from the land: so I misvah you, saying, Open your hand wide to your brother, to your humbled and to your needy, in your land. 12 And if your brother, a Hebrew, or a Hebrewess, is sold to you; and serves you six years; then in the seventh year send him liberated from you. 13 And when you send him from you, liberated, send him not empty: 14 in adorning, adorn him from your flock and from your threshing floor and from your trough: of whatever Yah Veh your Elohim blessed you, you give him: 15 and remember that you were a servant in the land of Misrayim; and Yah Veh your Elohim redeemed you: so I misvah you this word today. 16 And so be it, if he says to you, I go not from you! - because he loves you and your house, because he is good with you; 17 then take an aul and give it through his ear to the door and he becomes your servant eternally: and also work likewise to your maid. 18 And be not hard in your eyes, to send him away from you liberated; for he has been a double hire of a hireling to you, in serving you six years: and Yah Veh your Elohim blesses you in all you work. 19 Hallow all the firstling males birthed of your oxen and of your flock to Yah Veh your Elohim: neither serve with the firstling of your ox nor shear the firstling of your flocks: 20 eat it at the face of Yah Veh your Elohim year by year in the place Yah Veh chooses - you and your household. 21 And when there is any blemish therein, lame, or blind, or any evil blemish, sacrifice it not to Yah Veh your Elohim: 22 eat it within your portals - the foul and the pure together as the gazelle and as the hart. 23 Only, eat not the blood thereof; pour it as water on the earth.
ACV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years thou shall make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor shall release that which he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not exact it from his neighbor and his brother, because LORD's release has been proclaimed. 3 From a foreigner thou may exact it, but whatever of thine is with thy brother, thy hand shall release. 4 However there shall be no poor with thee (for LORD will surely bless thee in the land which LORD thy God gives thee for an inheritance to possess it), 5 if only thou diligently hearken to the voice of LORD thy God, to observe to do all this commandment which I command thee this day. 6 For LORD thy God will bless thee as he promised thee, and thou shall lend to many nations, but thou shall not borrow, and thou shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over thee. 7 If there be with thee a poor man, one of thy brothers, within any of thy gates in thy land which LORD thy God gives thee, thou shall not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy poor brother, 8 but thou shall surely open thy hand to him, and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need which he wants. 9 Beware that there not be a base thought in thy heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand, and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou give him nothing, and he cry to LORD against thee, and it be sin to thee. 10 Thou shall surely give him, and thy heart shall not be grieved when thou give to him, because for this thing LORD thy God will bless thee in all thy work, and in all that thou put thy hand to. 11 For the poor will never cease out of the land. Therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shall surely open thy hand to thy brother, to thy needy, and to thy poor, in thy land. 12 If thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to thee, and serves thee six years, then in the seventh year thou shall let him go free from thee. 13 And when thou let him go free from thee, thou shall not let him go empty. 14 Thou shall furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy threshing-floor, and out of thy winepress. As LORD thy God has blessed thee thou shall give to him. 15 And thou shall remember that thou were a bondman in the land of Egypt, and LORD thy God redeemed thee. Therefore I command thee this thing today. 16 And it shall be, if he says to thee, I will not go out from thee, because he loves thee and thy house, because he is well with thee, 17 then thou shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be thy servant forever. And also to thy maid-servant thou shall do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard to thee when thou let him go free from thee, for he has been worth a double hired servant to thee, in serving thee six years. And LORD thy God will bless thee in all that thou do. 19 All the firstling males that are born of thy herd and of thy flock thou shall sanctify to LORD thy God. Thou shall do no work with the firstling of thy herd, nor shear the firstling of thy flock. 20 Thou shall eat it before LORD thy God year by year in the place which LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. 21 And if it has any blemish, as lame or blind, any ill blemish whatever, thou shall not sacrifice it to LORD thy God. 22 Thou shall eat it within thy gates. The unclean man and the clean man alike, as the gazelle, and as the hart. 23 Only thou shall not eat the blood of it. Thou shall pour it out upon the ground as water.
WEB(i) 1 At the end of every seven years, you shall cancel debts. 2 This is the way it shall be done: every creditor shall release that which he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not require payment from his neighbor and his brother, because Yahweh’s release has been proclaimed. 3 Of a foreigner you may require it; but whatever of yours is with your brother, your hand shall release. 4 However there will be no poor with you (for Yahweh will surely bless you in the land which Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance to possess) 5 if only you diligently listen to Yahweh your God’s voice, to observe to do all this commandment which I command you today. 6 For Yahweh your God will bless you, as he promised you. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow. You will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you. 7 If a poor man, one of your brothers, is with you within any of your gates in your land which Yahweh your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother; 8 but you shall surely open your hand to him, and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need, which he lacks. 9 Beware that there not be a wicked thought in your heart, saying, “The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand,” and your eye be evil against your poor brother and you give him nothing; and he cry to Yahweh against you, and it be sin to you. 10 You shall surely give, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because it is for this thing Yahweh your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you put your hand to. 11 For the poor will never cease out of the land. Therefore I command you to surely open your hand to your brother, to your needy, and to your poor, in your land. 12 If your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. 13 When you let him go free from you, you shall not let him go empty. 14 You shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, out of your threshing floor, and out of your wine press. As Yahweh your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. 15 You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and Yahweh your God redeemed you. Therefore I command you this thing today. 16 It shall be, if he tells you, “I will not go out from you,” because he loves you and your house, because he is well with you, 17 then you shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. Also to your female servant you shall do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard to you when you let him go free from you, for he has been double the value of a hired hand as he served you six years. Yahweh your God will bless you in all that you do. 19 You shall dedicate all the firstborn males that are born of your herd and of your flock to Yahweh your God. You shall do no work with the firstborn of your herd, nor shear the firstborn of your flock. 20 You shall eat it before Yahweh your God year by year in the place which Yahweh shall choose, you and your household. 21 If it has any defect—is lame or blind, or has any defect whatever, you shall not sacrifice it to Yahweh your God. 22 You shall eat it within your gates. The unclean and the clean shall eat it alike, as the gazelle and as the deer. 23 Only you shall not eat its blood. You shall pour it out on the ground like water.
  1 H7093 At the end H7651 of every seven H8141 years H6213 you shall make H8059 a release.
  2 H1697 This is the way H8059 of the release: H4874 every creditor H8059 shall release H5383 that which he has lent H7453 to his neighbor; H5065 he shall not exact H7453 it of his neighbor H251 and his brother; H3068 because Yahweh's H8059 release H7121 has been proclaimed.
  3 H5237 Of a foreigner H5065 you may exact H251 it: but whatever of your is with your brother H3027 your hand H8058 shall release.
  4 H657 However H34 there shall be no poor H3068 with you; (for Yahweh H1288 will surely H1288 bless H776 you in the land H3068 which Yahweh H430 your God H5414 gives H5159 you for an inheritance H3423 to possess it;)
  5 H8085 if only you diligently H8085 listen H6963 to the voice H3068 of Yahweh H430 your God, H8104 to observe H6213 to do H4687 all this commandment H6680 which I command H3117 you this day.
  6 H3068 For Yahweh H430 your God H1288 will bless H1696 you, as he promised H5670 you: and you shall lend H7227 to many H1471 nations, H5670 but you shall not borrow; H4910 and you shall rule H7227 over many H1471 nations, H4910 but they shall not rule over you.
  7 H34 If a poor man, H34 one H251 of your brothers, H259 is with you within any H8179 of your gates H776 in your land H3068 which Yahweh H430 your God H5414 gives H553 you, you shall not harden H3824 your heart, H7092 nor shut H3027 your hand H34 from your poor H251 brother;
  8 H6605 but you shall surely H6605 open H3027 your hand H5670 to him, and shall surely H5670 lend H1767 him sufficient H4270 for his need, H2637 which he lacks.
  9 H8104 Beware H1100 that there not be a base H1697 thought H3824 in your heart, H559 saying, H7651 "The seventh H8141 year, H8141 the year H8059 of release, H7126 is at hand;" H5869 and your eye H7489 be evil H34 against your poor H251 brother, H5414 and you give H7121 him nothing; and he cry H3068 to Yahweh H2399 against you, and it be sin to you.
  10 H5414 You shall surely H5414 give H3824 him, and your heart H3415 shall not be grieved H5414 when you give H1558 to him; because H1697 that for this thing H3068 Yahweh H430 your God H1288 will bless H4639 you in all your work, H4916 and in all that you put H3027 your hand to.
  11 H34 For the poor H2308 will never cease H7130 out of H776 the land: H6680 therefore I command H559 you, saying, H6605 You shall surely H6605 open H3027 your hand H251 to your brother, H34 to your needy, H6041 and to your poor, H776 in your land.
  12 H251 If your brother, H5680 a Hebrew man, H5680 or a Hebrew woman, H4376 is sold H5647 to you, and serves H8337 you six H8141 years; H7637 then in the seventh H8141 year H7971 you shall let him go H2670 free from you.
  13 H7971 When you let H2670 him go free H7971 from you, you shall not let him go H7387 empty:
  14 H6059 you shall furnish H6059 him liberally H6629 out of your flock, H1637 and out of your threshing floor, H3342 and out of your winepress; H3068 as Yahweh H430 your God H1288 has blessed H5414 you, you shall give to him.
  15 H2142 You shall remember H5650 that you were a bondservant H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H3068 and Yahweh H430 your God H6299 redeemed H6680 you: therefore I command H1697 you this thing H3117 today.
  16 H559 It shall be, if he tells H3318 you, "I will not go out H157 from you;" because he loves H1004 you and your house, H2895 because he is well with you;
  17 H3947 then you shall take H4836 an awl, H5414 and thrust H241 it through his ear H1817 to the door, H5650 and he shall be your servant H5769 forever. H519 Also to your female servant H6213 you shall do likewise.
  18 H7185 It shall not seem hard H5869 to you, H7971 when you let him go H2670 free H4932 from you; for to the double H7939 of the hire H7916 of a hireling H5647 has he served H8337 you six H8141 years: H3068 and Yahweh H430 your God H1288 will bless H6213 you in all that you do.
  19 H1060 All the firstborn H2145 males H3205 that are born H1241 of your herd H6629 and of your flock H6942 you shall sanctify H3068 to Yahweh H430 your God: H5647 you shall do no work H1060 with the firstborn H7794 of your herd, H1494 nor shear H1060 the firstborn H6629 of your flock.
  20 H398 You shall eat H6440 it before H3068 Yahweh H430 your God H8141 year H8141 by year H4725 in the place H3068 which Yahweh H977 shall choose, H1004 you and your household.
  21 H3971 If it has any blemish, H6455 is lame H5787 or blind, H7451 or has any H3971 defect H2076 whatever, you shall not sacrifice H3068 it to Yahweh H430 your God.
  22 H398 You shall eat H8179 it within your gates: H2931 the unclean H2889 and the clean H3162 shall eat it alike, H6643 as the gazelle, H354 and as the hart.
  23 H398 Only you shall not eat H1818 its blood; H8210 you shall pour H776 it out on the ground H4325 as water.
NHEB(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you shall make a release. 2 This is the way of the release: every creditor shall release that which he has lent to his neighbor; he shall not exact it of his neighbor and his brother; because the LORD's release has been proclaimed. 3 Of a foreigner you may exact it: but whatever of yours is with your brother your hand shall release. 4 However there shall be no poor with you; (for the LORD will surely bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it;) 5 if only you diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, to observe to do all this commandment which I command you this day. 6 For the LORD your God will bless you, as he promised you: and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you. 7 If a poor man, one of your brothers, is with you within any of your gates in your land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother; 8 but you shall surely open your hand to him, and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need, which he lacks. 9 Be careful lest there be a wicked thought in your heart, saying, "The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand"; and your eye be evil against your poor brother, and you give him nothing; and he cry to the LORD against you, and it be sin to you. 10 You must surely give to him, and your heart is not to be grieved when you give to him; because for this thing the LORD your God will bless you in all your work, and in all that you put your hand to. 11 For the poor will never cease out of the land: therefore I command you, saying, You shall surely open your hand to your brother, to your needy, and to your poor, in your land. 12 If your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you, and serves you six years; then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. 13 When you let him go free from you, you shall not let him go empty: 14 you shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, and out of your threshing floor, and out of your winepress, in proportion as the LORD your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. 15 You shall remember that you were a bondservant in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you: therefore I command you this thing today. 16 It shall be, if he tells you, "I will not go out from you"; because he loves you and your house, because he is well with you; 17 then you shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. Also to your female servant you shall do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard to you, when you let him go free from you; for to the double of the hire of a hireling has he served you six years: and the LORD your God will bless you in all that you do. 19 All the firstborn males that are born of your herd and of your flock you shall sanctify to the LORD your God: you shall do no work with the firstborn of your herd, nor shear the firstborn of your flock. 20 You shall eat it before the LORD your God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, you and your household. 21 If it has any blemish, is lame or blind, or has any defect whatever, you shall not sacrifice it to the LORD your God. 22 You shall eat it within your gates: the unclean and the clean shall eat it alike, as the gazelle, and as the deer. 23 Only you shall not eat its blood; you shall pour it out on the ground as water.
AKJV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you shall make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lends ought to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD's release. 3 Of a foreigner you may exact it again: but that which is your with your brother your hand shall release; 4 Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it: 5 Only if you carefully listen to the voice of the LORD your God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command you this day. 6 For the LORD your God blesses you, as he promised you: and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you. 7 If there be among you a poor man of one of your brothers within any of your gates in your land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother: 8 But you shall open your hand wide to him, and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wants. 9 Beware that there be not a thought in your wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and your eye be evil against your poor brother, and you give him nothing; and he cry to the LORD against you, and it be sin to you. 10 You shall surely give him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him: because that for this thing the LORD your God shall bless you in all your works, and in all that you put your hand to. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command you, saying, You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor, and to your needy, in your land. 12 And if your brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold to you, and serve you six years; then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. 13 And when you send him out free from you, you shall not let him go away empty: 14 You shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, and out of your floor, and out of your wine press: of that with which the LORD your God has blessed you you shall give to him. 15 And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you: therefore I command you this thing to day. 16 And it shall be, if he say to you, I will not go away from you; because he loves you and your house, because he is well with you; 17 Then you shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant for ever. And also to your maidservant you shall do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard to you, when you send him away free from you; for he has been worth a double hired servant to you, in serving you six years: and the LORD your God shall bless you in all that you do. 19 All the firstling males that come of your herd and of your flock you shall sanctify to the LORD your God: you shall do no work with the firstling of your bullock, nor shear the firstling of your sheep. 20 You shall eat it before the LORD your God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, you and your household. 21 And if there be any blemish therein, as if it be lame, or blind, or have any ill blemish, you shall not sacrifice it to the LORD your God. 22 You shall eat it within your gates: the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck, and as the hart. 23 Only you shall not eat the blood thereof; you shall pour it on the ground as water.
  1 H7093 At the end H7651 of every seven H8141 years H6213 you shall make H8059 a release.
  2 H2088 And this H1697 is the manner H8059 of the release: H3605 Every H1167 creditor H5383 that lends H7453 ought to his neighbor H8058 shall release H5065 it; he shall not exact H7453 it of his neighbor, H251 or of his brother; H3588 because H7121 it is called H3068 the LORD’s H8059 release.
  3 H5237 Of a foreigner H5065 you may exact H834 it again: but that which H251 is your with your brother H3027 your hand H8058 shall release;
  4 H657 Save H3588 when H3808 there shall be no H34 poor H3068 among you; for the LORD H1288 shall greatly bless H776 you in the land H834 which H3068 the LORD H430 your God H5414 gives H5159 you for an inheritance H3423 to possess it:
  5 H7535 Only H518 if H8085 you carefully H8085 listen H6963 to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 your God, H8104 to observe H6213 to do H3605 all H2063 these H4687 commandments H834 which H6680 I command H3117 you this day.
  6 H3068 For the LORD H430 your God H1288 blesses H1696 you, as he promised H5670 you: and you shall lend H7227 to many H1471 nations, H5670 but you shall not borrow; H4910 and you shall reign H7227 over many H1471 nations, H4910 but they shall not reign over you.
  7 H3588 If H34 there be among you a poor H259 man of one H251 of your brothers H259 within any H8179 of your gates H776 in your land H834 which H3068 the LORD H430 your God H5414 gives H553 you, you shall not harden H3824 your heart, H3808 nor H7092 shut H3027 your hand H34 from your poor H251 brother:
  8 H6605 But you shall open H3027 your hand H6605 wide H5670 to him, and shall surely lend H1767 him sufficient H4270 for his need, H834 in that which H2637 he wants.
  9 H8104 Beware H1697 that there be not a thought H1100 in your wicked H3824 heart, H559 saying, H7637 The seventh H8141 year, H8141 the year H8059 of release, H7126 is at H7126 hand; H5869 and your eye H7489 be evil H34 against your poor H251 brother, H5414 and you give H3808 him nothing; H7121 and he cry H3068 to the LORD H5921 against H2399 you, and it be sin to you.
  10 H5414 You shall surely give H3824 him, and your heart H7489 shall not be grieved H5414 when you give H3588 to him: because H2088 that for this H1697 thing H3068 the LORD H430 your God H1288 shall bless H3605 you in all H4639 your works, H3605 and in all H4916 that you put H3027 your hand to.
  11 H34 For the poor H3808 shall never H2308 cease H776 out of the land: H5921 therefore H3651 H6680 I command H559 you, saying, H6605 You shall open H3027 your hand H6605 wide H251 to your brother, H6041 to your poor, H34 and to your needy, H776 in your land.
  12 H3588 And if H251 your brother, H5680 an Hebrew H176 man, or H5680 an Hebrew H4376 woman, be sold H5647 to you, and serve H8337 you six H8141 years; H7637 then in the seventh H8141 year H7971 you shall let him go H2670 free from you.
  13 H3588 And when H7971 you send H2670 him out free H7971 from you, you shall not let him go H7387 away empty:
  14 H6059 You shall furnish H6059 him liberally H6629 out of your flock, H1637 and out of your floor, H3342 and out of your wine press: H834 of that with which H3068 the LORD H430 your God H1288 has blessed H5414 you you shall give to him.
  15 H2142 And you shall remember H1961 that you were H5650 a slave H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H3068 and the LORD H430 your God H6299 redeemed H5921 you: therefore H3651 H6680 I command H2088 you this H1697 thing H3117 to day.
  16 H3588 And it shall be, if H559 he say H3318 to you, I will not go H3318 away H3588 from you; because H157 he loves H1004 you and your house, H3588 because H2895 he is well with you;
  17 H3947 Then you shall take H4836 an awl, H5414 and thrust H241 it through his ear H1817 to the door, H5650 and he shall be your servant H5769 for ever. H637 And also H519 to your maidservant H6213 you shall do H3651 likewise.
  18 H7185 It shall not seem H7185 hard H7971 to you, when you send H2670 him away free H7939 from you; for he has been worth H4932 a double H7916 hired H7916 servant H5647 to you, in serving H8337 you six H8141 years: H3068 and the LORD H430 your God H1288 shall bless H3605 you in all H6213 that you do.
  19 H3605 All H1060 the firstling H2145 males H3205 that come H1241 of your herd H6629 and of your flock H6942 you shall sanctify H3068 to the LORD H430 your God: H3808 you shall do no H5647 work H1060 with the firstling H7794 of your bullock, H3808 nor H1494 shear H1060 the firstling H6629 of your sheep.
  20 H398 You shall eat H6440 it before H3068 the LORD H430 your God H8141 year H8141 by year H4725 in the place H834 which H3068 the LORD H977 shall choose, H1004 you and your household.
  21 H3588 And if H3971 there be any blemish H6455 therein, as if it be lame, H176 or H5787 blind, H3605 or have any H7451 ill H3971 blemish, H2076 you shall not sacrifice H3068 it to the LORD H430 your God.
  22 H8179 You shall eat it within your gates: H2931 the unclean H2889 and the clean H398 person shall eat H3162 it alike, H6643 as the roebuck, H354 and as the hart.
  23 H7535 Only H398 you shall not eat H1818 the blood H8210 thereof; you shall pour H776 it on the ground H4325 as water.
KJ2000(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you shall make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lends anything unto his neighbor shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD'S release. 3 Of a foreigner you may exact it again: but that which you lend to your brother your hand shall release; 4 Except when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it: 5 Only if you carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command you this day. 6 For the LORD your God blesses you, as he promised you: and you shall lend unto many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you. 7 If there be among you a poor man of one of your brethren within any of your gates in your land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother: 8 But you shall open your hand wide unto him, and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he lacks. 9 Beware that there be not a thought in your wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and your eye be evil against your poor brother, and you give him nothing; and he cries unto the LORD against you, and it be sin in you. 10 You shall surely give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give unto him: because for this thing the LORD your God shall bless you in all your works, and in all that you put your hand unto. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command you, saying, you shall open your hand wide unto your brother, to your poor, and to your needy, in your land. 12 And if your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, be sold unto you, and serve you six years; then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. 13 And when you send him out free from you, you shall not let him go away empty: 14 You shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, and out of your threshing floor, and out of your winepress: of that with which the LORD your God has blessed you you shall give unto him. 15 And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you: therefore I command you this thing today. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto you, I will not go away from you; because he loves you and your house, because he fares well with you; 17 Then you shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be your servant forever. And also unto your maidservant you shall do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto you, when you send him away free from you; for he has been worth a double hired servant to you, in serving you six years: and the LORD your God shall bless you in all that you do. 19 All the firstborn males that come of your herd and of your flock you shall sanctify unto the LORD your God: you shall do no work with the firstborn of your bullock, nor shear the firstborn of your sheep. 20 You shall eat it before the LORD your God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, you and your household. 21 And if there be any blemish in it, as if it be lame, or blind, or have any ill blemish, you shall not sacrifice it unto the LORD your God. 22 You shall eat it within your gates: the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the gazelle, and as the hart. 23 Only you shall not eat the blood thereof; you shall pour it upon the ground as water.
UKJV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you shall make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lends ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD's release. 3 Of a foreigner you may exact it again: but that which is your with your brother your hand shall release; 4 Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it: 5 Only if you carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command you this day. 6 For the LORD your God blesses you, as he promised you: and you shall lend unto many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you. 7 If there be among you a poor man of one of your brethren within any of your gates in your land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother: 8 But you shall open your hand wide unto him, and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wants. 9 Beware that there be not a thought in your wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and your eye be evil against your poor brother, and you give him nothing; and he cry unto the LORD against you, and it be sin unto you. 10 You shall surely give him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give unto him: because that for this thing the LORD your God shall bless you in all your works, and in all that you put your hand unto. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command you, saying, You shall open your hand wide unto your brother, to your poor, and to your needy, in your land. 12 And if your brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto you, and serve you six years; then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. 13 And when you send him out free from you, you shall not let him go away empty: 14 You shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, and out of your floor, and out of your winepress: of that wherewith the LORD your God has blessed you you shall give unto him. 15 And you shall remember that you were a bondman in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you: therefore I command you this thing to day. 16 And it shall be, if he say unto you, I will not go away from you; because he loves you and your house, because he is well with you; 17 Then you shall take an aul, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be your servant for ever. And also unto your maidservant you shall do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto you, when you send him away free from you; for he has been worth a double hired servant to you, in serving you six years: and the LORD your God shall bless you in all that you do. 19 All the first born males that come of your herd and of your flock you shall sanctify unto the LORD your God: you shall do no work with the first born of your bullock, nor shear the first born of your sheep. 20 You shall eat it before the LORD your God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, you and your household. 21 And if there be any blemish therein, as if it be lame, or blind, or have any ill blemish, you shall not sacrifice it unto the LORD your God. 22 You shall eat it within your gates: the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck, and as the hart. 23 Only you shall not eat the blood thereof; you shall pour it upon the ground as water.
  1 H7093 At the end H7651 of every seven H8141 years H6213 you shall make H8059 a release.
  2 H1697 And this is the manner H8059 of the release: H4874 Every creditor H5383 that lends H7453 anything unto his neighbor H8058 shall release H5065 it; he shall not exact H7453 it of his neighbor, H251 or of his brother; H7121 because it is called H3068 the Lord's H8059 release.
  3 H5237 Of a foreigner H5065 you may exact H251 it again: but that which is your with your brother H3027 your hand H8058 shall release;
  4 H657 However H34 there shall be no poor H3068 among you; for the Lord H1288 shall greatly H1288 bless H776 you in the land H3068 which the Lord H430 your God H5414 gives H5159 you for an inheritance H3423 to possess it:
  5 H8085 Only if you carefully H8085 listen H6963 unto the voice H3068 of the Lord H430 your God, H8104 to observe H6213 to do H4687 all these commandments H6680 which I command H3117 you this day.
  6 H3068 For the Lord H430 your God H1288 blesses H1696 you, as he promised H5670 you: and you shall lend H7227 unto many H1471 nations, H5670 but you shall not borrow; H4910 and you shall reign H7227 over many H1471 nations, H4910 but they shall not reign over you.
  7 H34 If there be among you a poor man H259 of one H251 of your brothers H259 inside any H8179 of your gates H776 in your land H3068 which the Lord H430 your God H5414 gives H553 you, you shall not harden H3824 your heart, H7092 nor shut H3027 your hand H34 from your poor H251 brother:
  8 H6605 But you shall open H3027 your hand H6605 wide H5670 unto him, and shall surely H5670 lend H1767 him sufficient H4270 for his need, H2637 in that which he lacks.
  9 H8104 Beware H1697 that there be not a thought H1100 in your wicked H3824 heart, H559 saying, H7651 The seventh H8141 year, H8141 the year H8059 of release, H7126 is at hand; H5869 and your eye H7489 be evil H34 against your poor H251 brother, H5414 and you give H7121 him nothing; and he cry H3068 unto the Lord H2399 against you, and it be sin unto you.
  10 H5414 You shall surely H5414 give H3824 him, and your heart H3415 shall not be grieved H5414 when you give H1558 unto him: because H1697 that for this thing H3068 the Lord H430 your God H1288 shall bless H4639 you in all your works, H4916 and in all that you set H3027 your hand unto.
  11 H34 For the poor H2308 shall never cease H7130 out of H776 the land: H6680 therefore I command H559 you, saying, H6605 You shall open H3027 your hand H6605 wide H251 unto your brother, H6041 to your poor, H34 and to your needy, H776 in your land.
  12 H251 And if your brother, H5680 an Hebrew man, H5680 or an Hebrew woman, H4376 be sold H5647 unto you, and serve H8337 you six H8141 years; H7637 then in the seventh H8141 year H7971 you shall let him go H2670 free from you.
  13 H7971 And when you send H2670 him out free H7971 from you, you shall not let him go away H7387 empty:
  14 H6059 You shall furnish H6059 him liberally H6629 out of your flock, H1637 and out of your floor, H3342 and out of your winepress: H3068 of that with which the Lord H430 your God H1288 has blessed H5414 you you shall give unto him.
  15 H2142 And you shall remember H5650 that you were a bondman H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H3068 and the Lord H430 your God H6299 redeemed H6680 you: therefore I command H1697 you this thing H3117 to day.
  16 H559 And it shall be, if he say H3318 unto you, I will not go away H157 from you; because he loves H1004 you and your house, H2895 because he is well with you;
  17 H3947 Then you shall take H4836 an awl, H5414 and thrust H241 it through his ear H1817 unto the door, H5650 and he shall be your servant H5769 for ever. H519 And also unto your maidservant H6213 you shall do likewise.
  18 H7185 It shall not seem hard H5869 unto you, H7971 when you send him away H2670 free H7939 from you; for he has been worth H4932 a double H7916 hired servant H5647 to you, in serving H8337 you six H8141 years: H3068 and the Lord H430 your God H1288 shall bless H6213 you in all that you do.
  19 H1060 All the firstborn H2145 males H3205 that come H1241 of your herd H6629 and of your flock H6942 you shall sanctify H3068 unto the Lord H430 your God: H5647 you shall do no work H1060 with the firstborn H7794 of your bullock, H1494 nor shear H1060 the firstborn H6629 of your sheep.
  20 H398 You shall eat H6440 it before H3068 the Lord H430 your God H8141 year H8141 by year H4725 in the place H3068 which the Lord H977 shall choose, H1004 you and your household.
  21 H3971 And if there be any blemish H6455 in it, as if it be lame, H5787 or blind, H7451 or have any ill H3971 blemish, H2076 you shall not sacrifice H3068 it unto the Lord H430 your God.
  22 H398 You shall eat H8179 it inside your gates: H2931 the unclean H2889 and the clean H3162 person shall eat it alike, H6643 as the roebuck, H354 and as the hart.
  23 H398 Only you shall not eat H1818 the blood H8210 there; you shall pour H776 it upon the ground H4325 as water.
EJ2000(i) 1 ¶ At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: everyone who has lent anything to his neighbour, causing him to be in debt, shall release it; he shall not exact it any more of his neighbour or of his brother, because the release of the LORD is proclaimed. 3 Of the foreigner thou shalt demand that it be repaid; but that which thy brother has of thine thy hand shall release, 4 so that thus there shall be no poor among you, for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God gives thee for an inheritance to possess it; 5 only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep and to do all these commandments which I command thee this day. 6 For when the LORD thy God has blessed thee, as he promised thee, thou shalt lend unto many Gentiles, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over many Gentiles, but they shall not rule over thee. 7 If there should be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy towns in thy land which the LORD thy God gives thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother, 8 but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he lacks. 9 Keep thyself that there not be a thought of Belial in thy heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother to give him nothing; for he shall cry unto the LORD against thee, and it shall be a sin unto thee. 10 Thou shalt surely give unto him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him because for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works and in all that thou puttest thine hand to. 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land; therefore, I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor and to thy needy, in thy land. 12And if thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold unto thee and serves thee six years, then in the seventh year thou shalt send him forth from thee free. 13 And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not send him away empty. 14 Thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock and out of thy threshing floor and out of thy winepress; of that with which the LORD thy God has blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. 15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God ransomed thee; therefore, I command thee this thing to day. 16 And it shall be, if he says unto thee, I will not go away from thee because he loves thee and thy house because he is well with thee, 17 then thou shalt take an aul and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy slave for ever. And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard unto thee when thou sendest him away free from thee, for he has served thee for half the cost of a hired servant for six years; and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou doest. 19 ¶ All the firstborn males that come of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God; thou shalt do no work with the firstborn of thy bullock nor shear the firstborn of thy sheep. 20 Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God each year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. 21 And if there is any blemish in it, if it is lame or blind or has any ill blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the LORD thy God. 22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates; the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck and as the hart. 23 Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof; thou shalt pour it upon the ground as water.
CAB(i) 1 Every seven years you shall make a release. 2 And this is the ordinance of the release: you shall release every private debt which your neighbor owes you, and you shall not ask payment of it from your brother; for it has been called a release to the Lord your God. 3 Of a stranger you shall ask again whatsoever he has of yours, but to your brother you shall release his debt to you. 4 For thus there shall not be a poor person in the midst of you, for the Lord your God will surely bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you by inheritance, that you should inherit it. 5 And if you shall indeed hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, to keep and do all these commandments, as many as I charge you this day, 6 (for the Lord your God has blessed you in the way of which He spoke to you,) then you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you. 7 And if there shall be in the midst of you a poor man from among your brothers, in one of your cities in the land, which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, neither shall you by any means close up your hand from your brother who is in need. 8 You shall surely open your hands to him, and shall lend to him as much as he wants according to his need. 9 Take heed to yourself that there be not a secret thing in your heart — an iniquity, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is approaching. And your eye shall be evil to your brother that is in need, and you shall not give to him, and he shall cry against you to the Lord, and there shall be great sin in you. 10 You shall surely give to him, and you shall lend to him as much as he wants, according as he is in need. And you shall not grudge in your heart as you give to him, because on this account the Lord your God will bless you in all your works, and in all things on which you shall lay your hand. 11 For the poor shall not fail off your land, therefore I charge you to do this thing, saying, You shall surely open your hands to your poor brother, and to him that is distressed upon your land. 12 And if your brother or sister, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, are sold to you, he shall serve you six years, and in the seventh year you shall send him out free from you. 13 And when you shall send him out free from you, you shall not send him out empty. 14 You shall give him provision for the way from your flock, and from your grain, and from your wine; as the Lord your God has blessed you, so you shall give to him. 15 And you shall remember that you also were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you from there; therefore I charge you to do this thing. 16 And if he should say to you, I will not go out from you, because he continues to love you and your house, because he is well with you; 17 then you shall take an awl, and bore his ear through to the door, and he shall be your servant forever; and in like manner shall you do to your male servant. 18 It shall not seem hard to you when they are sent out free from you, because your servant has served you six years according to the annual hire of a hireling; so the Lord your God shall bless you in all things whatsoever you may do. 19 Every firstborn that shall be born among your cows and your sheep, you shall sanctify the males to the Lord your God; you shall not work with your firstborn calf, and you shall not shear the firstborn of your sheep. 20 You shall eat it before the Lord year by year in the place which the Lord your God shall choose, you and your house. 21 And if there be in it a blemish, if it is lame or blind, (an evil blemish) you shall not sacrifice it to the Lord your God. 22 You shall eat it in your cities; the unclean in you and the clean shall eat it in like manner, as the doe or the deer. 23 Only you shall not eat the blood; you shall pour it out on the earth as water.
LXX2012(i) 1 Every seven years you shall make a release. 2 And this [is] the ordinance of the release: you shall remit every private debt which your neighbor owes you, and you shall not ask payment of it from your brother; for it has been called a release to the Lord your God. 3 Of a stranger you shall ask again whatever he has of your, but to your brother you shall remit his debt to you. 4 For [thus] there shall not be a poor person in the midst of you, for the Lord your God will surely bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you by inheritance, that you should inherit it. 5 And if you⌃ shall indeed listen to the voice of the Lord your God, to keep and do all these commandments, as many as I charge you this day, 6 (for the Lord your God has blessed you in the way of which he spoke to you,) then you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you. 7 And if there shall be in the midst of you a poor [man] of your brethren in one of your cities in the land, which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, neither shall you by any means close up your hand from your brother who is in lack. 8 You shall surely open your hands to him, and shall lend to him as much as he wants according to his need. 9 Take heed to yourself that there be not a secret thing in your heart, an iniquity, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, draws near; and your eye shall be evil to your brother that is in lack, and you shall not give to him, and he shall cry against you to the Lord, and there shall be great sin in you. 10 You shall surely give to him, and you shall lend him as much as he wants, according as he is in need; and you shall not grudge in your heart as you give to him, because on this account the Lord your God will bless you in all your works, and in all things on which you shall lay your hand. 11 For the poor shall not fail off your land, therefore I charge you to do this thing, saying, You shall surely open your hands to your poor brother, and to him that is distressed upon your land. 12 And if your brother [or sister], a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, be sold to you, he shall serve you six years, and in the seventh year you shall send him out free from you. 13 And when you shall send him out free from you, you shall not send him out empty. 14 You shall give him provision for the way from your flock, and from your corn, and from your wine; as the Lord your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. 15 And you shall remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you from thence; therefore I charge you to do this thing. 16 And if he should say to you, I will not go out from you, because he continues to love you and your house, because he is well with you; 17 then you shall take an awl, and bore his ear through to the door, and he shall be your servant for ever; and in like manner shall you do to your maidservant. 18 It shall not seem hard to you when they are sent out free from you, because [your servant] has served you six years according to the annual hire of a hireling; so the Lord your God shall bless you in all things whatever you may do. 19 Every firstborn that shall be born among your kine and your sheep, you shall sanctify the males to the Lord your God; you shall not work with your firstborn calf, and you shall not shear the firstborn of your sheep. 20 You shall eat it before the Lord year by year in the place which the Lord your God shall choose, you and your house. 21 And if there be in it a blemish, if it be lame or blind, an evil blemish, you shall not sacrifice it to the Lord your God. 22 You shall eat it in your cities; the unclean in you and the clean shall eat it in like manner, as the doe or the stag. 23 Only you⌃ shall not eat the blood; you shall pour it out on the earth as water.
NSB(i) 1 »Release all debts at the end of every seven years. 2 »This is how you should release. Every man who has a loan to his neighbor shall release it. He shall not require it from his neighbor, or from his brother, because it is called Jehovah's release. 3 »You may collect from a foreigner, but your hand should release that debt which is yours with your brother. 4 »There should not be any poor people among you. Jehovah your God will certainly bless you in the land he is giving you as your own possession. 5 »He will bless you only if you listen carefully to Jehovah your God and faithfully obey all these commandments I give you today. 6 »Jehovah your God will bless you, as he promised. You will make loans to many nations. But you will not have to borrow from any of them. You will rule many nations. But no nation will ever rule over you. 7 »This is what you must do whenever there are poor Israelites in one of your cities in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you. 8 »Be generous to these poor people. Freely lend them as much as they need. Never be hardhearted and stingy with them. 9 »When the seventh year, the year when payments on debts are canceled, is near, you might be stingy toward poor Israelites and give them nothing. Be careful not to think these worthless thoughts. The poor will complain to Jehovah about you, and you will be condemned for your sin. 10 »Give the poor what they need, because then Jehovah will make you successful in everything you do. 11 »There will always be some Israelites who are poor and needy. That is why I am commanding you to be generous with them. 12 »If you buy Israelites (your own brothers) as slaves, you must set them free after six years. 13 »Do not send him away empty handed when you set him free. 14 »Supply him liberally from your flock and from your threshing floor and from your wine vat. Give to him as Jehovah your God has blessed you. 15 »Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah your God redeemed you. Therefore I command you this today! 16 »If he says to you: I will not leave you. If it is because he loves you and your household, since he fares well with you, 17 then you shall take an awl and pierce it through his ear into the door. He will be your servant for a very long time. You should do likewise to your maidservant. 18 »It should not seem hard to you when you set him free. After all he has given you six years with double the service of a hired man. Jehovah your God will bless you in whatever you do. 19 »To Jehovah your God you shall consecrate all the firstborn males that are born of your herd and of your flock; you shall not work with the firstborn of your herd, nor shear the firstborn of your flock. 20 »You and your household shall eat it every year before Jehovah your God in the place Jehovah chooses. 21 »If it has any defect, such as lameness or blindness, or any serious defect, you shall not sacrifice it to Jehovah your God. 22 »Eat it within your gates. The unclean and the clean alike may eat it, as a gazelle or a deer. 23 »Do not eat its blood! Pour it out on the ground like water.
ISV(i) 1 The LORD’s Remission“You must cancel your debts at the end of every seventh year. 2 This is the way to conduct remission: every creditor must cancel the loan that his friend borrowed, and he must not pressure his friend or brother to repay it, because remission to the LORD will be proclaimed. 3 You may exact payment from a foreigner, but cancel whatever your brother owes you. 4 Moreover, there will be no poor person among you, for the LORD will surely bless you in the land that he is about to give you to possess. 5 Only be certain to obey the voice of the LORD your God. Carefully observe all of these commands that I’m commanding to you today. 6 For the LORD your God will bless you just as he promised. You are to lend to many nations but not borrow. Also, you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.”
7 Care for the Poor“If there should be a poor man among your relatives in one of the cities of the land that the LORD your God is about to give you, don’t be hard-hearted or tight-fisted toward your poor relative. 8 Instead, be sure to open your hand to him and lend him enough to lessen his need. 9 Be careful not to think this wicked thought to yourselves: ‘The seventh year, the year of remission, is drawing near,’ and you show ill will toward your poor relative and not give to him. He may then call to the LORD on account of you, and you will be guilty of sin. 10 You must certainly give to him and not feel regret for doing so. Because of this, the LORD your God will bless all your works and everything you do. 11 Since poor people won’t cease to exist in the land, therefore I’m commanding you: Be sure to be generous to your poor and needy relatives in your land.”
12 Releasing Slaves“When a fellow Hebrew male or female slave is sold to you and serves you for six years, then in the seventh year you are to set them free. 13 But when you set them free, don’t send them away empty-handed. 14 Provide for them liberally from your flock, threshing floor, and wine vat. As the LORD your God has blessed you, so give to them. 15 Don’t ever forget that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, yet the LORD your God redeemed you. Therefore, I’m giving you these commands today.
16 “Should that slave say to you, ‘I won’t leave you,’ because he loves you and your household, and it was good for him to be with you, 17 then take an awl and pierce through his earlobe into the door. Then he will be your slave forever. You are to do the same for your female slaves. 18 Don’t view this as a hardship for yourself when you set him free, for he will have served you for six years—twice the time of a paid worker. Then the LORD will bless you in all that you do.”
19 Offering the Firstborn Male Animals“Set apart for the LORD your God every firstborn male among your herd and flock. You must not put the firstborn of your ox to work or shear the firstborn of your flock. 20 Then in the presence of the LORD your God, you and your household must eat them every year at the place the LORD will choose. 21 If it has a blemish—lameness, blindness, or any kind of defect—you must not sacrifice it to the LORD your God. 22 In your cities both the unclean and the clean together are to eat together, as the gazelle and the deer. 23 Only you must not eat its blood. Pour it on the ground like water.”
LEB(i) 1 "At the end of seven years you shall grant a remission of debt. 2 And this is the manner of the remission of debt: every creditor* shall remit his claim that he holds against his neighbor, and he shall not exact payment from his brother because there* a remission of debt has been proclaimed unto* Yahweh. 3 With respect to the foreigner you may exact payment, but you must remit* what shall be owed to you with respect to your brother. 4 Nevertheless, there* shall not be among you a poor person, because Yahweh will certainly bless you in the land that Yahweh your God is giving to you as an inheritance, to take possession of it. 5 If only you listen well to the voice of Yahweh your God by observing diligently* all of these commandments* that I am commanding you today.* 6 When Yahweh your God has blessed you, just as he promised* to you, then you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow from them, and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you. 7 If there is a poor person among you from among one of your brothers in one of your towns* that Yahweh your God is giving to you, you shall not harden your heart, and you shall not shut your hand toward your brother who is poor.* 8 But you shall certainly open your hand for him, and you shall willingly lend* to him enough to meet his need, whatever it is.* 9 Take care* so that there* will not be a thought of wickedness* in your heart, saying,* 'The seventh year, the year of the remission of debt is near,' and you view your needy neighbor with hostility,* and so you do not give to him, and he might cry out against you to Yahweh, and you would incur guilt against yourself.* 10 By all means you must give to him, and you must not be discontented* at your giving to him, because on account of this very thing, Yahweh your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake.* 11 For the poor* will not cease to be among you* in the land; therefore I am commanding you, saying,* 'You shall willingly open your hand to your brother, to your needy and to your poor that are in your land.' 12 If your relative* who is a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman is sold to you, and he or she has served you six years, then in the seventh year you shall send that person out free.* 13 And when you send him out free from you, you shall not send him away empty-handed. 14 You shall generously supply him from among your flocks and from your threshing floor and from your press; according to that with which Yahweh your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. 15 And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and Yahweh your God redeemed you; therefore I am commanding you thus today.* 16 And then if it will happen that he says to you, 'I do not want to go out* from you,' because he loves you and your family, because it is good for him to be with you; 17 then you shall take an awl, and you shall thrust it through his earlobe and into the door, and he shall be to you a slave forever;* and you shall also do likewise for your slave woman. 18 It shall not be hard in your eyes when you send him forth free,* because for six years he has served you worth twice the wage of a hired worker; and Yahweh your God will bless you in whatever you will do.* 19 "Every firstling male that is born of your herd and of your flock you shall consecrate to Yahweh your God; you shall not do work with the firstling of your ox, and you shall not shear the firstling of your flock. 20 Rather before Yahweh* your God you shall eat it year by year at the place Yahweh will choose, you and your household. 21 But if there is a physical defect in it, such as lameness or blindness, any serious defect, you shall not sacrifice it to Yahweh your God. 22 In your towns* you shall eat it, the unclean and the clean together may eat it, just as they eat the gazelle and as they eat the deer. 23 But you shall not eat its blood; you shall pour it on the ground like water."
BSB(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. 2 This is the manner of remission: Every creditor shall cancel what he has loaned to his neighbor. He is not to collect anything from his neighbor or brother, because the LORD’s time of release has been proclaimed. 3 You may collect something from a foreigner, but you must forgive whatever your brother owes you. 4 There will be no poor among you, however, because the LORD will surely bless you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance, 5 if only you obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all these commandments I am giving you today. 6 When the LORD your God blesses you as He has promised, you will lend to many nations but borrow from none; you will rule over many nations but be ruled by none. 7 If there is a poor man among your brothers within any of the gates in the land that the LORD your God is giving you, then you are not to harden your heart or shut your hand from your poor brother. 8 Instead, you are to open your hand to him and freely loan him whatever he needs. 9 Be careful not to harbor this wicked thought in your heart: “The seventh year, the year of release, is near,” so that you look upon your poor brother begrudgingly and give him nothing. He will cry out to the LORD against you, and you will be guilty of sin. 10 Give generously to him, and do not let your heart be grieved when you do so. And because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything to which you put your hand. 11 For there will never cease to be poor in the land; that is why I am commanding you to open wide your hand to your brother and to the poor and needy in your land. 12 If a fellow Hebrew, a man or a woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you must set him free. 13 And when you release him, do not send him away empty-handed. 14 You are to furnish him liberally from your flock, your threshing floor, and your winepress. You shall give to him as the LORD your God has blessed you. 15 Remember that you were slaves in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you; that is why I am giving you this command today. 16 But if your servant says to you, ‘I do not want to leave you,’ because he loves you and your household and is well off with you, 17 then take an awl and pierce it through his ear into the door, and he will become your servant for life. And treat your maidservant the same way. 18 Do not regard it as a hardship to set your servant free, because his six years of service were worth twice the wages of a hired hand. And the LORD your God will bless you in all you do. 19 You must set apart to the LORD your God every firstborn male produced by your herds and flocks. You are not to put the firstborn of your oxen to work, nor are you to shear the firstborn of your flock. 20 Each year you and your household are to eat it before the LORD your God in the place the LORD will choose. 21 But if an animal has a defect, is lame or blind, or has any serious flaw, you must not sacrifice it to the LORD your God. 22 Eat it within your gates; both the ceremonially unclean and clean may eat it as they would a gazelle or a deer. 23 But you must not eat the blood; pour it on the ground like water.
MSB(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. 2 This is the manner of remission: Every creditor shall cancel what he has loaned to his neighbor. He is not to collect anything from his neighbor or brother, because the LORD’s time of release has been proclaimed. 3 You may collect something from a foreigner, but you must forgive whatever your brother owes you. 4 There will be no poor among you, however, because the LORD will surely bless you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance, 5 if only you obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all these commandments I am giving you today. 6 When the LORD your God blesses you as He has promised, you will lend to many nations but borrow from none; you will rule over many nations but be ruled by none. 7 If there is a poor man among your brothers within any of the gates in the land that the LORD your God is giving you, then you are not to harden your heart or shut your hand from your poor brother. 8 Instead, you are to open your hand to him and freely loan him whatever he needs. 9 Be careful not to harbor this wicked thought in your heart: “The seventh year, the year of release, is near,” so that you look upon your poor brother begrudgingly and give him nothing. He will cry out to the LORD against you, and you will be guilty of sin. 10 Give generously to him, and do not let your heart be grieved when you do so. And because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything to which you put your hand. 11 For there will never cease to be poor in the land; that is why I am commanding you to open wide your hand to your brother and to the poor and needy in your land. 12 If a fellow Hebrew, a man or a woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you must set him free. 13 And when you release him, do not send him away empty-handed. 14 You are to furnish him liberally from your flock, your threshing floor, and your winepress. You shall give to him as the LORD your God has blessed you. 15 Remember that you were slaves in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you; that is why I am giving you this command today. 16 But if your servant says to you, ‘I do not want to leave you,’ because he loves you and your household and is well off with you, 17 then take an awl and pierce it through his ear into the door, and he will become your servant for life. And treat your maidservant the same way. 18 Do not regard it as a hardship to set your servant free, because his six years of service were worth twice the wages of a hired hand. And the LORD your God will bless you in all you do. 19 You must set apart to the LORD your God every firstborn male produced by your herds and flocks. You are not to put the firstborn of your oxen to work, nor are you to shear the firstborn of your flock. 20 Each year you and your household are to eat it before the LORD your God in the place the LORD will choose. 21 But if an animal has a defect, is lame or blind, or has any serious flaw, you must not sacrifice it to the LORD your God. 22 Eat it within your gates; both the ceremonially unclean and clean may eat it as they would a gazelle or a deer. 23 But you must not eat the blood; pour it on the ground like water.
MLV(i) 1 At the end of every seven years you will make a release. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor will release what he has lent to his neighbor. He will not exact it from his neighbor and his brother, because Jehovah's release has been proclaimed. 3 From a foreigner you may exact it, but whatever of your is with your brother, your hand will release.
4 However there will be no poor with you (for Jehovah will surely bless you in the land which Jehovah your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it), 5 if only you diligently listen to the voice of Jehovah your God, to observe to do all this commandment which I command you this day.
6 For Jehovah your God will bless you as he promised you and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.
7 If there is with you a poor man, one of your brothers, within any of your gates in your land which Jehovah your God gives you, you will not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother, 8 but you will surely open your hand to him and will surely lend him sufficient for his need which he wants.
9 Beware that there not be a worthless thought in your heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand and your eye be evil against your poor brother and you give him nothing and he cry to Jehovah against you and it is sin to you. 10 You will surely give him and your heart will not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing Jehovah your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you put your hand to.
11 For the poor will never cease out of the land. Therefore I command you, saying, You will surely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and to your poor, in your land.
12 If your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you will let him go free from you. 13 And when you let him go free from you, you will not let him go empty. 14 You will furnish him liberally out of your flock and out of your threshing-floor and out of your winepress. As Jehovah your God has blessed you, you will give to him.
15 And you will remember that you were a bondman in the land of Egypt and Jehovah your God redeemed you. Therefore I command you this thing today.
16 And it will be, if he says to you, I will not go out from you, because he loves you and your house, because he is well with you, 17 then you will take an awl and thrust it through his ear to the door and he will be your servant everlasting. And also to your maid-servant you will do likewise.
18 It will not seem hard to you when you let him go free from you, for he has been worth a double hired servant to you, in serving you six years. And Jehovah your God will bless you in all that you do.
19 All the first-offspring males that are born of your herd and of your flock you will sanctify to Jehovah your God. You will do no work with the first-offspring of your herd, nor shear the first-offspring of your flock.
20 You will eat it before Jehovah your God year by year in the place which Jehovah will choose, you and your household. 21 And if it has any blemish, as lame or blind, any ill blemish whatever, you will not sacrifice it to Jehovah your God.
22 You will eat it within your gates. The unclean man and the clean man alike, as the gazelle and as the male-deer.
23 Only you will not eat the blood of it. You will pour it out upon the ground as water.

VIN(i) 1 At the end of every seven years, you shall cancel debts. 2 This is the way it shall be done: every creditor shall release that which he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not require payment from his neighbor and his brother, because the LORD's release has been proclaimed. 3 You may exact payment from a foreigner, but cancel whatever your brother owes you. 4 However there shall be no poor among you, for the LORD will surely bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it 5 If only you give ear to the voice of the Lord your God, and take care to keep all these orders which I give you today. 6 For the LORD your God will bless you as he promised you and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you. 7 "If there should be a poor man among your relatives in one of the cities of the land that the LORD your God is about to give you, don't be hard-hearted or tight-fisted toward your poor relative. 8 But let your hand be open to give him the use of whatever he is in need of. 9 "Be careful not to think this wicked thought to yourselves: 'The seventh year, the year of remission, is drawing near,' and you show ill will toward your poor relative and not give to him. He may then call to the LORD on account of you, and you will be guilty of sin. 10 You must surely give to him, and your heart must not be grieved when you give to him, because for this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you put your hand to. 11 For the poor will never cease out of the land. Therefore I command you to surely open your hand to your brother, to your needy, and to your poor, in your land. 12 "When a fellow Hebrew male or female slave is sold to you and serves you for six years, then in the seventh year you shall set them free. 13 But when you set them free, don't send them away empty-handed. 14 "Supply him liberally from your flock and from your threshing floor and from your wine vat. Give to him as the LORD your God has blessed you. 15 "Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you. Therefore I command you this today! 16 And it will be, if he says to you, I will not go out from you, because he loves you and your house, because he is well with you, 17 then take an awl and pierce through his earlobe into the door. Then he will be your slave forever. You may do the same for your female slaves. 18 "It should not seem hard to you when you set him free. After all he has given you six years with double the service of a hired man. the LORD your God will bless you in whatever you do. 19 "Set apart for the LORD your God every firstborn male among your herd and flock. You must not put the firstborn of your ox to work or shear the firstborn of your flock. 20 »You and your household shall eat it every year before the LORD your God in the place the LORD chooses. 21 If it has any defect—is lame or blind, or has any defect whatever, you shall not sacrifice it to the LORD your God. 22 »Eat it within your gates. The unclean and the clean alike may eat it, as a gazelle or a deer. 23 Only you must not eat its blood. Pour it on the ground like water."
Luther1545(i) 1 Über sieben Jahre sollst du ein Erlaßjahr halten. 2 Also soll's aber zugehen mit dem Erlaßjahr: Wenn einer seinem Nächsten etwas borget, der soll's ihm erlassen und soll's nicht einmahnen von seinem Nächsten oder von seinem Bruder; denn es heißt ein Erlaßjahr dem HERRN. 3 Von einem Fremden magst du es einmahnen; aber dem, der dein Bruder ist, sollst du es erlassen. 4 Es soll allerdinge kein Bettler unter euch sein; denn der HERR wird dich segnen im Lande, das dir der HERR, dein Gott, geben wird zum Erbe einzunehmen; 5 allein daß du der Stimme des HERRN, deines Gottes, gehorchest und haltest alle diese Gebote, die ich dir heute gebiete, daß du danach tust! 6 Denn der HERR, dein Gott, wird dich segnen, wie er dir geredet hat. So wirst du vielen Völkern leihen, und du wirst von niemand borgen. Du wirst über viele Völker herrschen, und über dich wird niemand herrschen. 7 Wenn deiner Brüder irgend einer arm ist in irgend einer Stadt in deinem Lande, das der HERR, dein Gott, dir geben wird, so sollst du dein Herz nicht verhärten noch deine Hand zuhalten gegen deinen armen Bruder, 8 sondern sollst sie ihm auftun und ihm leihen, nach dem er mangelt. 9 Hüte dich, daß nicht in deinem Herzen ein Belialstück sei, das da spreche: Es nahet herzu das siebente Jahr, das Erlaßjahr, und sehest deinen armen Bruder unfreundlich an und gebest ihm nicht; so wird er über dich zum HERRN rufen, so wirst du es Sünde haben; 10 sondern du sollst ihm geben, und dein Herz nicht verdrießen lassen, daß du ihm gibst; denn um solches willen wird dich der HERR, dein Gott, segnen in allen deinen Werken und was du vornimmst. 11 Es werden allezeit Arme sein im Lande; darum gebiete ich dir und sage, daß du deine Hand auftust deinem Bruder, der bedrängt und arm ist in deinem Lande. 12 Wenn sich dein Bruder, ein Ebräer oder Ebräerin, dir verkauft, so soll er dir sechs Jahre dienen; im siebenten Jahr sollst du ihn frei losgeben. 13 Und wenn du ihn frei losgibst, sollst du ihn nicht leer von dir gehen lassen, 14 sondern sollst ihm auflegen von deinen Schafen, von deiner Tenne, von deiner Kelter, daß du gebest von dem, das dir der HERR, dein Gott, gesegnet hat. 15 Und gedenke, daß du auch Knecht warest in Ägyptenland, und der HERR, dein Gott, dich erlöset hat; darum gebiete ich dir solches heute. 16 Wird er aber zur dir sprechen: Ich will nicht ausziehen von dir, denn ich habe dich und dein Haus lieb (weil ihm wohl bei dir ist), 17 so nimm einen Pfriemen und bohre ihn durch sein Ohr an der Tür und laß ihn ewiglich deinen Knecht sein. Mit deiner Magd sollst du auch also tun. 18 Und laß dich's nicht schwer dünken, daß du ihn frei losgibst: denn er hat dir als ein zwiefältiger Taglöhner sechs Jahre gedienet; so wird der HERR, dein Gott, dich segnen in allem, was du tust. 19 Alle Erstgeburt, die unter deinen Rindern und Schafen geboren wird, das ein Männlein ist, sollst du dem HERRN, deinem Gott, heiligen. Du sollst nicht ackern mit dem Erstling deiner Ochsen und nicht bescheren die Erstlinge deiner Schafe. 20 Vor dem HERRN, deinem Gott, sollst du sie essen jährlich an der Stätte, die der HERR erwählet, du und dein Haus. 21 Wenn es aber einen Fehl hat, daß es hinket, oder blind ist, oder sonst irgend einen bösen Fehl, so sollst du es nicht opfern dem HERRN, deinem Gott, 22 sondern in deinem Tor sollst du es essen, du seiest unrein oder rein, wie ein Reh und Hirsch; 23 allein daß du seines Bluts nicht essest, sondern auf die Erde gießest, wie Wasser.
  1 H7093 Über H7651 sieben H8141 Jahre H8059 sollst du ein Erlaßjahr H6213 halten .
  2 H8059 Also soll‘s aber zugehen mit dem Erlaßjahr H7453 : Wenn einer seinem Nächsten H8058 etwas borget, der soll‘s ihm erlassen H5065 und soll‘s nicht H3027 einmahnen von H7453 seinem Nächsten H251 oder von seinem Bruder H1697 ; denn es H7121 heißt H8059 ein Erlaßjahr H3068 dem HErrn .
  3 H3027 Von H5237 einem Fremden H5065 magst du es einmahnen H251 ; aber dem, der dein Bruder H8058 ist, sollst du es erlassen .
  4 H657 Es H3423 soll allerdinge kein Bettler unter euch sein H3068 ; denn der HErr H1288 wird dich H1288 segnen H776 im Lande, das H3068 dir der HErr H430 , dein GOtt H5414 , geben H5159 wird zum Erbe einzunehmen;
  5 H8085 allein daß du H6963 der Stimme H3068 des HErrn H430 , deines Gottes H8104 , gehorchest und haltest H4687 alle diese Gebote H3117 , die ich dir heute H6680 gebiete H8085 , daß du H6213 danach tust!
  6 H3068 Denn der HErr H430 , dein GOtt H1288 , wird dich segnen H1696 , wie er dir geredet hat H7227 . So wirst du vielen H1471 Völkern H5670 leihen H7227 , und du wirst von niemand borgen. Du wirst über viele H1471 Völker H4910 herrschen H4910 , und über dich wird niemand herrschen .
  7 H251 Wenn deiner Brüder H259 irgend einer H34 arm H259 ist in irgend einer H8179 Stadt H776 in deinem Lande, das H3068 der HErr H430 , dein GOtt H5414 , dir geben H3824 wird, so sollst du dein Herz H553 nicht verhärten H3027 noch deine Hand H7092 zuhalten H34 gegen deinen armen H251 Bruder,
  8 H3027 sondern sollst sie H6605 ihm H6605 auftun und ihm H5670 leihen H1767 , nach H4270 dem er mangelt .
  9 H8104 Hüte dich H8141 , daß nicht in H3824 deinem Herzen H1697 ein Belialstück sei, das H559 da spreche H7126 : Es nahet herzu H7651 das siebente H8141 Jahr H34 , das Erlaßjahr, und sehest deinen armen H251 Bruder H7121 unfreundlich an H5414 und gebest ihm nicht; so wird er H5869 über dich H3068 zum HErrn H7489 rufen, so wirst du H2399 es Sünde haben;
  10 H3027 sondern du sollst ihm H5414 geben H5414 , und H3824 dein Herz H3415 nicht H5414 verdrießen lassen H1558 , daß du ihm gibst; denn um H1697 solches H3068 willen wird dich der HErr H430 , dein GOtt H1288 , segnen H4639 in allen deinen Werken H4916 und was du vornimmst .
  11 H34 Es werden allezeit Arme H2308 sein H7130 im H776 Lande H6680 ; darum gebiete H559 ich dir und sage H3027 , daß du deine Hand H6605 auftust H251 deinem Bruder H6041 , der bedrängt H34 und arm H776 ist in deinem Lande .
  12 H251 Wenn sich dein Bruder H4376 , ein Ebräer oder Ebräerin, dir verkauft H8337 , so soll er dir sechs H8141 Jahre H5647 dienen H7637 ; im siebenten H8141 Jahr H2670 sollst du ihn frei H7971 losgeben .
  13 H2670 Und wenn du ihn frei H7971 losgibst H7387 , sollst du ihn nicht leer H7971 von dir gehen lassen,
  14 H6059 sondern sollst ihm H6629 auflegen von deinen Schafen H1637 , von deiner Tenne H3342 , von deiner Kelter H5414 , daß du gebest H3068 von dem, das dir der HErr H430 , dein GOtt H1288 , gesegnet hat.
  15 H2142 Und gedenke H5650 , daß du auch Knecht H776 warest in Ägyptenland H3068 , und der HErr H430 , dein GOtt H6680 , dich erlöset hat; darum gebiete H6299 ich H1697 dir solches H3117 heute .
  16 H559 Wird er aber zur dir sprechen H3318 : Ich will nicht ausziehen von H1004 dir, denn ich habe dich und dein Haus H157 lieb H2895 [weil ihm wohl bei dir ist],
  17 H3947 so nimm H4836 einen Pfriemen H241 und bohre ihn durch sein Ohr H1817 an der Tür H5769 und laß ihn ewiglich H5650 deinen Knecht H519 sein. Mit deiner Magd H6213 sollst du auch also H5414 tun .
  18 H5647 Und H7185 laß dich‘s nicht schwer dünken H5869 , daß du ihn H2670 frei H8337 losgibst: denn er hat dir als ein zwiefältiger Taglöhner sechs H8141 Jahre H7971 gedienet; so wird H3068 der HErr H430 , dein GOtt H1288 , dich segnen H6213 in allem, was du tust .
  19 H1060 Alle Erstgeburt H5647 , die unter H1241 deinen Rindern H6629 und Schafen H3205 geboren H2145 wird, das ein Männlein H3068 ist, sollst du dem HErrn H430 , deinem GOtt H6942 , heiligen H7794 . Du sollst nicht ackern mit dem Erstling deiner Ochsen H1060 und nicht bescheren die Erstlinge H6629 deiner Schafe .
  20 H6440 Vor H3068 dem HErrn H430 , deinem GOtt H8141 , sollst du sie H398 essen H8141 jährlich H4725 an der Stätte H3068 , die der HErr H1004 erwählet, du und dein Haus .
  21 H3971 Wenn es aber einen Fehl H5787 hat, daß es hinket, oder blind H7451 ist, oder sonst irgend einen bösen H3971 Fehl H2076 , so sollst du es nicht opfern H3068 dem HErrn H430 , deinem GOtt,
  22 H8179 sondern in deinem Tor H398 sollst du es essen H2931 , du seiest unrein H2889 oder rein H6643 , wie ein Reh H354 und Hirsch;
  23 H1818 allein daß du seines Bluts H398 nicht essest H776 , sondern auf die Erde H8210 gießest H4325 , wie Wasser .
Luther1912(i) 1 Alle sieben Jahre sollst du ein Erlaßjahr halten. 2 Also soll's aber zugehen mit dem Erlaßjahr: wenn einer seinem Nächsten etwas borgte, der soll's ihm erlassen und soll's nicht einmahnen von seinem Nächsten oder von seinem Bruder; denn es heißt das Erlaßjahr des HERRN. 3 Von einem Fremden magst du es einmahnen; aber dem, der dein Bruder ist, sollst du es erlassen. 4 Es sollte allerdinge kein Armer unter euch sein; denn der HERR wird dich segnen in dem Lande, das dir der HERR, dein Gott, geben wird zum Erbe einzunehmen, 5 allein, daß du der Stimme des HERRN, deines Gottes, gehorchest und haltest alle diese Gebote, die ich dir heute gebiete, daß du darnach tust. 6 Denn der HERR, dein Gott, wird dich segnen, wie er dir verheißen hat; so wirst du vielen Völkern leihen, und du wirst von niemanden borgen; du wirst über viele Völker herrschen, und über dich wird niemand herrschen. 7 Wenn deiner Brüder irgend einer arm ist in irgend einer Stadt in deinem Lande, das der HERR, dein Gott, dir geben wird, so sollst du dein Herz nicht verhärten noch deine Hand zuhalten gegen deinen armen Bruder, 8 sondern sollst sie ihm auftun und ihm leihen, nach dem er Mangel hat. 9 Hüte dich, daß nicht in deinem Herzen eine böse Tücke sei, daß du sprichst: Es naht herzu das siebente Jahr, das Erlaßjahr, und siehst einen armen Bruder unfreundlich an und gebest ihm nicht; so wird er über dich zu dem HERRN rufen, und es wird dir eine Sünde sein. 10 Sondern du sollst ihm geben und dein Herz nicht verdrießen lassen, daß du ihm gibst; denn um solches willen wird dich der HERR, dein Gott, segnen in allen deinen Werken und in allem, was du vornimmst. 11 Es werden allezeit Arme sein im Lande; darum gebiete ich dir und sage, daß du deine Hand auftust deinem Bruder, der bedrängt und arm ist in deinem Lande. 12 Wenn sich dein Bruder, ein Hebräer oder eine Hebräerin, dir verkauft, so soll er dir sechs Jahre dienen; im siebenten Jahr sollst du ihn frei losgeben. 13 Und wenn du ihn frei losgibst, sollst du ihn nicht leer von dir gehen lassen, 14 sondern sollst ihm auflegen von deinen Schafen, von deiner Tenne von deiner Kelter, daß du gebest von dem, das dir der HERR, dein Gott, gesegnet hat. 15 Und gedenke, daß du auch Knecht warst in Ägyptenland und der HERR, dein Gott, dich erlöst hat; darum gebiete ich dir solches heute. 16 Wird er aber zu dir sprechen: Ich will nicht ausziehen von dir; denn ich habe dich und dein Haus lieb [weil ihm wohl bei dir ist], 17 so nimm einen Pfriemen und bohre ihm durch sein Ohr an der Tür und laß ihn ewiglich dein Knecht sein. Mit deiner Magd sollst du auch also tun. 18 Und laß dich's nicht schwer dünken, daß du ihn frei losgibst, denn er hat dir als zwiefältiger Tagelöhner sechs Jahre gedient; so wird der HERR, dein Gott, dich segnen in allem, was du tust. 19 Alle Erstgeburt, die unter deinen Rindern und Schafen geboren wird, was ein Männlein ist, sollst du dem HERRN, deinem Gott, heiligen. Du sollst nicht ackern mit dem Erstling deiner Ochsen und nicht scheren die Erstlinge deiner Schafe. 20 Vor dem HERRN, deinem Gott, sollst du sie essen jährlich an der Stätte, die der HERR erwählt, du und dein Haus. 21 Wenn's aber einen Fehl hat, daß es hinkt oder blind ist, oder sonst irgend einen bösen Fehl, so sollst du es nicht opfern dem HERRN, deinem Gott; 22 sondern in deinem Tor sollst du es essen, du seist unrein oder rein, wie man Reh und Hirsch ißt. 23 Allein daß du sein Blut nicht essest, sondern auf die Erde gießest wie Wasser.
  1 H7651 Alle sieben H8141 H7093 Jahre H8059 sollst du ein Erlaßjahr H6213 halten .
  2 H1697 Also soll’s aber zugehen H8059 mit dem Erlaßjahr H4874 H1167 H3027 : wenn einer H7453 seinem Nächsten H5383 etwas borgte H8058 , der soll’s ihm erlassen H5065 und soll’s nicht einmahnen H7453 von seinem Nächsten H251 oder von seinem Bruder H7121 ; denn es heißt H8059 das Erlaßjahr H3068 des HERRN .
  3 H5237 Von einem Fremden H5065 magst du es einmahnen H251 ; aber dem, der dein Bruder H3027 H8058 ist, sollst du es erlassen .
  4 H657 Es sollte H657 allerdinge kein H34 Armer H3068 unter euch sein; denn der HERR H1288 wird dich segnen H776 in dem Lande H3068 , das dir der HERR H430 , dein Gott H5414 , geben H5159 wird zum Erbe H3423 einzunehmen,
  5 H8085 allein H6963 , daß du der Stimme H3068 des HERRN H430 , deines Gottes H8085 , gehorchest H8104 und haltest H4687 alle diese Gebote H3117 , die ich dir heute H6680 gebiete H6213 , daß du darnach tust .
  6 H3068 Denn der HERR H430 , dein Gott H1288 , wird dich segnen H1696 , wie er dir verheißen H7227 hat; so wirst du vielen H1471 Völkern H5670 leihen H5670 , und du wirst von niemanden borgen H7227 ; du wirst über viele H1471 Völker H4910 herrschen H4910 , und über dich wird niemand herrschen .
  7 H251 Wenn deiner Brüder H259 irgend einer H34 arm H259 ist in irgend H8179 einer Stadt H776 in deinem Lande H3068 , das der HERR H430 , dein Gott H5414 , dir geben H3824 wird, so sollst du dein Herz H553 nicht verhärten H3027 noch deine Hand H7092 zuhalten H34 gegen deinen armen H251 Bruder,
  8 H5670 sondern sollst H3027 H6605 sie H6605 ihm auftun H5670 und ihm leihen H1767 H4270 , nach dem er Mangel hat.
  9 H8104 Hüte H3824 dich, daß nicht in deinem Herzen H1100 eine böse H1697 Tücke H559 sei, daß du sprechest H7126 : Es naht H7651 herzu das siebente H8141 Jahr H8059 H8141 , das Erlaßjahr H5869 , und sehest H34 deinen armen H251 Bruder H7489 unfreundlich H5414 an und gebest H3068 ihm nicht; so wird er über dich zu dem HERRN H7121 rufen H2399 , und es wird dir Sünde sein.
  10 H5414 Sondern du sollst H5414 ihm geben H3824 und dein Herz H3415 nicht verdrießen H5414 lassen, daß du ihm gibst H1558 ; denn H1697 um solches H3068 willen wird dich der HERR H430 , dein Gott H1288 , segnen H4639 in allen deinen Werken H4916 H3027 und in allem, was du vornimmst .
  11 H7130 H2308 Es werden allezeit H34 Arme H776 sein im Lande H6680 ; darum gebiete H559 ich dir und sage H3027 , daß du deine Hand H6605 auftust H251 deinem Bruder H34 , der bedrängt H6041 und arm H776 ist in deinem Lande .
  12 H251 Wenn sich dein Bruder H5680 , ein Hebräer H5680 oder eine Hebräerin H4376 , dir verkauft H8337 , so soll er dir sechs H8141 Jahre H5647 dienen H7637 ; im siebenten H8141 Jahr H2670 sollst du ihn frei H7971 losgeben .
  13 H2670 Und wenn du ihn frei H7971 losgibst H7387 , sollst du ihn nicht leer H7971 von dir gehen lassen,
  14 H6059 sondern sollst ihm auflegen H6629 von deinen Schafen H1637 , von deiner Tenne H3342 , von deiner Kelter H5414 , daß du gebest H3068 von dem, das dir der HERR H430 , dein Gott H1288 , gesegnet hat.
  15 H2142 Und gedenke H5650 , daß du auch Knecht H4714 H776 warst in Ägyptenland H3068 und der HERR H430 , dein Gott H6299 , dich erlöst H6680 hat; darum gebiete H1697 ich dir solches H3117 heute .
  16 H559 Wird er aber zu dir sprechen H3318 : Ich will nicht ausziehen H1004 von dir; denn ich habe dich und dein Haus H157 lieb H2895 [weil ihm wohl bei dir ist],
  17 H3947 so nimm H4836 einen Pfriemen H5414 und bohre H241 ihm durch sein Ohr H1817 an der Tür H5769 und laß ihn ewiglich H5650 dein Knecht H519 sein. Mit deiner Magd H6213 sollst du auch also tun .
  18 H5869 Und laß dich’s H7185 nicht schwer H2670 dünken, daß du ihn frei H7971 losgibst H4932 ; denn er hat dir als zwiefältiger H7916 Tagelöhner H8337 sechs H8141 Jahre H7939 H5647 gedient H3068 , so wird der HERR H430 , dein Gott H1288 , dich segnen H6213 in allem, was du tust .
  19 H1060 Alle Erstgeburt H1241 , die unter deinen Rindern H6629 und Schafen H3205 geboren H2145 wird, was ein Männlein H3068 ist, sollst du dem HERRN H430 , deinem Gott H6942 , heiligen H5647 . Du sollst nicht ackern H1060 mit dem Erstling H7794 deiner Ochsen H1494 und nicht scheren H1060 die Erstlinge H6629 deiner Schafe .
  20 H6440 Vor H3068 dem HERRN H430 , deinem Gott H398 , sollst du sie essen H8141 H8141 jährlich H4725 an der Stätte H3068 , die der HERR H977 erwählt H1004 , du und dein Haus .
  21 H3971 Wenn’s aber einen Fehl H6455 hat, daß es hinkt H5787 oder blind H7451 ist, oder sonst irgend einen bösen H3971 Fehl H2076 , so sollst du es nicht opfern H3068 dem HERRN H430 , deinem Gott;
  22 H8179 sondern in deinem Tor H398 sollst du es essen H2931 , du seist unrein H2889 oder rein H3162 , wie H6643 man Reh H354 und Hirsch ißt.
  23 H1818 Allein daß du sein Blut H398 nicht essest H776 , sondern auf die Erde H8210 gießest H4325 wie Wasser .
ELB1871(i) 1 Am Ende von sieben Jahren sollst du einen Erlaß halten. Und dies ist die Sache mit dem Erlasse: 2 Jeder Schuldherr soll erlassen das Darlehn seiner Hand, das er seinem Nächsten geliehen hat; er soll seinen Nächsten und seinen Bruder nicht drängen; denn man hat einen Erlaß dem Jehova ausgerufen. 3 Den Fremden magst du drängen; was du aber bei deinem Bruder hast, soll deine Hand erlassen; 4 es sei denn, daß kein Armer unter dir ist. Denn Jehova wird dich reichlich segnen in dem Lande, welches Jehova, dein Gott, dir als Erbteil gibt, es zu besitzen, 5 wenn du nur der Stimme Jehovas, deines Gottes, fleißig gehorchst, darauf zu achten, dieses ganze Gebot zu tun, das ich dir heute gebiete. 6 Denn Jehova, dein Gott, wird dich segnen, wie er zu dir geredet hat; und du wirst vielen Nationen auf Pfand leihen, du aber wirst nichts auf Pfand entlehnen; und du wirst über viele Nationen herrschen, über dich aber werden sie nicht herrschen. 7 Wenn ein Armer unter dir sein wird, irgend einer deiner Brüder, in einem deiner Tore in deinem Lande, das Jehova, dein Gott, dir gibt, so sollst du dein Herz nicht verhärten und deine Hand vor deinem Bruder, dem Armen, nicht verschließen; 8 sondern du sollst ihm deine Hand weit auftun und ihm willig auf Pfand leihen, was hinreicht für den Mangel, den er hat. 9 Hüte dich, daß nicht in deinem Herzen ein Belialswort sei, daß du sprechest: Es naht das siebte Jahr, das Erlaßjahr! und daß dein Auge böse sei gegen deinen Bruder, den Armen, und du ihm nichts gebest, und er über dich zu Jehova schreie, und Sünde an dir sei! 10 Willig sollst du ihm geben, und dein Herz soll nicht ärgerlich sein, wenn du ihm gibst; denn um dieser Sache willen wird Jehova, dein Gott, dich segnen in all deinem Werke und in allem Geschäft deiner Hand. 11 Denn der Arme wird nicht aufhören inmitten des Landes; darum gebiete ich dir und spreche: Du sollst deinem Bruder, deinem Dürftigen und deinem Armen in deinem Lande, deine Hand weit auftun. 12 Wenn dein Bruder, ein Hebräer oder eine Hebräerin, sich dir verkauft, so soll er dir sechs Jahre dienen; und im siebten Jahre sollst du ihn frei von dir entlassen. 13 Und wenn du ihn frei von dir entlässest, so sollst du ihn nicht leer entlassen: 14 du sollst ihm reichlich aufladen von deinem Kleinvieh und von deiner Tenne und von deiner Kelter; von dem, womit Jehova, dein Gott, dich gesegnet hat, sollst du ihm geben. 15 Und du sollst gedenken, daß du ein Knecht gewesen bist im Lande Ägypten, und daß Jehova, dein Gott, dich erlöst hat; darum gebiete ich dir heute diese Sache. 16 Und es soll geschehen, wenn er zu dir spricht: Ich will nicht von dir weggehen, weil er dich und dein Haus liebt, weil ihm wohl bei dir ist - 17 so sollst du eine Pfrieme nehmen und sie durch sein Ohr in die Tür stechen, und er wird dein Knecht sein für immer; und auch deiner Magd sollst du also tun. 18 Es soll nicht schwer sein in deinen Augen, wenn du ihn frei von dir entlässest; denn das Doppelte des Lohnes eines Tagelöhners hat er dir sechs Jahre lang gedient; und Jehova, dein Gott, wird dich segnen in allem, was du tust. 19 Alles männliche Erstgeborene, das unter deinen Rindern unter deinem Kleinvieh geboren wird, sollst du Jehova, deinem Gott, heiligen. Du sollst mit dem Erstgeborenen deines Rindes nicht arbeiten, und du sollst das Erstgeborene deines Kleinviehes nicht scheren: 20 vor Jehova, deinem Gott, sollst du es essen, Jahr für Jahr, du und dein Haus, an dem Orte, den Jehova erwählen wird. 21 Wenn aber ein Gebrechen an ihm ist, daß es lahm oder blind ist, irgend ein schlimmes Gebrechen, so sollst du es Jehova, deinem Gott, nicht opfern. 22 In deinen Toren magst du es essen, der Unreine und der Reine gleicherweise, wie die Gazelle und wie den Hirsch. 23 Nur sein Blut sollst du nicht essen; du sollst es auf die Erde gießen wie Wasser.
ELB1905(i) 1 Am Ende von sieben Jahren sollst du einen Erlaß halten. Und dies ist die Sache mit dem Erlasse: 2 Jeder Schuldherr soll erlassen das Darlehn seiner Hand, das er seinem Nächsten geliehen hat; er soll seinen Nächsten und seinen Bruder nicht drängen; denn man hat einen Erlaß dem Jahwe ausgerufen. 3 Den Fremden magst du drängen; was du aber bei deinem Bruder hast, soll deine Hand erlassen; 4 es sei denn, daß kein Armer unter dir ist. Denn O. erlassen. Jedoch wird kein Armer unter dir sein; denn Jahwe wird dich reichlich segnen in dem Lande, welches Jahwe, dein Gott, dir als Erbteil gibt, es zu besitzen, 5 wenn du nur der Stimme Jahwes, deines Gottes, fleißig gehorchst, darauf zu achten, dieses ganze Gebot zu tun, das ich dir heute gebiete. 6 Denn Jahwe, dein Gott, wird dich segnen, Eig. hat dich gesegnet wie er zu dir geredet hat; und du wirst vielen Nationen auf Pfand leihen, du aber wirst nichts auf Pfand entlehnen; und du wirst über viele Nationen herrschen, über dich aber werden sie nicht herrschen. 7 Wenn ein Armer unter dir sein wird, irgend einer deiner Brüder, in einem deiner Tore in deinem Lande, das Jahwe, dein Gott, dir gibt, so sollst du dein Herz nicht verhärten und deine Hand vor deinem Bruder, dem Armen, nicht verschließen; 8 sondern du sollst ihm deine Hand weit auftun und ihm willig auf Pfand leihen, was hinreicht für den Mangel, den er hat. 9 Hüte dich, daß nicht in deinem Herzen ein Belialswort sei, daß du sprechest: Es naht das siebte Jahr, das Erlaßjahr! und daß dein Auge böse sei gegen deinen Bruder, den Armen, und du ihm nichts gebest, und er über dich O. wider dich zu Jahwe schreie, und Sünde an dir sei! 10 Willig sollst du ihm geben, und dein Herz soll nicht ärgerlich sein, wenn du ihm gibst; denn um dieser Sache willen wird Jahwe, dein Gott, dich segnen in all deinem Werke und in allem Geschäft deiner Hand. 11 Denn der Arme wird nicht aufhören inmitten des Landes; darum gebiete ich dir und spreche: Du sollst deinem Bruder, deinem Dürftigen und deinem Armen in deinem Lande, deine Hand weit auftun. 12 Wenn dein Bruder, ein Hebräer oder eine Hebräerin, sich dir verkauft, O. dir verkauft wird; vergl. [2.Mose 21,2] usw.; [3.Mose 25,39] so soll er dir sechs Jahre dienen; und im siebten Jahre sollst du ihn frei von dir entlassen. 13 Und wenn du ihn frei von dir entlässest, so sollst du ihn nicht leer entlassen: 14 Du sollst ihm reichlich aufladen von deinem Kleinvieh und von deiner Tenne und von deiner Kelter; von dem, womit Jahwe, dein Gott, dich gesegnet hat, sollst du ihm geben. 15 Und du sollst gedenken, daß du ein Knecht gewesen bist im Lande Ägypten, und daß Jahwe, dein Gott, dich erlöst hat; darum gebiete ich dir heute diese Sache. 16 Und es soll geschehen, wenn er zu dir spricht: Ich will nicht von dir weggehen, weil er dich und dein Haus liebt, weil ihm wohl bei dir ist 17 so sollst du eine Pfrieme nehmen und sie durch sein Ohr in die Tür stechen, und er wird dein Knecht sein für immer; und auch deiner Magd sollst du also tun. 18 Es soll nicht schwer sein in deinen Augen, wenn du ihn frei von dir entlässest; denn was an Wert das Doppelte des Lohnes eines Tagelöhners ausmacht, hat er dir sechs Jahre lang gedient; und Jahwe, dein Gott, wird dich segnen in allem, was du tust. 19 Alles männliche Erstgeborene, das unter deinen Rindern unter deinem Kleinvieh geboren wird, sollst du Jahwe, deinem Gott, heiligen. Du sollst mit dem Erstgeborenen deines Rindes nicht arbeiten, und du sollst das Erstgeborene deines Kleinviehes nicht scheren: 20 Vor Jahwe, deinem Gott, sollst du es essen, Jahr für Jahr, du und dein Haus, an dem Orte, den Jahwe erwählen wird. 21 Wenn aber ein Gebrechen an ihm ist, daß es lahm oder blind ist, irgend ein schlimmes Gebrechen, so sollst du es Jahwe, deinem Gott, nicht opfern. 22 In deinen Toren magst du es essen, der Unreine und der Reine gleicherweise, wie die Gazelle und wie den Hirsch. 23 Nur sein Blut sollst du nicht essen; du sollst es auf die Erde gießen wie Wasser.
  1 H7093 Am Ende H7651 von sieben H6213 Jahren sollst du einen Erlaß halten H8141 . Und dies ist die Sache mit dem Erlasse:
  2 H5383 Jeder Schuldherr H8058 soll erlassen H1697 das H3027 Darlehn seiner Hand H7453 , das er seinem Nächsten H7121 geliehen hat H7453 ; er soll seinen Nächsten H251 und seinen Bruder H5065 nicht drängen H3068 ; denn man hat einen Erlaß dem Jehova ausgerufen.
  3 H5237 Den Fremden H5065 magst du drängen H251 ; was du aber bei deinem Bruder H3027 hast, soll deine Hand H8058 erlassen;
  4 H657 es H1288 sei H34 denn, daß kein Armer H3068 unter dir ist. Denn Jehova H1288 wird dich reichlich segnen H776 in dem Lande H3068 , welches Jehova H430 , dein Gott H5159 , dir als Erbteil H5414 gibt H3423 , es zu besitzen,
  5 H8085 wenn du H8104 nur H6963 der Stimme H3068 Jehovas H430 , deines Gottes H4687 , fleißig gehorchst, darauf zu achten, dieses ganze Gebot H6213 zu tun H3117 , das ich dir heute H6680 gebiete .
  6 H3068 Denn Jehova H430 , dein Gott H1288 , wird dich segnen H1471 , wie H1696 er zu dir geredet hat H7227 ; und du wirst vielen H5670 Nationen auf Pfand leihen H7227 , du aber wirst nichts auf Pfand entlehnen; und du wirst über viele H4910 Nationen herrschen H4910 , über dich aber werden sie nicht herrschen .
  7 H259 Wenn ein H34 Armer H251 unter dir sein wird, irgend einer deiner Brüder H259 , in einem H8179 deiner Tore H776 in deinem Lande H3068 , das Jehova H430 , dein Gott H5414 , dir gibt H3824 , so sollst du dein Herz H553 nicht verhärten H3027 und deine Hand H251 vor deinem Bruder H34 , dem Armen, nicht verschließen;
  8 H6605 sondern du sollst ihm H3027 deine Hand H5670 weit auftun und ihm H6605 willig auf H5670 Pfand leihen H4270 , was hinreicht für den Mangel H2637 , den er hat .
  9 H8104 Hüte dich H3824 , daß nicht in deinem Herzen H5414 ein Belialswort sei, daß du H8141 sprechest: Es naht das siebte Jahr H8059 , das Erlaßjahr H8141 ! - und H5869 daß dein Auge H1100 böse H251 sei gegen deinen Bruder H34 , den Armen H1697 , und du ihm nichts H559 gebest, und er H7126 über dich zu H3068 Jehova H2399 schreie, und Sünde H7121 an dir sei!
  10 H5414 Willig sollst du H5414 ihm geben H3824 , und dein Herz H5414 soll nicht ärgerlich sein, wenn du H1558 ihm gibst; denn um H1697 dieser Sache H4916 willen wird H3068 Jehova H430 , dein Gott H1288 , dich segnen H4639 in all deinem Werke H3027 und in allem Geschäft deiner Hand .
  11 H34 Denn der Arme H2308 wird nicht aufhören H776 inmitten des Landes H6680 ; darum gebiete H559 ich dir und spreche: Du H251 sollst deinem Bruder H6041 , deinem Dürftigen H34 und deinem Armen H7130 in H776 deinem Lande H3027 , deine Hand H6605 weit auftun .
  12 H251 Wenn dein Bruder H5680 , ein Hebräer H4376 oder eine Hebräerin, sich dir verkauft H8337 , so soll er dir sechs H8141 Jahre H5647 dienen H7971 ; und H8141 im siebten Jahre H2670 sollst du ihn frei von dir entlassen.
  13 H7971 Und H2670 wenn du ihn frei H7387 von dir entlässest, so sollst du ihn nicht leer entlassen:
  14 H6059 Du sollst ihm H6629 reichlich aufladen von deinem Kleinvieh H1637 und von deiner Tenne H3342 und von deiner Kelter H3068 ; von dem, womit Jehova H430 , dein Gott H1288 , dich gesegnet H6059 hat, sollst du ihm H5414 geben .
  15 H2142 Und du sollst gedenken H5650 , daß du ein Knecht H776 gewesen bist im Lande H4714 Ägypten H3068 , und daß Jehova H430 , dein Gott H6680 , dich erlöst hat H6299 ; darum gebiete ich H3117 dir heute H1697 diese Sache .
  16 H559 Und es soll geschehen, wenn er H3318 zu dir spricht: Ich will nicht von H1004 dir weggehen-weil er dich und dein Haus H157 liebt H2895 , weil ihm wohl bei dir ist -
  17 H3947 so sollst du eine Pfrieme nehmen H6213 und H241 sie durch sein Ohr H1817 in die Tür H5650 stechen, und er wird dein Knecht H519 sein für immer; und auch deiner Magd H5414 sollst du also tun .
  18 H5869 Es soll nicht schwer sein in deinen Augen H2670 , wenn du ihn frei H7916 von dir entlässest; denn was an Wert das Doppelte des Lohnes eines Tagelöhners H7185 ausmacht, hat H8337 er dir sechs H8141 Jahre H5647 lang gedient H7971 ; und H3068 Jehova H430 , dein Gott H1288 , wird dich segnen H6213 in allem, was du tust .
  19 H2145 Alles männliche H1060 Erstgeborene H1241 , das unter deinen Rindern H6629 unter deinem Kleinvieh H3205 geboren H3068 wird, sollst du Jehova H430 , deinem Gott H6942 , heiligen H1060 . Du sollst mit dem Erstgeborenen H5647 deines Rindes nicht arbeiten H1060 , und du sollst das Erstgeborene H1494 deines Kleinviehes nicht scheren :
  20 H6440 Vor H3068 Jehova H430 , deinem Gott H398 , sollst du es essen H8141 , Jahr H8141 für Jahr H1004 , du und dein Haus H4725 , an dem Orte H3068 , den Jehova H977 erwählen wird.
  21 H3971 Wenn aber ein Gebrechen H6455 an ihm ist, daß es lahm H5787 oder blind H3971 ist, irgend ein schlimmes Gebrechen H3068 , so sollst du es Jehova H430 , deinem Gott H2076 , nicht opfern .
  22 H8179 In deinen Toren H398 magst du es essen H2931 , der Unreine H2889 und der Reine H354 gleicherweise, wie die Gazelle und wie den Hirsch .
  23 H1818 Nur sein Blut H398 sollst du nicht essen H776 ; du sollst es auf die Erde H8210 gießen H4325 wie Wasser .
DSV(i) 1 Ten einde van zeven jaren zult gij een vrijlating maken. 2 Dit nu is de zaak der vrijlating, dat ieder schuldheer, die zijn naaste zal geleend hebben, vrijlate; hij zal zijn naaste of zijn broeder niet manen, dewijl men den HEERE een vrijlating heeft uitgeroepen. 3 Den vreemde zult gij manen; maar wat gij bij uw broeder hebt, zal uw hand vrijlaten; 4 Alleenlijk, omdat er geen bedelaar onder u zal zijn; want de HEERE zal u overloediglijk zegenen in het land, dat u de HEERE, uw God, ten erve zal geven, om hetzelve erfelijk te bezitten; 5 Indien gij slechts de stem des HEEREN, uws Gods, vlijtiglijk zult gehoorzamen, dat gij waarneemt te doen al deze geboden, die ik u heden gebiede. 6 Want de HEERE, uw God, zal u zegenen, gelijk als Hij tot u heeft gesproken, zo zult gij aan vele volken lenen; maar gij zult niet ontlenen; en gij zult over vele volken heersen; maar over u zullen zij niet heersen. 7 Wanneer er onder u een arme zal zijn, een uit uw broederen, in een uwer poorten, in uw land, dat de HEERE, uw God, u geven zal, zo zult gij uw hart niet verstijven, noch uw hand toesluiten voor uw broeder, die arm is; 8 Maar gij zult hem uw hand mildelijk opendoen, en zult hem rijkelijk lenen, genoeg voor zijn gebrek, dat hem ontbreekt. 9 Wacht u, dat in uw hart geen Belialswoord zij, om te zeggen: Het zevende jaar, het jaar der vrijlating, naakt; dat uw oog boos zij tegen uw broeder, die arm is, en dat gij hem niet gevet; en hij over u roepe tot den HEERE, en zonde in u zij. 10 Gij zult hem mildelijk geven, en uw hart zal niet boos zijn, als gij hem geeft; want om dezer zake wil zal u de HEERE, uw God, zegenen in al uw werk, en in alles, waaraan gij uw hand slaat. 11 Want de arme zal niet ophouden uit het midden des lands; daarom gebiede ik u, zeggende: Gij zult uw hand mildelijk opendoen aan uw broeder, aan uw bedrukten en aan uw armen in uw land. 12 Wanneer uw broeder, een Hebreër of een Hebreïnne, aan u verkocht zal zijn, zo zal hij u zes jaren dienen; maar in het zevende jaar zult gij hem vrij van u laten gaan. 13 En als gij hem vrij van u gaan laat, zo zult gij hem niet ledig laten gaan: 14 Gij zult hem rijkelijk opleggen van uw kudde, en van uw dorsvloer, en van uw wijnpers; waarin u de HEERE, uw God, gezegend heeft, daarvan zult gij hem geven. 15 En gij zult gedenken, dat gij een dienstknecht in Egypteland geweest zijt, en dat u de HEERE, uw God, verlost heeft; daarom gebiede ik u heden deze zake. 16 Maar het zal geschieden, als hij tot u zeggen zal: Ik zal niet van u uitgaan, omdat hij u en uw huis liefheeft, dewijl het hem wel bij u is; 17 Zo zult gij een priem nemen, en steken in zijn oor en in de deur, en hij zal eeuwiglijk uw dienstknecht zijn; en aan uw dienstmaagd zult gij ook alzo doen. 18 Het zal niet hard zijn in uw ogen, als gij hem vrij van u gaan laat; want als een dubbel-loons-dagloner heeft hij u zes jaren gediend; zo zal u de HEERE, uw God, zegenen in alles, wat gij doen zult. 19 Al het eerstgeborene, dat onder uw runderen en onder uw schapen zal geboren worden, zijnde een manneken, zult gij den HEERE, uw God, heiligen; gij zult niet arbeiden met den eerstgeborene van uw os, noch de eerstgeborene uwer schapen scheren. 20 Voor het aangezicht des HEEREN, uws Gods, zult gij ze jaar op jaar eten in de plaats, die de HEERE zal verkiezen, gij en uw huis. 21 Doch als enig gebrek daaraan zal zijn, hetzij mank of blind, of enig kwaad gebrek, zo zult gij het den HEERE, uw God, niet offeren; 22 In uw poorten zult gij het eten; de onreine en de reine te zamen, als een ree, en als een hert, 23 Zijn bloed alleen zult gij niet eten; gij zult het op de aarde uitgieten als water.
  1 H7093 Ten einde H7651 van zeven H8141 jaren H8059 zult gij een vrijlating H6213 H8799 maken.
  2 H1697 Dit nu is de zaak H8059 der vrijlating H1167 H4874 H3027 , dat ieder schuldheer H7453 , die zijn naaste H5383 H8686 zal geleend hebben H8058 H8800 , vrijlate H7453 ; hij zal zijn naaste H251 of zijn broeder H5065 H8799 niet manen H3068 , dewijl men den HEERE H8059 een vrijlating H7121 H8804 heeft uitgeroepen.
  3 H5237 Den vreemde H5065 H8799 zult gij manen H251 ; maar wat gij bij uw broeder H3027 hebt, zal uw hand H8058 H8686 vrijlaten;
  4 H657 Alleenlijk H34 , omdat er geen bedelaar H3068 onder u zal zijn; want de HEERE H1288 H8763 zal u overvloediglijk H1288 H8762 zegenen H776 in het land H3068 , dat u de HEERE H430 , uw God H5159 , ten erve H5414 H8802 zal geven H3423 H8800 , om hetzelve erfelijk te bezitten;
  5 H6963 Indien gij slechts de stem H3068 des HEEREN H430 , uws Gods H8085 H8800 , vlijtiglijk H8085 H8799 zult gehoorzamen H8104 H8800 , dat gij waarneemt H6213 H8800 te doen H4687 al deze geboden H3117 , die ik u heden H6680 H8764 gebiede.
  6 H3068 Want de HEERE H430 , uw God H1288 H8765 , zal u zegenen H1696 H8765 , gelijk als Hij tot u heeft gesproken H7227 , zo zult gij aan vele H1471 volken H5670 H8689 lenen H5670 H8799 ; maar gij zult niet ontlenen H7227 ; en gij zult over vele H1471 volken H4910 H8804 heersen H4910 H8799 ; maar over u zullen zij niet heersen.
  7 H34 Wanneer er onder u een arme H259 zal zijn, een H251 uit uw broederen H259 , in een H8179 uwer poorten H776 , in uw land H3068 , dat de HEERE H430 , uw God H5414 H8802 , u geven zal H3824 , zo zult gij uw hart H553 H8762 niet verstijven H3027 , noch uw hand H7092 H8799 toesluiten H251 voor uw broeder H34 , die arm is;
  8 H3027 Maar gij zult hem uw hand H6605 H8800 mildelijk H6605 H8799 opendoen H5670 H8687 , en zult hem rijkelijk H5670 H8686 lenen H1767 , genoeg H4270 voor zijn gebrek H2637 H8799 , dat hem ontbreekt.
  9 H8104 H8734 Wacht u H3824 , dat in uw hart H1697 H1100 geen Belialswoord H559 H8800 zij, om te zeggen H7651 : Het zevende H8141 jaar H8141 , het jaar H8059 der vrijlating H7126 H8804 , naakt H5869 ; dat uw oog H7489 H8804 boos zij H251 tegen uw broeder H34 , die arm H5414 H8799 is, en dat gij hem niet gevet H7121 H8804 ; en hij over u roepe H3068 tot den HEERE H2399 , en zonde in u zij.
  10 H5414 H8800 Gij zult hem mildelijk H5414 H8799 geven H3824 , en uw hart H3415 H8799 zal niet boos zijn H5414 H8800 , als gij hem geeft H1558 H0 ; want om H1697 dezer zake H1558 wil H3068 zal u de HEERE H430 , uw God H1288 H8762 , zegenen H4639 in al uw werk H3027 , en in alles, waaraan gij uw hand H4916 slaat.
  11 H34 Want de arme H2308 H8799 zal niet ophouden H7130 uit het midden H776 des lands H6680 H8764 ; daarom gebiede ik H559 H8800 u, zeggende H3027 : Gij zult uw hand H6605 H8800 mildelijk H6605 H8799 opendoen H251 aan uw broeder H6041 , aan uw bedrukten H34 en aan uw armen H776 in uw land.
  12 H251 Wanneer uw broeder H5680 , een Hebreer H5680 of een Hebreinne H4376 H8735 , aan u verkocht zal zijn H8337 , zo zal hij u zes H8141 jaren H5647 H8804 dienen H7637 ; maar in het zevende H8141 jaar H2670 zult gij hem vrij H7971 H8762 van u laten gaan.
  13 H2670 En als gij hem vrij H7971 H8762 van u gaan laat H7387 , zo zult gij hem niet ledig H7971 H8762 laten gaan:
  14 H6059 H8687 Gij zult hem rijkelijk H6059 H8686 opleggen H6629 van uw kudde H1637 , en van uw dorsvloer H3342 , en van uw wijnpers H3068 ; waarin u de HEERE H430 , uw God H1288 H8765 , gezegend heeft H5414 H8799 , daarvan zult gij hem geven.
  15 H2142 H8804 En gij zult gedenken H5650 , dat gij een dienstknecht H776 H4714 in Egypteland H3068 geweest zijt, en dat u de HEERE H430 , uw God H6299 H8799 , verlost heeft H6680 H8764 ; daarom gebiede ik H3117 u heden H1697 deze zake.
  16 H559 H8799 Maar het zal geschieden, als hij tot u zeggen zal H3318 H8799 : Ik zal niet van u uitgaan H1004 , omdat hij u en uw huis H157 H8804 liefheeft H2895 H8804 , dewijl het hem wel bij u is;
  17 H4836 Zo zult gij een priem H3947 H8804 nemen H5414 H8804 , en steken H241 in zijn oor H1817 en in de deur H5769 , en hij zal eeuwiglijk H5650 uw dienstknecht H519 zijn; en aan uw dienstmaagd H6213 H8799 zult gij ook alzo doen.
  18 H7185 H8799 Het zal niet hard zijn H5869 in uw ogen H2670 , als gij hem vrij H7971 H8763 van u gaan laat H4932 H7939 H7916 ; want [als] een dubbel-loons-dagloner H8337 heeft hij u zes H8141 jaren H5647 H8804 gediend H3068 ; zo zal u de HEERE H430 , uw God H1288 H8765 , zegenen H6213 H8799 in alles, wat gij doen zult.
  19 H1060 Al het eerstgeborene H1241 , dat onder uw runderen H6629 en onder uw schapen H3205 H8735 zal geboren worden H2145 , zijnde een manneken H3068 , zult gij den HEERE H430 , uw God H6942 H8686 , heiligen H5647 H8799 ; gij zult niet arbeiden H1060 met den eerstgeborene H7794 van uw os H1060 , noch de eerstgeborene H6629 uwer schapen H1494 H8799 scheren.
  20 H6440 Voor het aangezicht H3068 des HEEREN H430 , uws Gods H8141 , zult gij ze jaar H8141 op jaar H398 H8799 eten H4725 in de plaats H3068 , die de HEERE H977 H8799 zal verkiezen H1004 , gij en uw huis.
  21 H3971 Doch als enig gebrek H6455 daaraan zal zijn, hetzij mank H5787 of blind H7451 , [of] enig kwaad H3971 gebrek H3068 , zo zult gij het den HEERE H430 , uw God H2076 H8799 , niet offeren;
  22 H8179 In uw poorten H398 H8799 zult gij het eten H2931 ; de onreine H2889 en de reine H3162 te zamen H6643 , als een ree H354 , en als een hert,
  23 H1818 Zijn bloed H398 H8799 alleen zult gij niet eten H776 ; gij zult het op de aarde H8210 H8799 uitgieten H4325 als water.
Giguet(i) 1 ¶ Tous les sept ans tu feras la remise. 2 Voici la règle de la remise: tu remettras à ton prochain toute dette qui t’est propre; tu ne réclameras rien de ton frère, car le Seigneur ton Dieu a proclamé la rémission. 3 Tu réclameras de l’étranger tout ce qu’il te doit; mais tu feras à ton frère remise de ta créance. 4 Ainsi, il n’y aura pas chez toi d’indigent, parce que le Seigneur ton Dieu te bénira en la terre qu’il te donne en héritage, pour que tu la possèdes. 5 Si vous écoutez la parole du Seigneur votre Dieu, si vous lui êtes dociles, pour observer et mettre en pratique tous ces commandements que je vous intime aujourd’hui (car le Seigneur t’a béni, selon la promesse qu’il t’a faite), 6 Tu prêteras à intérêt à nombre de gentils; mais tu n’auras pas besoin d’emprunter; tu règneras sur les gentils, et ils ne règneront pas sur toi. 7 Si, dans l’une des villes en la terre que le Seigneur ton Dieu te donne, il y a avec toi parmi tes frères un indigent, tu n’endurciras pas ton coeur, tu ne fermeras pas ta main pour ton frère l’indigent. 8 Tu ouvriras la main pour lui; tu lui prêteras tout ce qu’il te demandera selon ses besoins. 9 Prends garde qu’il ne vienne en ton coeur quelque iniquité, quelque pensée secrète te disant: La septième année, l’année de la remise est proche; et qu’alors, tu ne regardes d’un mauvais oeil ton frère indigent, et que tu ne lui donnes rien, car il invoquera contre toi le Seigneur notre Dieu, et il y aura en toi un grand péché. 10 Donne-lui donc, et donne-lui; prête-lui largement, autant qu’il te demandera, selon ses besoins; ne t’afflige pas en ton coeur de lui donner; car, à cause de cette action, le Seigneur ton Dieu te bénira en tous tes travaux, et en toutes choses ou tu mettras la main. 11 Car il ne manquera jamais d’indigent sur la terre; c’est pourquoi je te prescris d’exécuter mes commandements: ouvre tes mains à ton frère pauvre et indigent en ta terre. 12 ¶ Et si ton frère hébreu, ou ta soeur, femme israélite, te sont vendus à prix d’argent, ils te serviront six ans, et, en la septième année, tu les renverras libres de chez toi. 13 Et, en les renvoyant libres, tu ne les congédieras pas dénués de tout. 14 Tu les pourvoiras de provisions: de la chair de tes brebis, de ton blé, de ton vin; tu leur donneras selon que le Seigneur t’aura béni. 15 Et tu te souviendras que tu as été esclave en la terre d’Egypte, et que le Seigneur ton Dieu t’en a délivré; c’est pourquoi, je te prescris d’exécuter ce commandement. 16 Et si ton serviteur te dit: Je ne sortirai point de chez toi, parce que je t’aime, toi et ta famille, et que tout prospère chez toi; 17 Tu prendras une alène, et, devant la porte, tu lui perceras l’oreille, et il sera ton serviteur à perpétuité; tu feras de même pour ta servante. 18 Qu’il ne te semble point dur de les congédier libres après qu’ils t’ont servi six ans, moyennant le salaire annuel des gens à gages, et le Seigneur ton Dieu te bénira en toutes tes oeuvres. 19 ¶ Tout premier-né mâle de tes boeufs et de tes menus troupeaux, tu le consacreras au Seigneur; tu ne travailleras pas avec le premier-né de tes génisses, tu ne tondras pas le premier-né de tes brebis ou de tes chèvres. 20 Tu le mangeras devant le Seigneur, d’année en année, avec ta famille, au lieu que le Seigneur ton Dieu aura choisi. 21 Mais, s’il a quelque vice ou difformité, s’il est boiteux ou aveugle, ne le sacrifie pas au Seigneur ton Dieu. 22 Tu le mangeras en tes villas; l’impur parmi vous et le pur en mangeront, comme on mange du cerf ou du daim. 23 Seulement, vous ne mangerez point le sang, vous le répandrez par terre comme de l’eau.
DarbyFR(i) 1
Au bout de sept ans, tu feras relâche. 2 Et c'est ici la manière du relâche: tout créancier relâchera sa main du prêt qu'il aura fait à son prochain; il ne l'exigera pas de son prochain ou de son frère, car on aura proclamé le relâche de l'Éternel. 3 Tu l'exigeras de l'étranger; mais ta main relâchera ce que ton frère aura de ce qui t'appartient, 4 sauf quand il n'y aura point de pauvre au milieu de toi; car l'Éternel te bénira abondamment dans le pays que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te donne en héritage pour le posséder, 5 pourvu seulement que tu écoutes attentivement la voix de l'Éternel, ton Dieu, pour prendre garde à pratiquer tout ce commandement que je te commande aujourd'hui. 6 Car l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te bénira, comme il t'a dit; et tu prêteras sur gage à beaucoup de nations, mais toi tu n'emprunteras pas sur gage; et tu domineras sur beaucoup de nations, et elles ne domineront pas sur toi. 7 Quand il y aura au milieu de toi un pauvre, quelqu'un de tes frères, dans l'une de tes portes, dans ton pays que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te donne, tu n'endurciras pas ton coeur, et tu ne fermeras pas ta main à ton frère pauvre; 8 mais tu lui ouvriras libéralement ta main, et tu lui prêteras sur gage assez pour le besoin dans lequel il se trouve. 9 Prends garde à toi, de peur qu'il n'y ait dans ton coeur quelque pensée de Bélial, et que tu ne dises: La septième année approche, l'année de relâche, et que ton oeil ne soit méchant contre ton frère pauvre, et que tu ne lui donnes pas, et qu'il ne crie contre toi à l'Éternel, et qu'il n'y ait du péché en toi. 10 Tu lui donneras libéralement, et ton coeur ne sera pas triste quand tu lui donneras; car à cause de cela l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te bénira dans toute ton oeuvre, et dans tout ce à quoi tu mettras la main. 11 Car le pauvre ne manquera pas au milieu du pays; c'est pourquoi je te commande, disant: Tu ouvriras libéralement ta main à ton frère, à ton affligé et à ton pauvre, dans ton pays. 12
Si ton frère, un Hébreu, homme ou femme, t'a été vendu, il te servira six ans, et, la septième année, tu le renverras libre de chez toi. 13 Et quand tu le renverras libre de chez toi, tu ne le renverras pas à vide. 14 Tu lui donneras libéralement de ton menu bétail, et de ton aire, et de ta cuve: tu lui donneras de ce en quoi l'Éternel, ton Dieu t'aura béni; 15 et tu te souviendras que tu as été serviteur dans le pays d'Égypte, et que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, t'a racheté; c'est pourquoi je te commande ces choses aujourd'hui. 16 -Et s'il arrive qu'il te dise: Je ne sortirai pas de chez toi, (car il t'aime, toi et ta maison, et il se trouve bien chez toi), 17 alors tu prendras un poinçon et tu lui en perceras l'oreille contre la porte, et il sera ton serviteur pour toujours; et tu feras aussi de même avec ta servante. 18 Ce ne sera pas à tes yeux chose pénible de le renvoyer libre de chez toi, car il t'a servi six ans, ce qui te vaut le double du salaire d'un mercenaire; et l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te bénira dans tout ce que tu feras. 19
Tu sanctifieras à l'Éternel, ton Dieu, tout premier-né mâle qui naîtra parmi ton gros bétail ou ton menu bétail. Tu ne laboureras pas avec le premier-né de ta vache; et tu ne tondras pas le premier-né de tes brebis: 20 le mangeras, toi et ta maison, devant l'Éternel, ton Dieu, d'année en année, au lieu que l'Éternel aura choisi. 21 Et s'il a un défaut corporel, s'il est boiteux ou aveugle, s'il a un mauvais défaut quelconque, tu ne le sacrifieras pas à l'Éternel, ton Dieu: 22 tu le mangeras dans tes portes; celui qui est impur et celui qui est pur en mangeront également, comme de la gazelle et du cerf. 23 Seulement, tu n'en mangeras pas le sang; tu le verseras sur la terre, comme de l'eau.
Martin(i) 1 De sept en sept ans tu célébreras l'année de relâche. 2 Et c'est ici la manière de célébrer l'année de relâche. Que tout homme ayant droit d'exiger quelque chose que ce soit, qu'il puisse exiger de son prochain, donnera relâche, et ne l'exigera point de son prochain ni de son frère, quand on aura proclamé le relâche, en l'honneur de l'Eternel. 3 Tu pourras exiger de l'étranger; mais quand tu auras à faire avec ton frère, tu lui donneras du relâche; 4 Afin qu'il n'y ait au milieu de toi aucun pauvre; car l'Eternel te bénira certainement au pays que l'Eternel ton Dieu te donne en héritage pour le posséder. 5 Pourvu seulement que tu obéisses à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu, et que tu prennes garde à faire ces commandements que je te prescris aujourd'hui. 6 Parce que l'Eternel ton Dieu t'aura béni comme il t'en a parlé, tu prêteras sur gages à plusieurs nations, et tu n'emprunteras point sur gages. Tu domineras sur plusieurs nations, et elles ne domineront point sur toi. 7 Quand un de tes frères sera pauvre au milieu de toi, en quelque lieu de ta demeure, dans le pays que l'Eternel ton Dieu te donne, tu n'endurciras point ton coeur, et tu ne resserreras point ta main à ton frère, qui sera pauvre. 8 Mais tu ne manqueras pas de lui ouvrir ta main, et de lui prêter sur gages, autant qu'il en aura besoin pour son indigence, dans laquelle il se trouvera. 9 Prends garde à toi, que tu n'aies dans on coeur quelque méchante intention, et que tu ne dises : La septième année, qui est l'année de relâche, approche; et que ton oeil étant malin contre ton frère pauvre, afin de ne lui rien donner, il ne crie à l'Eternel contre toi, et qu'il n'y ait du péché en toi. 10 Tu ne manqueras point de lui donner, et ton coeur ne lui donnera point à regret; car à cause de cela l'Eternel ton Dieu te bénira dans toute ton oeuvre, et dans tout ce à quoi tu mettras la main. 11 Car il ne manquera pas de pauvres au pays; c'est pourquoi je te commande, en disant : Ne manque point d'ouvrir ta main à ton frère, savoir, à l'affligé, et au pauvre de ton peuple en ton pays. 12 Quand quelqu'un d'entre tes frères, soit Hébreu ou Hébreue, te sera vendu, il te servira six ans; mais en la septième année tu le renverras libre de chez toi. 13 Et quand tu le renverras libre de chez toi, tu ne le renverras point vide. 14 Tu ne manqueras pas de le charger de quelque chose de ton troupeau, de ton aire, et de ta cuve; tu lui donneras de ce en quoi l'Eternel ton Dieu t'aura béni. 15 Et qu'il te souvienne que tu as été esclave au pays d'Egypte, et que l'Eternel ton Dieu t'en a racheté; et c'est pour cela que je te commande ceci aujourd'hui. 16 Mais s'il arrive qu'il te dise : Que je ne sorte point de chez toi; parce qu'il t'aime, toi, et ta maison, et qu'il se trouve bien avec toi; 17 Alors tu prendras une alêne, et tu lui perceras l'oreille contre la porte, et il sera ton serviteur à toujours, tu en feras de même à ta servante. 18 Qu'il ne te soit point fâcheux de le renvoyer libre de chez toi, car il t'a servi six ans, qui est le double du salaire du mercenaire; et l'Eternel ton Dieu te bénira en tout ce que tu feras. 19 Tu sanctifieras à l'Eternel ton Dieu tout premier-né mâle qui naîtra de ton gros ou menu bétail. Tu ne laboureras point avec le premier-né de ta vache; et tu ne tondras point le premier-né de tes brebis. 20 Tu le mangeras, toi et ta famille, chaque année en la présence de l'Eternel ton Dieu, au lieu que l'Eternel aura choisi. 21 Mais s'il a quelque défaut, tellement qu'il soit boiteux ou aveugle, ou qu'il ait quelque autre mauvais défaut, tu ne le sacrifieras point à l'Eternel ton Dieu; 22 Mais tu le mangeras au lieu de ta demeure. Celui qui est souillé, et celui qui est net en mangeront, comme on mange du daim, et du cerf. 23 Seulement tu n'en mangeras point le sang, mais tu le répandras sur la terre, comme de l'eau.
Segond(i) 1 Tous les sept ans, tu feras relâche. 2 Et voici comment s'observera le relâche. Quand on aura publié le relâche en l'honneur de l'Eternel, tout créancier qui aura fait un prêt à son prochain se relâchera de son droit, il ne pressera pas son prochain et son frère pour le paiement de sa dette. 3 Tu pourras presser l'étranger; mais tu te relâcheras de ton droit pour ce qui t'appartiendra chez ton frère. 4 Toutefois, il n'y aura point d'indigent chez toi, car l'Eternel te bénira dans le pays que l'Eternel, ton Dieu, te fera posséder en héritage, 5 pourvu seulement que tu obéisses à la voix de l'Eternel, ton Dieu, en mettant soigneusement en pratique tous ces commandements que je te prescris aujourd'hui. 6 L'Eternel, ton Dieu, te bénira comme il te l'a dit, tu prêteras à beaucoup de nations, et tu n'emprunteras point; tu domineras sur beaucoup de nations, et elles ne domineront point sur toi. 7 S'il y a chez toi quelque indigent d'entre tes frères, dans l'une de tes portes, au pays que l'Eternel, ton Dieu, te donne, tu n'endurciras point ton coeur et tu ne fermeras point ta main devant ton frère indigent. 8 Mais tu lui ouvriras ta main, et tu lui prêteras de quoi pourvoir à ses besoins. 9 Garde-toi d'être assez méchant pour dire en ton coeur: La septième année, l'année du relâche, approche! Garde-toi d'avoir un oeil sans pitié pour ton frère indigent et de lui faire un refus. Il crierait à l'Eternel contre toi, et tu te chargerais d'un péché. 10 Donne-lui, et que ton coeur ne lui donne point à regret; car, à cause de cela, l'Eternel, ton Dieu, te bénira dans tous tes travaux et dans toutes tes entreprises. 11 Il y aura toujours des indigents dans le pays; c'est pourquoi je te donne ce commandement: Tu ouvriras ta main à ton frère, au pauvre et à l'indigent dans ton pays. 12 Si l'un de tes frères hébreux, homme ou femme, se vend à toi, il te servira six années; mais la septième année, tu le renverras libre de chez toi. 13 Et lorsque tu le renverras libre de chez toi, tu ne le renverras point à vide; 14 tu lui feras des présents de ton menu bétail, de ton aire, de ton pressoir, de ce que tu auras par la bénédiction de l'Eternel, ton Dieu. 15 Tu te souviendras que tu as été esclave au pays d'Egypte, et que l'Eternel, ton Dieu, t'a racheté; c'est pourquoi je te donne aujourd'hui ce commandement. 16 Si ton esclave te dit: Je ne veux pas sortir de chez toi, -parce qu'il t'aime, toi et ta maison, et qu'il se trouve bien chez toi, - 17 alors tu prendras un poinçon et tu lui perceras l'oreille contre la porte, et il sera pour toujours ton esclave. Tu feras de même pour ta servante. 18 Tu ne trouveras point dur de le renvoyer libre de chez toi, car il t'a servi six ans, ce qui vaut le double du salaire d'un mercenaire; et l'Eternel, ton Dieu, te bénira dans tout ce que tu feras. 19 Tu consacreras à l'Eternel, ton Dieu, tout premier-né mâle qui naîtra dans ton gros et dans ton menu bétail. Tu ne travailleras point avec le premier-né de ton boeuf, et tu ne tondras point le premier-né de tes brebis. 20 Tu le mangeras chaque année, toi et ta famille, devant l'Eternel, ton Dieu, dans le lieu qu'il choisira. 21 S'il a quelque défaut, s'il est boiteux ou aveugle, ou s'il a quelque autre difformité, tu ne l'offriras point en sacrifice à l'Eternel, ton Dieu. 22 Tu le mangeras dans tes portes; celui qui sera impur et celui qui sera pur en mangeront l'un et l'autre, comme on mange de la gazelle et du cerf. 23 Seulement, tu n'en mangeras pas le sang; tu le répandras sur la terre comme de l'eau.
  1 H7093 ¶ Tous H7651 les sept H8141 ans H6213 , tu feras H8799   H8059 relâche.
  2 H1697 Et voici comment H8059 s’observera le relâche H7121 . Quand on aura publié H8804   H8059 le relâche H3068 en l’honneur de l’Eternel H1167 , tout créancier H4874   H3027   H5383 qui aura fait un prêt H8686   H7453 à son prochain H8058 se relâchera H8800   H5065 de son droit, il ne pressera H8799   H7453 pas son prochain H251 et son frère pour le paiement de sa dette.
  3 H5065 Tu pourras presser H8799   H5237 l’étranger H3027  ; mais tu H8058 te relâcheras H8686   H251 de ton droit pour ce qui t’appartiendra chez ton frère.
  4 H657 Toutefois H34 , il n’y aura point d’indigent H3068 chez toi, car l’Eternel H1288 te bénira H8763   H1288   H8762   H776 dans le pays H3068 que l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H5414 , te fera H8802   H3423 posséder H8800   H5159 en héritage,
  5 H8085 pourvu seulement que tu obéisses H8800   H8085   H8799   H6963 à la voix H3068 de l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H8104 , en mettant soigneusement H8800   H6213 en pratique H8800   H4687 tous ces commandements H6680 que je te prescris H8764   H3117 aujourd’hui.
  6 H3068 L’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H1288 , te bénira H8765   H1696 comme il te l’a dit H8765   H5670 , tu prêteras H8689   H7227 à beaucoup H1471 de nations H5670 , et tu n’emprunteras H8799   H4910 point ; tu domineras H8804   H7227 sur beaucoup H1471 de nations H4910 , et elles ne domineront H8799   point sur toi.
  7 H34 S’il y a chez toi quelque indigent H259 d’entre H251 tes frères H259 , dans H8179 l’une de tes portes H776 , au pays H3068 que l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H5414 , te donne H8802   H553 , tu n’endurciras H8762   H3824 point ton cœur H7092 et tu ne fermeras H8799   H3027 point ta main H251 devant ton frère H34 indigent.
  8 H6605 Mais tu lui ouvriras H8799   H6605   H8800   H3027 ta main H5670 , et tu lui prêteras H8687   H5670   H8686   H1767 de quoi pourvoir H4270 à ses besoins H2637   H8799  .
  9 H8104 Garde H8734   H1100 -toi d’être assez méchant H1697 pour dire H559   H8800   H3824 en ton cœur H7651  : La septième H8141 année H8141 , l’année H8059 du relâche H7126 , approche H8804   H5869  ! Garde-toi d’avoir un œil H7489 sans pitié H8804   H251 pour ton frère H34 indigent H5414 et de lui faire un refus H8799   H7121   H8804   H3068 . Il crierait à l’Eternel H2399 contre toi, et tu te chargerais d’un péché.
  10 H5414 Donne H8800   H5414   H8799   H3824 -lui, et que ton cœur H5414 ne lui donne H8800   H3415 point à regret H8799   H1558  ; car H1697 , à cause H3068 de cela, l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H1288 , te bénira H8762   H4639 dans tous tes travaux H4916 et dans toutes tes entreprises H3027  .
  11 H2308 Il y aura toujours H8799   H34 des indigents H7130 dans H776 le pays H6680  ; c’est pourquoi je te donne ce commandement H8764   H559   H8800   H6605  : Tu ouvriras H8799   H6605   H8800   H3027 ta main H251 à ton frère H6041 , au pauvre H34 et à l’indigent H776 dans ton pays.
  12 H251 ¶ Si l’un de tes frères H5680 hébreux H5680 , homme ou femme H4376 , se vend H8735   H5647 à toi, il te servira H8804   H8337 six H8141 années H7637  ; mais la septième H8141 année H7971 , tu le renverras H8762   H2670 libre de chez toi.
  13 H7971 Et lorsque tu le renverras H8762   H2670 libre H7971 de chez toi, tu ne le renverras H8762   H7387 point à vide ;
  14 H6059 tu lui feras des présents H8686   H6059   H8687   H6629 de ton menu H1637 bétail, de ton aire H3342 , de ton pressoir H1288 , de ce que tu auras par la bénédiction H8765   H5414   H8799   H3068 de l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu.
  15 H2142 Tu te souviendras H8804   H5650 que tu as été esclave H776 au pays H4714 d’Egypte H3068 , et que l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H6299 , t’a racheté H8799   H3117  ; c’est pourquoi je te donne aujourd’hui H1697 ce H6680 commandement H8764  .
  16 H559 Si ton esclave te dit H8799   H3318  : Je ne veux pas sortir H8799   H157 de chez toi, — parce qu’il t’aime H8804   H1004 , toi et ta maison H2895 , et qu’il se trouve bien H8804   chez toi, —
  17 H3947 alors tu prendras H8804   H4836 un poinçon H5414 et tu lui perceras H8804   H241 l’oreille H1817 contre la porte H5769 , et il sera pour toujours H5650 ton esclave H6213 . Tu feras de même H8799   H519 pour ta servante.
  18 H5869 Tu H7185 ne trouveras point dur H8799   H7971 de le renvoyer H8763   H2670 libre H5647 de chez toi, car il t’a servi H8804   H8337 six H8141 ans H7939 , ce qui vaut H4932 le double H7916 du salaire d’un mercenaire H3068  ; et l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H1288 , te bénira H8765   H6213 dans tout ce que tu feras H8799  .
  19 H6942 ¶ Tu consacreras H8686   H3068 à l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H1060 , tout premier-né H2145 mâle H3205 qui naîtra H8735   H1241 dans ton gros H6629 et dans ton menu H5647 bétail. Tu ne travailleras H8799   H1060 point avec le premier-né H7794 de ton bœuf H1494 , et tu ne tondras H8799   H1060 point le premier-né H6629 de tes brebis.
  20 H398 Tu le mangeras H8799   H8141 chaque H8141 année H1004 , toi et ta famille H6440 , devant H3068 l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu H4725 , dans le lieu H3068 qu’il H977 choisira H8799  .
  21 H3971 S’il a quelque défaut H6455 , s’il est boiteux H5787 ou aveugle H7451 , ou s’il a quelque autre difformité H3971   H2076 , tu ne l’offriras point en sacrifice H8799   H3068 à l’Eternel H430 , ton Dieu.
  22 H398 Tu le mangeras H8799   H8179 dans tes portes H2931  ; celui qui sera impur H2889 et celui qui sera pur H3162 en mangeront l’un et l’autre H6643 , comme on mange de la gazelle H354 et du cerf.
  23 H398 Seulement, tu n’en mangeras H8799   H1818 pas le sang H8210  ; tu le répandras H8799   H776 sur la terre H4325 comme de l’eau.
SE(i) 1 Al cabo de los siete años harás remisión. 2 Y ésta es la manera de la remisión: perdonará a su deudor todo aquél que hizo empréstito de su mano, con que adeudó a su prójimo; no lo demandará más a su prójimo, o a su hermano; porque la remisión del SEÑOR es pregonada. 3 Del extranjero demandarás el reintegro; mas lo que tu hermano tuviere tuyo, lo soltará tu mano, 4 para que así no haya en ti mendigo; porque el SEÑOR te bendecirá con abundancia en la tierra que Dios te da por heredad para que la poseas, 5 si empero escuchares fielmente la voz del SEÑOR tu Dios, para guardar y cumplir todos estos mandamientos que yo te mando hoy. 6 Ya que el SEÑOR tu Dios te habrá bendecido, como te ha dicho, prestarás entonces a muchos gentiles, mas tú no tomarás prestado; y te enseñorearás de muchos gentiles, pero de ti no se enseñorearán. 7 Si hubiere en ti mendigo de entre tus hermanos en alguna de tus ciudades, en tu tierra que el SEÑOR tu Dios te da, no endurecerás tu corazón, ni cerrarás tu mano a tu hermano mendigo. 8 Mas abrirás a él tu mano liberalmente, y le prestarás todo lo que necesite en lo que hubiere menester. 9 Guárdate que no haya en tu corazón perverso pensamiento, diciendo: Cerca está el año séptimo, el de la remisión; y tu ojo sea maligno sobre tu hermano menesteroso para no darle; porque él clamará contra ti al SEÑOR, y te será por pecado. 10 Sin falta le darás, y no sea tu corazón maligno cuando le dieres; que por ello te bendecirá el SEÑOR tu Dios en todos tus hechos, y en todo lo que pusiereis mano. 11 Porque no faltarán menesterosos de en medio de la tierra; por eso yo te mando, diciendo: Abrirás tu mano a tu hermano, a tu pobre, y a tu menesteroso en tu tierra. 12 Cuando se vendiere a ti tu hermano hebreo o hebrea, y te hubiere servido seis años, al séptimo año le enviarás de ti libre. 13 Y cuando lo enviares de ti libre, no lo enviarás vacío. 14 Le abastecerás liberalmente de tus ovejas, de tu era, y de tu lagar; le darás de aquello en que el SEÑOR te hubiere bendecido. 15 Y te acordarás que fuiste siervo en la tierra de Egipto, y que el SEÑOR tu Dios te rescató; por tanto yo te mando esto hoy. 16 Y será que, si él te dijere: No saldré de contigo; porque te ama a ti y a tu casa, que le va bien contigo; 17 entonces tomarás una lesna, y horadarás su oreja junto a la puerta, y será tu siervo para siempre; así también harás a tu criada. 18 No te parezca duro cuando le enviares libre de ti; que por la mitad del costo del jornalero te sirvió seis años; y el SEÑOR tu Dios te bendecirá en todo cuanto hicieres. 19 Santificarás al SEÑOR tu Dios todo primerizo macho que nacerá de tus vacas y de tus ovejas; no te sirvas del primerizo de tus vacas, ni trasquiles el primerizo de tus ovejas. 20 Delante del SEÑOR tu Dios los comerás cada año, tú y tu casa, en el lugar que el SEÑOR escogiere. 21 Y si hubiere en él tacha, si fuere ciego o cojo, o hubiere en él cualquier falta maligna, no lo sacrificarás al SEÑOR tu Dios. 22 En tus poblaciones lo comerás; el inmundo lo mismo que el limpio comerán de él, como de un corzo o de un ciervo. 23 Solamente que no comas su sangre; sobre la tierra la derramarás como agua.
ReinaValera(i) 1 AL cabo de siete años harás remisión. 2 Y esta es la manera de la remisión: perdonará á su deudor todo aquél que hizo empréstito de su mano, con que obligó á su prójimo: no lo demandará más á su prójimo, ó á su hermano; porque la remisión de Jehová es pregonada. 3 Del extranjero demandarás el reintegro: mas lo que tu hermano tuviere tuyo, lo perdonará tu mano; 4 Para que así no haya en ti mendigo; porque Jehová te bendecirá con abundancia en la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da por heredad para que la poseas, 5 Si empero escuchares fielmente la voz de Jehová tu Dios, para guardar y cumplir todos estos mandamientos que yo te intimo hoy. 6 Ya que Jehová tu Dios te habrá bendecido, como te ha dicho, prestarás entonces á muchas gentes, mas tú no tomarás prestado; y enseñorearte has de muchas gentes, pero de ti no se enseñorearán. 7 Cuando hubiere en ti menesteroso de alguno de tus hermanos en alguna de tus ciudades, en tu tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da, no endurecerás tu corazón, ni cerrarás tu mano á tu hermano pobre: 8 Mas abrirás á él tu mano liberalmente, y en efecto le prestarás lo que basta, lo que hubiere menester. 9 Guárdate que no haya en tu corazón perverso pensamiento, diciendo: Cerca está el año séptimo, el de la remisión; y tu ojo sea maligno sobre tu hermano menesteroso para no darle: que él podrá clamar contra ti á Jehová, y se te imputará á pecado. 10 Sin falta le darás, y no sea tu corazón maligno cuando le dieres: que por ello te bendecirá Jehová tu Dios en todos tus hechos, y en todo lo que pusieres mano. 11 Porque no faltarán menesterosos de en medio de la tierra; por eso yo te mando, diciendo: Abrirás tu mano á tu hermano, á tu pobre, y á tu menesteroso en tu tierra. 12 Cuando se vendiere á ti tu hermano Hebreo ó Hebrea, y te hubiere servido seis años, al séptimo año le despedirás libre de ti. 13 Y cuando lo despidieres libre de ti, no lo enviarás vacío: 14 Le abastecerás liberalmente de tus ovejas, de tu era, y de tu lagar; le darás de aquello en que Jehová te hubiere bendecido. 15 Y te acordarás que fuiste siervo en la tierra de Egipto, y que Jehová tu Dios te rescató: por tanto yo te mando esto hoy. 16 Y será que, si él te dijere: No saldré de contigo; porque te ama á ti y á tu casa, que le va bien contigo; 17 Entonces tomarás una lesna, y horadarás su oreja junto á la puerta, y será tu siervo para siempre: así también harás á tu criada. 18 No te parezca duro cuando le enviares libre de ti; que doblado del salario de mozo jornalero te sirvió seis años: y Jehová tu Dios te bendecirá en todo cuanto hicieres. 19 Santificarás á Jehová tu Dios todo primerizo macho que nacerá de tus vacas y de tus ovejas: no te sirvas del primerizo de tus vacas, ni trasquiles el primerizo de tus ovejas. 20 Delante de Jehová tu Dios los comerás cada un año, tú y tu familia, en el lugar que Jehová escogiere. 21 Y si hubiere en él tacha, ciego ó cojo, ó cualquiera mala falta, no lo sacrificarás á Jehová tu Dios. 22 En tus poblaciones lo comerás: el inmundo lo mismo que el limpio comerán de él, como de un corzo ó de un ciervo. 23 Solamente que no comas su sangre: sobre la tierra la derramarás como agua.
JBS(i) 1 ¶ Al cabo de los siete años harás remisión. 2 Y ésta es la manera de la remisión: todo aquel que hizo préstamo de su mano, con que adeudó a su prójimo, lo soltará; no lo demandará más a su prójimo, o a su hermano; porque la remisión del SEÑOR es pregonada. 3 Del extranjero demandarás el reintegro; mas lo que tu hermano tuviere tuyo, lo soltará tu mano, 4 para que así no haya en ti mendigo; porque el SEÑOR te bendecirá con abundancia en la tierra que Dios te da por heredad para que la poseas, 5 si empero escuchares fielmente la voz del SEÑOR tu Dios, para guardar y cumplir todos estos mandamientos que yo te mando hoy. 6 Ya que el SEÑOR tu Dios te habrá bendecido, como te ha dicho, prestarás entonces a muchos gentiles, mas tú no tomarás prestado; y te enseñorearás de muchos gentiles, pero de ti no se enseñorearán. 7 Si hubiere en ti mendigo de entre tus hermanos en alguna de tus ciudades, en tu tierra que el SEÑOR tu Dios te da, no endurecerás tu corazón, ni cerrarás tu mano a tu hermano mendigo. 8 Mas abrirás a él tu mano liberalmente, y le prestarás todo lo que necesite en lo que hubiere menester. 9 Guárdate que no haya en tu corazón pensamiento de Belial, diciendo: Cerca está el año séptimo, el de la remisión; y tu ojo sea maligno sobre tu hermano menesteroso para no darle; porque él clamará contra ti al SEÑOR, y te será por pecado. 10 Sin falta le darás, y no sea tu corazón maligno cuando le dieres; que por ello te bendecirá el SEÑOR tu Dios en todos tus hechos, y en todo lo que pusiereis mano. 11 Porque no faltarán menesterosos de en medio de la tierra; por eso yo te mando, diciendo: Abrirás tu mano a tu hermano, a tu pobre, y a tu menesteroso en tu tierra. 12 ¶ Cuando se vendiere a ti tu hermano hebreo o hebrea, y te hubiere servido seis años, al séptimo año le enviarás de ti libre. 13 Y cuando lo enviares de ti libre, no lo enviarás vacío. 14 Le abastecerás liberalmente de tus ovejas, de tu era, y de tu lagar; le darás de aquello en que el SEÑOR te hubiere bendecido. 15 Y te acordarás que fuiste esclavo en la tierra de Egipto, y que el SEÑOR tu Dios te rescató; por tanto yo te mando esto hoy. 16 Y será que, si él te dijere: No saldré de tu lado; porque te ama a ti y a tu casa, porque le va bien contigo; 17 entonces tomarás una lesna, y horadarás su oreja junto a la puerta, y será tu siervo para siempre; así también harás a tu criada. 18 No te parezca duro cuando le enviares libre de ti; que por la mitad del costo del jornalero te sirvió seis años; y el SEÑOR tu Dios te bendecirá en todo cuanto hicieres. 19 ¶ Santificarás al SEÑOR tu Dios todo primerizo macho que nacerá de tus vacas y de tus ovejas; no te sirvas del primerizo de tus vacas, ni trasquiles el primerizo de tus ovejas. 20 Delante del SEÑOR tu Dios los comerás cada año, tú y tu casa, en el lugar que el SEÑOR escogiere. 21 Y si hubiere en él tacha, si fuere ciego o cojo, o hubiere en él cualquier falta maligna, no lo sacrificarás al SEÑOR tu Dios. 22 En tus poblaciones lo comerás; el inmundo lo mismo que el limpio comerán de él, como de un corzo o de un ciervo. 23 Solamente que no comas su sangre; sobre la tierra la derramarás como agua.
Albanian(i) 1 "Në mbarim të çdo shtatë viteve do të bësh faljen e borxheve. 2 Dhe kjo do të jetë forma e faljes: Çdo huadhënës do të falë atë që i ka dhënë hua të afërmit të tij; nuk do të kërkojë kthimin e saj nga i afërmi dhe nga vëllai i tij, sepse është shpallur falja e borxheve nga Zoti. 3 Mund ta kërkosh borxhin nga i huaji; por do t'i falësh vëllait tënd atë që ai të ka marrë hua. 4 Nuk do të ketë asnjë nevojtar midis jush, sepse Zoti do të të bekojë me të madhe në vendin që Zoti, Perëndia yt, po të jep si trashgimi, që ti ta zotërosh, 5 por vetëm me kusht që ti t'i bindesh me zell zërit të Zotit, Perëndisë tënd, duke pasur kujdes të zbatosh në praktikë të gjitha këta urdhërimet, që sot të cakton. 6 Sepse Zoti, Perëndia yt, do të të bekojë siç të ka premtuar; atëherë do t'u japësh hua shumë kombeve, por ti nuk do të kërkosh hua; do të sundosh mbi shumë kombe, por ato nuk do të sundojnë mbi ty. 7 Në rast se ke ndonjë vëlla nevojtar midis jush, midis ndonjë prej qyteteve që Zoti, Perëndia yt, po të jep, nuk do të fortësosh zemrën dhe nuk do të mbyllësh dorën para vëllait tënd nevojtar; 8 por do t'i hapësh me zemërgjerësi dorën tënde dhe do t'i japësh hua aq sa i nevojitet për të përballuar nevojat që ka. 9 Ki kujdes që të mos ketë asnjë mendim të keq në zemrën tënde, i cili të të bëjë të thuash: "Viti i shtatë, viti i familjes, është afër", dhe ta shikosh me sy të keq vëllanë tënd nevojtar dhe të mos i japësh asgjë; ai do të bërtiste kundër teje para Zotit dhe ti do të mëkatoje. 10 Jepi me bujari dhe zemra jote të mos trishtohet kur i jep, sepse pikërisht për këtë Zoti, Perëndia yt, do të të bekojë në çdo punë tënden dhe në çdo gjë që do të të zërë dora. 11 Sepse nevojtarët nuk do të mungojnë kurrë në vend, prandaj unë po të jap këtë urdhërim tënd dhe të them: "Hapja me bujari dorën tënde vëllait tënd, të varfërit tënd dhe nevojtarit në vendin tuaj". 12 Në rast se një vëlla apo një motër hebre shitet te ti, do të të shërbejë gjashtë vjet; por vitin e shtatë do ta lësh të ikë i lirë. 13 Dhe kur do ta lësh të ikë i lirë, nuk do ta lësh të shkojë duarbosh; 14 do t'i japësh bujarisht dhurata nga kopeja jote, nga lëmi dhe nga hambari yt; do ta bësh pjestar të bekimeve me të cilat Zoti, Perëndia yt, të ka mbushur; 15 dhe nuk do të harrosh se ke qenë skllav në vendin e Egjiptit dhe se Zoti, Perëndia yt, të ka liruar; prandaj sot të urdhëroj këtë. 16 Por në rast se ai të thotë: "Nuk dua të largohem prej teje", sepse të do ty dhe shtëpinë tënde, sepse ka mbarësi bashkë me ty, 17 atëherë do të marrësh një fëndyell, do t'i shposh veshin kundër portës dhe ai do të jetë skllavi yt për gjithnjë. Po ashtu do të veprosh me skllaven tënde. 18 Nuk duhet të të duket e vështirë ta nisësh të lirë, sepse të ka shërbyer gjashtë vjet me gjysmën e pagës së një argati; dhe Zoti, Perëndia yt, do të bekojë të gjitha veprimet e tua. 19 Do t'i shenjtërosh Zotit, Perëndisë tënd, tërë pjelljet e para meshkuj të bagëtive të tua të trasha dhe të imta. Nuk do të bësh asnjë punë me pjelljen e parë të lopës sate dhe nuk do të qethësh pjelljen e parë të deles sate. 20 Do t'i hash çdo vit, ti dhe familja jote, përpara Zotit, Perëndisë tënd, në vendin që Zoti ka zgjedhur. 21 Por në qoftë se kafsha ka ndonjë të metë, në rast se është e çalë, e verbër, apo ka ndonjë të metë tjetër të rëndë, nuk do t'ia flijosh Zotit, Perëndisë tënd; 22 do ta hash brenda portave të tua; të papastrin dhe të pastrin mund ta hanë njëlloj sikur të ishte një gazelë apo një dre. 23 Por nuk do të hash gjakun e tyre; do ta derdhësh në tokë si uji".
RST(i) 1 В седьмой год делай прощение. 2 Прощение же состоит в том, чтобы всякий заимодавец, который дал взаймы ближнему своему, простил долг и не взыскивал с ближнего своегоили с брата своего, ибо провозглашено прощение ради Господа. 3 с иноземца взыскивай, а что будет твое у брата твоего, прости. 4 Разве только не будет у тебя нищего: ибо благословит тебя Господь на той земле, которую Господь, Бог твой, дает тебе в удел, чтобы ты взял ее в наследство, 5 если только будешь слушать гласа Господа, Бога твоего, и стараться исполнять все заповеди сии, которые я сегодня заповедую тебе; 6 ибо Господь, Бог твой, благословит тебя, как Он говорил тебе, и ты будешь давать взаймы многим народам, а сам не будешь брать взаймы; и господствовать будешь надмногими народами, а они над тобою не будут господствовать. 7 Если же будет у тебя нищий кто-либо из братьев твоих, в одном из жилищ твоих, на земле твоей, которую Господь, Бог твой, дает тебе, то не ожесточи сердца твоего и не сожми руки твоей пред нищим братом твоим, 8 но открой ему руку твою и дай ему взаймы, смотря по его нужде, в чем он нуждается; 9 берегись, чтобы не вошла в сердце твое беззаконная мысль: „приближается седьмой год, год прощения", и чтоб от того глаз твой не сделался немилостив к нищему брату твоему, и ты не отказал ему; ибо он возопиет на тебя к Господу, и будет на тебе грех; 10 дай ему взаймы и когда будешь давать ему, не должно скорбеть сердце твое, ибо за то благословит тебя Господь, Бог твой, во всех делах твоих и во всем, что будет делаться твоими руками; 11 ибо нищие всегда будут среди земли твоей ; потомуя и повелеваю тебе: отверзай руку твою брату твоему, бедному твоему и нищему твоему на земле твоей. 12 Если продастся тебе брат твой, Еврей, или Евреянка, то шесть лет должен он быть рабом тебе, а в седьмой год отпусти его от себя на свободу; 13 когда же будешь отпускать его от себя на свободу, не отпусти его с пустыми руками , 14 но снабди его от стад твоих, от гумна твоего и от точила твоего: дай ему, чем благословил тебя Господь, Бог твой: 15 помни, что и ты был рабом в земле Египетской и избавил тебя Господь, Бог твой, потому я сегодня и заповедую тебе сие. 16 Если же он скажет тебе: „не пойду я от тебя, потому что я люблю тебя и дом твой", потомучто хорошо ему у тебя, 17 то возьми шило и проколи ухо его к двери; и будет он рабом твоимна век. Так поступай и с рабою твоею. 18 Не считай этого для себя тяжким, что ты должен отпустить его от себя насвободу, ибо он в шесть лет заработал тебе вдвое против платы наемника; и благословит тебя Господь, Бог твой, во всем, что ни будешь делать. 19 Все первородное мужеского пола, что родится от крупного скота твоего и от мелкого скота твоего, посвящай Господу, Богу твоему: не работай на первородном воле твоем и не стриги первородного из мелкого скота твоего; 20 пред Господом, Богом твоим, каждогодно съедай это ты и семействотвое, на месте, которое изберет Господь. 21 если же будет на нем порок, хромота или слепота или другой какой-нибудь порок, то не приноси его в жертву Господу, Богу твоему, 22 но в жилищах твоих ешь его; нечистый, как и чистый, могут есть , как серну икак оленя; 23 только крови его не ешь: на землю выливай ее, как воду.
Arabic(i) 1 في آخر سبع سنين تعمل ابراء. 2 وهذا هو حكم الابراء. يبرئ كل صاحب دين يده مما اقرض صاحبه. لا يطالب صاحبه ولا اخاه لانه قد نودي بابراء للرب. 3 الاجنبي تطالب واما ما كان لك عند اخيك فتبرئه يدك منه. 4 الا ان لم يكن فيك فقير. لان الرب انما يباركك في الارض التي يعطيك الرب الهك نصيبا لتمتلكها. 5 اذا سمعت صوت الرب الهك لتحفظ وتعمل كل هذه الوصايا التي انا اوصيك اليوم 6 يباركك الرب الهك كما قال لك. فتقرض امما كثيرة وانت لا تقترض وتتسلط على امم كثيرة وهم عليك لا يتسلطون 7 ان كان فيك فقير احد من اخوتك في احد ابوابك في ارضك التي يعطيك الرب الهك فلا تقسّ قلبك ولا تقبض يدك عن اخيك الفقير 8 بل افتح يدك له واقرضه مقدار ما يحتاج اليه. 9 احترز من ان يكون مع قلبك كلام لئيم قائلا قد قربت السنة السابعة سنة الابراء وتسوء عينك باخيك الفقير ولا تعطيه فيصرخ عليك الى الرب فتكون عليك خطية. 10 اعطه ولا يسؤ قلبك عندما تعطيه لانه بسبب هذا الامر يباركك الرب الهك في كل اعمالك وجميع ما تمتد اليه يدك. 11 لانه لا تفقد الفقراء من الارض. لذلك انا اوصيك قائلا افتح يدك لاخيك المسكين والفقير في ارضك 12 اذا بيع لك اخوك العبراني او اختك العبرانية وخدمك ست سنين ففي السنة السابعة تطلقه حرا من عندك. 13 وحين تطلقه حرا من عندك لا تطلقه فارغا. 14 تزوده من غنمك ومن بيدرك ومن معصرتك. كما باركك الرب الهك تعطيه. 15 واذكر انك كنت عبدا في ارض مصر ففداك الرب الهك. لذلك انا اوصيك بهذا الامر اليوم. 16 ولكن اذا قال لك لا اخرج من عندك لانه قد احبك وبيتك اذ كان له خير عندك 17 فخذ المخرز واجعله في اذنه وفي الباب فيكون لك عبدا مؤبدا. وهكذا تفعل لأمتك ايضا. 18 لا يصعب عليك ان تطلقه حرا من عندك لانه ضعفي اجرة الاجير خدمك ست سنين. فيباركك الرب الهك في كل ما تعمل 19 كل بكر ذكر يولد من بقرك ومن غنمك تقدسه للرب الهك. لا تشتغل على بكر بقرك ولا تجزّ بكر غنمك. 20 امام الرب الهك تأكله سنة بسنة في المكان الذي يختاره الرب انت وبيتك. 21 ولكن اذا كان فيه عيب عرج او عمى عيب ما رديء فلا تذبحه للرب الهك. 22 في ابوابك تاكله. النجس والطاهر سواء كالضبي والايل. 23 واما دمه فلا تأكله. على الارض تسفكه كالماء
Bulgarian(i) 1 В края на всЕки седем години да правиш опрощаване на дълговете. 2 А това е правилото за опрощаването: всеки заемодател да опрости заема, който е дал на ближния си; да не го изисква от ближния си или от брат си, защото се провъзгласява опрощаване за ГОСПОДА. 3 От чужденец можеш да го изискваш, но ръката ти да опрощава каквото твое има у брат ти, 4 за да няма беден между вас; защото ГОСПОД ще те благослови изобилно в земята, която ГОСПОД, твоят Бог, ти дава да притежаваш като наследство; 5 ако само слушаш внимателно гласа на ГОСПОДА, своя Бог, да внимаваш да вършиш целия този закон, който ти заповядвам днес. 6 Защото ГОСПОД, твоят Бог, ще те благослови, както ти обеща, и ти ще заемаш на много народи, но няма да вземаш назаем; ще владееш над много народи, но те няма да владеят над теб. 7 Ако има при теб някой сиромах, някой от братята ти, вътре в някоя от портите ти, в земята ти, която ГОСПОД, твоят Бог, ти дава, да не закоравяваш сърцето си и да не затваряш ръката си за брат си, сиромаха; 8 а да отваряш ръката си широко към него и охотно да му заемаш достатъчно за нуждата му, от каквото се нуждае. 9 Внимавай да няма зла мисъл в сърцето ти и да си кажеш: Наближава седмата година, годината на опрощаването. — и окото ти да стане зло против брат ти, сиромаха, и да не му дадеш нищо, и той да извика към ГОСПОДА против теб, и това да ти бъде грях. 10 Охотно да му даваш и да не ти е тежко на сърцето, когато му даваш; понеже за това нещо ГОСПОД, твоят Бог, ще те благославя във всичките ти дела и във всичко, което предприеме ръката ти. 11 Защото сиромахът няма да изчезне от земята ти; затова Аз ти заповядвам и казвам: Да отваряш широко ръката си към брат си, към оскъдния си и сиромаха си в земята си! 12 Ако брат ти, евреин или еврейка, ти се продаде, нека ти слугува шест години, а в седмата година да го оставиш да си отиде от теб свободен. 13 И когато го изпратиш от себе си свободен, да не го изпратиш с празни ръце; 14 да му дадеш щедро от стадото си, от хармана си и от лина си; от това, с което ГОСПОД, твоят Бог, те е благословил, да му дадеш. 15 И да си спомниш, че беше роб в египетската земя и че ГОСПОД, твоят Бог, те изкупи; затова ти заповядвам това нещо днес. 16 А ако той ти каже: Няма да изляза от теб! — понеже обича теб и дома ти, защото е добре при теб, 17 тогава да вземеш шило и да промушиш ухото му на вратата, и той да ти бъде роб завинаги. Така да направиш и на робинята си. 18 Да не ти се види тежко, когато го изпращаш свободен от себе си; защото за шест години той ти е изработил двойно колкото заплатата на един наемник; и ГОСПОД, твоят Бог, ще те благославя във всичко, което вършиш. 19 Да посвещаваш на ГОСПОДА, своя Бог, всичките мъжки първородни, които се раждат от едрия и дребния ти добитък; да не употребиш за работа първородното на говедото си и да не стрижеш първородните на дребния си добитък. 20 Пред ГОСПОДА, своя Бог, да го ядеш всяка година, ти и домът ти, на мястото, което ГОСПОД е избрал. 21 Но ако има някакъв недостатък, ако е куцо или сляпо, или има някакъв сериозен недостатък, да не го жертваш на ГОСПОДА, своя Бог. 22 Да го ядеш вътре в портите си; и нечистият, и чистият могат да го ядат еднакво, като сърна или елен; 23 само кръвта му да не ядеш — да я изливаш на земята като вода.
Croatian(i) 1 Na završetku sedme godine opraštaj dugove. 2 Ovako neka bude opraštanje: neka svatko oprosti dužniku svoje potraživanje; neka ne utjeruje duga od svoga bližnjega ni od svoga brata kad se jednom proglasi Jahvino otpuštanje dugova. 3 Možeš tražiti od tuđina, ali ono što se tvoga nađe kod tvoga brata treba da otpustiš, 4 da ne bude siromaha kod tebe. TÓa Jahve će te obilno blagoslivljati u zemlji koju ti Jahve, Bog tvoj, daje u baštinu da je zaposjedneš, 5 samo ako budeš dobro slušao glas Jahve, Boga svoga, držeći i vršeći sve ove zapovijedi što ti ih danas naređujem. 6 Jahve, Bog tvoj, blagoslivljat će te kako ti je obećao te ćeš moći zajmove davati mnogim narodima, a sam ih nećeš morati uzimati; i nad mnogim ćeš narodima vladati, dok oni nad tobom neće gospodariti. 7 Nađe li se kod tebe kakav siromah, netko od tvoje braće u kojem god gradu u zemlji što ti je Jahve, Bog tvoj, dadne, ne budi tvrda srca niti zatvaraj svoje ruke prema svome siromašnome bratu, 8 nego mu širom rastvori svoju ruku i spremno mu daj što mu nedostaje. 9 Čuvaj se da ti se u srcu ne porodi opaka misao te rekneš: 'Sedma se godina, godina otpuštanja dugova, već približuje' - i da prijekim okom pogledaš svoga siromašnog brata i ništa mu ne dadneš. On bi zazvao Jahvu protiv tebe i grijeh bi bio na tebi. 10 Daj mu rado, a ne da ti srce bude zlovoljno kad mu daješ, jer će te zbog toga blagoslivljati Jahve, Bog tvoj, u svakom poslu tvome i u svakom pothvatu ruku tvojih. 11 Kako siromaha nikad neće nestati iz zemlje, zapovijedam ti: širom otvaraj svoju ruku svome bratu, svome siromahu i potrebitu u zemlji svojoj. 12 Ako se tebi proda brat tvoj - Hebrejac ili Hebrejka - neka ti služi šest godina, a sedme ga godine otpusti od sebe slobodna. 13 Kad ga slobodna od sebe otpustiš, ne šalji ga praznih ruku. 14 Daruj ga čime između stoke svoje, s gumna svoga i iz badnja svoga; čime te već Jahve, Bog tvoj, blagoslovio, od toga i njemu daj. 15 Sjećaj se kako si bio rob u zemlji egipatskoj i kako te Jahve, Bog tvoj, otkupio. Zato ti ovo zapovijedam danas. 16 Ali ako ti on kaže: 'Neću da odlazim od tebe', jer voli tebe i dom tvoj i jer mu je kod tebe bilo dobro - 17 uzmi tada šilo i probuši mu uho na vratima, i neka ti bude robom zauvijek! Tako isto učini i sa svojom sluškinjom. 18 Kad ga budeš otpuštao od sebe slobodna, neka ti ne bude teško, jer je zavrijedio dvostruku najamničku plaću za šest godina što ti je služio. Zato će te Jahve, Bog tvoj, blagosloviti u svemu što budeš radio. 19 Sve muške prvine što ih omladi tvoja krupna i sitna stoka posveti Jahvi, Bogu svome! Stoga vola prvenca nemoj uprezati niti strići prvenca od svoje sitne stoke. 20 Blaguj ga ti i tvoj dom svake godine u nazočnosti Jahve, Boga svoga, u mjestu što ga odabere Jahve. 21 Ali ako bi imali kakvu manu, ako bi bili hromi ili slijepi ili imali kakvu god ružnu manu, nemoj ih žrtvovati Jahvi, Bogu svomu! 22 Pojedi ih u svojoj kući. I nečist i čist mogu ih jesti, kao srnu i jelena. 23 Jedino krvi njihove ne smiješ jesti! Istoči je na zemlju kao vodu.
BKR(i) 1 Každého léta sedmého odpouštěti budeš. 2 Tento pak bude způsob odpuštění, aby odpustil každý věřitel, kterýž rukou svou půjčil to, čehož půjčil bližnímu svému; nebude upomínati bližního svého aneb bratra svého, nebo vyhlášeno jest odpuštění Hospodinovo. 3 Cizozemce upomínati budeš, ale to, což bys měl u bratra svého, propustí ruka tvá. 4 Toliko aby nuzným někdo nebyl příčinou tvou, poněvadž hojně požehná tobě Hospodin v zemi, kterouž Hospodin Bůh tvůj dá tobě v dědictví, abys jí dědičně vládl: 5 Jestliže však pilně poslouchati budeš hlasu Hospodina Boha svého, tak abys hleděl činiti každé přikázaní toto, kteréž já tobě dnes přikazuji. 6 Hospodin zajisté Bůh tvůj požehná tobě, jakož mluvil tobě, tak že budeš moci půjčovati národům mnohým, tobě pak nebude potřeba vypůjčovati; i budeš panovati nad národy mnohými, ale oni nad tebou nebudou panovati. 7 Byl-li by u tebe nuzný někdo z bratří tvých, v některém městě tvém, v zemi tvé, kterouž Hospodin Bůh tvůj dá tobě, nezatvrdíš srdce svého, a nezavřeš ruky své před nuzným bratrem svým: 8 Ale štědře otevřeš jemu ruku svou, a ochotně půjčíš jemu, jakž by mnoho potřeboval toho, v čemž by nouzi měl. 9 Vystříhej se, aby nebylo něco nepravého v srdci tvém, a řekl bys: Blíží se rok sedmý, jenž jest rok odpuštění, a bylo by nešlechetné oko tvé k bratru tvému nuznému, tak že bys neudělil jemu, pročež by volal proti tobě k Hospodinu, a byl by na tobě hřích: 10 Ale ochotně dáš jemu, a nebude srdce tvé neupřímé, když bys dával jemu; nebo tou příčinou požehná tobě Hospodin Bůh tvůj ve všech skutcích tvých a ve všem díle, k kterémuž bys vztáhl ruku svou. 11 Nebo nebudete bez chudých v zemi vaší; protož přikazuji tobě, řka: Abys ochotně otvíral ruku svou bratru svému, chudému svému a nuznému svému v zemi své. 12 Jestliže by prodán byl tobě bratr tvůj Žid aneb Židovka, a sloužil by tobě za šest let, sedmého léta propustíš jej od sebe svobodného. 13 A když jej propustíš svobodného od sebe, nepustíš ho prázdného. 14 Štědře darovati jej budeš dary z dobytka svého, z stodoly a z vinice své; v čemž požehnal tobě Hospodin Bůh tvůj, z toho dáš jemu. 15 A pamatuj, že jsi služebníkem byl v zemi Egyptské, a že tě vykoupil Hospodin Bůh tvůj, protož já to dnes tobě přikazuji. 16 Pakliť by řekl: Nepůjdu od tebe, proto že by tě miloval i dům tvůj, a že mu dobře u tebe, 17 Tedy vezma špici, probodneš ucho jeho na dveřích, a bude u tebe služebníkem na věky. Takž podobně i děvce své učiníš. 18 Nechť není za těžké před očima tvýma, když bys ho svobodného propustil od sebe, nebo dvojnásob více, než ze mzdy nájemník, sloužil tobě šest let; i požehná tobě Hospodin ve všech věcech, kteréž činiti budeš. 19 Všeho prvorozeného, což se narodí z skotů tvých neb z bravů tvých, samce posvětíš Hospodinu Bohu svému. Nebudeš dělati prvorozeným volkem svým, a nebudeš holiti prvorozených ovec svých. 20 Před Hospodinem Bohem svým budeš je jísti na každý rok na místě, kteréž by vyvolil Hospodin, ty i čeled tvá. 21 Pakliť by na něm byla vada, že by kulhavé aneb slepé bylo, aneb mělo by jakoukoli škodlivou vadu, nebudeš ho obětovati Hospodinu Bohu svému. 22 V branách svých budeš je jísti, buďto čistý neb nečistý, rovně jako srnu aneb jelena; 23 Toliko krve jeho nebudeš jísti, ale na zem vycedíš ji jako vodu.
Danish(i) 1 Naar syv Aar ere til Ende, skal du lade Henstand ske. 2 Og saaledes skal der forholdes med denne Henstand: Hver Ejermand, som har laant noget ud af sin Haand, skal give Henstand med det, som han har laant ud til sin Næste; han skal ikke kræve sin Næste eller sin Broder, naar man har udraabt Henstand for HERREN. 3 Den fremmede maa du kræve; men det, som du har hos din Broder, skal din Haand give Henstand med; 4 kun at ingen skal blive en Tigger iblandt eder; thi HERREN skal meget velsigne dig i det Land, som HERREN din Gud giver dig til Arv at eje det; 5 dersom du ikkun hører HERREN din Guds Røst, saa at du tager Vare paa at gøre efter alle disse Bud, som jeg byder dig i Dag. 6 Thi HERREN din Gud har velsignet dig, som han har tilsagt dig; og du skal laane til mange Folk; men du skal ikke tage til Laans; og du skal herske over mange Folk, men de skulle ikke herske over dig. 7 Naar der vorder en fattig iblandt eder, en af dine Brødre, i en af dine Stæder i dit Land, som HERREN din Gud giver dig: Da skal du ikke gøre dit Hjerte haardt og ikke lukke din Haand for din fattige Broder. 8 Men du skal oplade din Haand for ham, og du skal laane ham det, som er nok for hans Mangel, det som ham fattes. 9 Tag dig i Vare, at der ikke er en nedrig Tanke i dit Hjerte, at du siger: Det syvende Aar, Henstandsaaret er nær, og at du er karrig imod din fattige Broder og ikke giver ham, og at han raaber over dig til HERREN, og det skal være dig til Synd. 10 Du skal give ham og ikke lade dit Hjerte fortryde det, at du giver ham; thi HERREN din Gud skal for denne Sags Skyld velsigne dig i alle dine Gerninger og i alt det, som du udrækker din Haand til. 11 Thi fattige ville ikke ophøre at være i Landet; derfor byder jeg dig og siger, at du skal oplade din Haand for din Broder, for den, som trænger hos dig, og for din fattige i dit Land. 12 Naar din Broder, en Hebræer eller en Hebræerinde, sælges til dig, da skal han tjene dig i seks Aar, og i det syvende Aar skal du lade ham fri fra dig. 13 Og naar du lader ham fri fra dig, da skal du ikke lade ham gaa tomhændet. 14 Du skal rigeligen begave ham af dit smaa Kvæg og af din Lade og af din Perse; det som HERREN din Gud velsigner dig med, deraf skal du give ham. 15 Og du skal komme i Hu, at du var en Træl i Ægyptens Land, og at HERREN din Gud udløste dig; derfor byder jeg dig dette Ord i Dag. 16 Og det skal ske, om han siger til dig: Jeg vil ikke gaa ud fra dig, fordi han elsker dig og dit Hus, fordi han lider vel hos dig: 17 Da skal du tage en Syl og stikke i hans Øre og i Døren, saa skal han være dig en Træl bestandig; og saaledes skal du og gøre ved din Tjenestepige. 18 Lad det ikke være for svart for dine Øjne, at du lader ham fri fra dig; thi han har tjent dig dobbelt, efter en Daglønners Løn, seks Aar; og HERREN din Gud skal velsigne dig i alt det, du skal gøre. 19 Alt det førstefødte, som fødes af dit store Kvæg og af dit smaa Kvæg, naar det er en Han, skal du hellige for HERREN din Gud; du skal ikke arbejde med din Okses førstefødte og ikke klippe dine Faars førstefødte. 20 Du skal æde det hvert Aar for HERREN din Guds Ansigt paa det Sted, som HERREN skal udvælge, du og dit Hus. 21 Dog, om der er Lyde paa det, saa det er lamt eller blindt, hvad som helst slem Lyde det er, da skal du ikke ofre det for HERREN, din Gud. 22 Inden dine Porte skal du æde det saavel den urene som den rene, som var det en Raa og en Hjort 23 Dog skal du ikke æde Blodet deraf; du skal udøse det paa Jorden som Vand.
CUV(i) 1 每 逢 七 年 末 一 年 , 你 要 施 行 豁 免 。 2 豁 免 的 定 例 乃 是 這 樣 : 凡 債 主 要 把 所 借 給 鄰 舍 的 豁 免 了 ; 不 可 向 鄰 舍 和 弟 兄 追 討 , 因 為 耶 和 華 的 豁 免 年 已 經 宣 告 了 。 3 若 借 給 外 邦 人 , 你 可 以 向 他 追 討 ; 但 借 給 你 弟 兄 , 無 論 是 甚 麼 , 你 要 鬆 手 豁 免 了 。 4 你 若 留 意 聽 從 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 的 話 , 謹 守 遵 行 我 今 日 所 吩 咐 你 這 一 切 的 命 令 , 就 必 在 你 們 中 間 沒 有 窮 人 了 ( 在 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 所 賜 你 為 業 的 地 上 , 耶 和 華 必 大 大 賜 福 與 你 。 ) 5 見 上 節 6 因 為 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 必 照 他 所 應 許 你 的 賜 福 與 你 。 你 必 借 給 許 多 國 民 , 卻 不 至 向 他 們 借 貸 ; 你 必 管 轄 許 多 國 民 , 他 們 卻 不 能 管 轄 你 。 7 在 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 所 賜 你 的 地 上 , 無 論 那 一 座 城 裡 , 你 弟 兄 中 若 有 一 個 窮 人 , 你 不 可 忍 著 心 、 揝 著 手 不 幫 補 你 窮 乏 的 弟 兄 。 8 總 要 向 他 鬆 開 手 , 照 他 所 缺 乏 的 借 給 他 , 補 他 的 不 足 。 9 你 要 謹 慎 , 不 可 心 裡 起 惡 念 , 說 : 第 七 年 的 豁 免 年 快 到 了 , 你 便 惡 眼 看 你 窮 乏 的 弟 兄 , 甚 麼 都 不 給 他 , 以 致 他 因 你 求 告 耶 和 華 , 罪 便 歸 於 你 了 。 10 你 總 要 給 他 , 給 他 的 時 候 心 裡 不 可 愁 煩 ; 因 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 必 在 你 這 一 切 所 行 的 , 並 你 手 裡 所 辦 的 事 上 , 賜 福 與 你 。 11 原 來 那 地 上 的 窮 人 永 不 斷 絕 ; 所 以 我 吩 咐 你 說 : 總 要 向 你 地 上 困 苦 窮 乏 的 弟 兄 鬆 開 手 。 12 你 弟 兄 中 , 若 有 一 個 希 伯 來 男 人 或 希 伯 來 女 人 被 賣 給 你 , 服 事 你 六 年 , 到 第 七 年 就 要 任 他 自 由 出 去 。 13 你 任 他 自 由 的 時 候 , 不 可 使 他 空 手 而 去 , 14 要 從 你 羊 群 、 禾 場 、 酒 醡 之 中 多 多 的 給 他 ; 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 怎 樣 賜 福 與 你 , 你 也 要 照 樣 給 他 。 15 要 紀 念 你 在 埃 及 地 作 過 奴 僕 , 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 將 你 救 贖 ; 因 此 , 我 今 日 吩 咐 你 這 件 事 。 16 他 若 對 你 說 : 我 不 願 意 離 開 你 , 是 因 他 愛 你 和 你 的 家 , 且 因 在 你 那 裡 很 好 , 17 你 就 要 拿 錐 子 將 他 的 耳 朵 在 門 上 刺 透 , 他 便 永 為 你 的 奴 僕 了 。 你 待 婢 女 也 要 這 樣 。 18 你 任 他 自 由 的 時 候 , 不 可 以 為 難 事 , 因 他 服 事 你 六 年 , 較 比 雇 工 的 工 價 多 加 一 倍 了 。 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 就 必 在 你 所 做 的 一 切 事 上 賜 福 與 你 。 19 你 牛 群 羊 群 中 頭 生 的 , 凡 是 公 的 , 都 要 分 別 為 聖 , 歸 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 。 牛 群 中 頭 生 的 , 不 可 用 它 耕 地 ; 羊 群 中 頭 生 的 , 不 可 剪 毛 。 20 這 頭 生 的 , 你 和 你 的 家 屬 , 每 年 要 在 耶 和 華 所 選 擇 的 地 方 , 在 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 面 前 吃 。 21 這 頭 生 的 若 有 甚 麼 殘 疾 , 就 如 瘸 腿 的 、 瞎 眼 的 , 無 論 有 甚 麼 惡 殘 疾 , 都 不 可 獻 給 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 ; 22 可 以 在 你 城 裡 吃 ; 潔 淨 人 與 不 潔 淨 人 都 可 以 吃 , 就 如 吃 羚 羊 與 鹿 一 般 。 23 只 是 不 可 吃 它 的 血 ; 要 倒 在 地 上 , 如 同 倒 水 一 樣 。
  1 H7651 每逢七 H8141 H7093 H6213 一年,你要施行 H8059 豁免。
  2 H8059 豁免 H1697 的定例 H1167 H4874 H3027 乃是這樣:凡債主 H5383 要把所借 H7453 給鄰舍 H8058 的豁免 H7453 了;不可向鄰舍 H251 和弟兄 H5065 追討 H3068 ,因為耶和華 H8059 的豁免 H7121 年已經宣告了。
  3 H5237 若借給外邦人 H5065 ,你可以向他追討 H251 ;但借給你弟兄 H3027 ,無論是甚麼,你要鬆手 H8058 豁免了。
  4 H8085 H8085 你若留意聽從 H3068 耶和華 H430 ─你 神 H6963 的話 H8104 ,謹守 H6213 遵行 H3117 我今日 H6680 所吩咐 H4687 你這一切的命令 H34 ,就必在你們中間沒有窮人 H3068 了(在耶和華 H430 ─你 神 H5414 所賜 H5159 你為業 H776 的地 H3068 上,耶和華 H1288 必大大 H1288 賜福與你。)
  6 H3068 因為耶和華 H430 ─你的 神 H1696 必照他所應許 H1288 你的賜福 H5670 與你。你必借 H7227 給許多 H1471 國民 H5670 ,卻不至向他們借貸 H4910 ;你必管轄 H7227 許多 H1471 國民 H4910 ,他們卻不能管轄你。
  7 H3068 在耶和華 H430 ─你 神 H5414 所賜 H776 你的地 H259 上,無論那一 H8179 座城 H251 裡,你弟兄 H259 中若有一 H34 個窮人 H553 ,你不可忍著 H3824 H7092 、揝著 H3027 H34 不幫補你窮乏 H251 的弟兄。
  8 H5670 總要 H6605 H6605 向他鬆開 H3027 H4270 H2637 ,照他所缺乏 H5670 的借 H1767 給他,補他的不足。
  9 H8104 你要謹慎 H3824 ,不可心 H1100 裡起惡 H1697 H559 ,說 H7651 :第七 H8141 H8059 的豁免 H8141 H7126 快到了 H7489 ,你便惡 H5869 H34 看你窮乏 H251 的弟兄 H5414 ,甚麼都不給 H7121 他,以致他因你求告 H3068 耶和華 H2399 ,罪便歸於你了。
  10 H5414 你總要 H5414 H3415 H5414 他,給 H3824 他的時候心 H1558 裡不可愁煩;因 H3068 耶和華 H430 ─你的 神 H1697 必在你這一切所行的 H3027 ,並你手 H4639 裡所辦的事 H1288 上,賜福與你。
  11 H776 原來那地 H7130 H34 的窮人 H2308 永不斷絕 H6680 ;所以我吩咐 H559 你說 H776 :總要向你地 H6041 上困苦 H34 窮乏 H251 的弟兄 H6605 H6605 鬆開 H3027 手。
  12 H251 你弟兄 H5680 中,若有一個希伯來男人 H5680 或希伯來女人 H4376 被賣 H5647 給你,服事 H8337 你六 H8141 H7637 ,到第七 H8141 H2670 就要任他自由 H7971 出去。
  13 H7971 你任 H2670 他自由 H7387 的時候,不可使他空手而去,
  14 H6629 要從你羊群 H1637 、禾場 H3342 、酒醡 H6059 H6059 之中多多的給 H3068 他;耶和華 H430 ─你的 神 H1288 怎樣賜福 H5414 與你,你也要照樣給他。
  15 H2142 要紀念 H4714 你在埃及 H776 H5650 作過奴僕 H3068 ,耶和華 H430 ─你的 神 H6299 將你救贖 H3117 ;因此,我今日 H6680 吩咐 H1697 你這件事。
  16 H559 他若對你說 H3318 :我不願意離開 H157 你,是因他愛 H1004 你和你的家 H2895 ,且因在你那裡很好,
  17 H3947 你就要拿 H4836 錐子 H241 將他的耳朵 H1817 在門 H5414 上刺 H5769 透,他便永 H5650 為你的奴僕 H6213 了。你待 H519 婢女也要這樣。
  18 H5869 H7971 H2670 他自由 H7185 的時候,不可以為難事 H5647 ,因他服事 H8337 你六 H8141 H7916 ,較比雇工 H7939 的工價 H4932 多加一倍 H3068 了。耶和華 H430 ─你的 神 H6213 就必在你所做 H1288 的一切事上賜福與你。
  19 H1241 你牛群 H6629 羊群 H1060 中頭生的 H2145 ,凡是公的 H6942 ,都要分別為聖 H3068 ,歸耶和華 H430 ─你的 神 H7794 。牛群 H1060 中頭生的 H5647 ,不可用它耕地 H6629 ;羊群 H1060 中頭生的 H1494 ,不可剪毛。
  20 H1004 這頭生的,你和你的家屬 H8141 H8141 ,每年 H3068 要在耶和華 H977 所選擇 H4725 的地方 H3068 ,在耶和華 H430 ─你 神 H6440 面前 H398 吃。
  21 H3971 這頭生的若有甚麼殘疾 H6455 ,就如瘸腿的 H5787 、瞎眼的 H7451 ,無論有甚麼惡 H3971 殘疾 H2076 ,都不可獻 H3068 給耶和華 H430 ─你的 神;
  22 H8179 可以在你城 H2889 裡吃;潔淨 H2931 人與不潔淨 H398 人都可以吃 H6643 ,就如吃羚羊 H354 與鹿 H3162 一般。
  23 H398 只是不可吃 H1818 它的血 H8210 ;要倒 H776 在地 H4325 上,如同倒水一樣。
CUVS(i) 1 每 逢 七 年 末 一 年 , 你 要 施 行 豁 免 。 2 豁 免 的 定 例 乃 是 这 样 : 凡 债 主 要 把 所 借 给 邻 舍 的 豁 免 了 ; 不 可 向 邻 舍 和 弟 兄 追 讨 , 因 为 耶 和 华 的 豁 免 年 已 经 宣 告 了 。 3 若 借 给 外 邦 人 , 你 可 以 向 他 追 讨 ; 但 借 给 你 弟 兄 , 无 论 是 甚 么 , 你 要 松 手 豁 免 了 。 4 你 若 留 意 听 从 耶 和 华 ― 你   神 的 话 , 谨 守 遵 行 我 今 日 所 吩 咐 你 这 一 切 的 命 令 , 就 必 在 你 们 中 间 没 冇 穷 人 了 ( 在 耶 和 华 ― 你   神 所 赐 你 为 业 的 地 上 , 耶 和 华 必 大 大 赐 福 与 你 。 ) 5 见 上 节 6 因 为 耶 和 华 ― 你 的   神 必 照 他 所 应 许 你 的 赐 福 与 你 。 你 必 借 给 许 多 国 民 , 却 不 至 向 他 们 借 贷 ; 你 必 管 辖 许 多 国 民 , 他 们 却 不 能 管 辖 你 。 7 在 耶 和 华 ― 你   神 所 赐 你 的 地 上 , 无 论 那 一 座 城 里 , 你 弟 兄 中 若 冇 一 个 穷 人 , 你 不 可 忍 着 心 、 揝 着 手 不 帮 补 你 穷 乏 的 弟 兄 。 8 总 要 向 他 松 幵 手 , 照 他 所 缺 乏 的 借 给 他 , 补 他 的 不 足 。 9 你 要 谨 慎 , 不 可 心 里 起 恶 念 , 说 : 第 七 年 的 豁 免 年 快 到 了 , 你 便 恶 眼 看 你 穷 乏 的 弟 兄 , 甚 么 都 不 给 他 , 以 致 他 因 你 求 告 耶 和 华 , 罪 便 归 于 你 了 。 10 你 总 要 给 他 , 给 他 的 时 候 心 里 不 可 愁 烦 ; 因 耶 和 华 ― 你 的   神 必 在 你 这 一 切 所 行 的 , 并 你 手 里 所 办 的 事 上 , 赐 福 与 你 。 11 原 来 那 地 上 的 穷 人 永 不 断 绝 ; 所 以 我 吩 咐 你 说 : 总 要 向 你 地 上 困 苦 穷 乏 的 弟 兄 松 幵 手 。 12 你 弟 兄 中 , 若 冇 一 个 希 伯 来 男 人 或 希 伯 来 女 人 被 卖 给 你 , 服 事 你 六 年 , 到 第 七 年 就 要 任 他 自 由 出 去 。 13 你 任 他 自 由 的 时 候 , 不 可 使 他 空 手 而 去 , 14 要 从 你 羊 群 、 禾 场 、 酒 醡 之 中 多 多 的 给 他 ; 耶 和 华 ― 你 的   神 怎 样 赐 福 与 你 , 你 也 要 照 样 给 他 。 15 要 纪 念 你 在 埃 及 地 作 过 奴 仆 , 耶 和 华 ― 你 的   神 将 你 救 赎 ; 因 此 , 我 今 日 吩 咐 你 这 件 事 。 16 他 若 对 你 说 : 我 不 愿 意 离 幵 你 , 是 因 他 爱 你 和 你 的 家 , 且 因 在 你 那 里 很 好 , 17 你 就 要 拿 锥 子 将 他 的 耳 朵 在 门 上 刺 透 , 他 便 永 为 你 的 奴 仆 了 。 你 待 婢 女 也 要 这 样 。 18 你 任 他 自 由 的 时 候 , 不 可 以 为 难 事 , 因 他 服 事 你 六 年 , 较 比 雇 工 的 工 价 多 加 一 倍 了 。 耶 和 华 ― 你 的   神 就 必 在 你 所 做 的 一 切 事 上 赐 福 与 你 。 19 你 牛 群 羊 群 中 头 生 的 , 凡 是 公 的 , 都 要 分 别 为 圣 , 归 耶 和 华 ― 你 的   神 。 牛 群 中 头 生 的 , 不 可 用 它 耕 地 ; 羊 群 中 头 生 的 , 不 可 剪 毛 。 20 这 头 生 的 , 你 和 你 的 家 属 , 每 年 要 在 耶 和 华 所 选 择 的 地 方 , 在 耶 和 华 ― 你   神 面 前 吃 。 21 这 头 生 的 若 冇 甚 么 残 疾 , 就 如 瘸 腿 的 、 瞎 眼 的 , 无 论 冇 甚 么 恶 残 疾 , 都 不 可 献 给 耶 和 华 ― 你 的   神 ; 22 可 以 在 你 城 里 吃 ; 洁 净 人 与 不 洁 净 人 都 可 以 吃 , 就 如 吃 羚 羊 与 鹿 一 般 。 23 只 是 不 可 吃 它 的 血 ; 要 倒 在 地 上 , 如 同 倒 水 一 样 。
  1 H7651 每逢七 H8141 H7093 H6213 一年,你要施行 H8059 豁免。
  2 H8059 豁免 H1697 的定例 H1167 H4874 H3027 乃是这样:凡债主 H5383 要把所借 H7453 给邻舍 H8058 的豁免 H7453 了;不可向邻舍 H251 和弟兄 H5065 追讨 H3068 ,因为耶和华 H8059 的豁免 H7121 年已经宣告了。
  3 H5237 若借给外邦人 H5065 ,你可以向他追讨 H251 ;但借给你弟兄 H3027 ,无论是甚么,你要松手 H8058 豁免了。
  4 H8085 H8085 你若留意听从 H3068 耶和华 H430 ―你 神 H6963 的话 H8104 ,谨守 H6213 遵行 H3117 我今日 H6680 所吩咐 H4687 你这一切的命令 H34 ,就必在你们中间没有穷人 H3068 了(在耶和华 H430 ―你 神 H5414 所赐 H5159 你为业 H776 的地 H3068 上,耶和华 H1288 必大大 H1288 赐福与你。)
  6 H3068 因为耶和华 H430 ―你的 神 H1696 必照他所应许 H1288 你的赐福 H5670 与你。你必借 H7227 给许多 H1471 国民 H5670 ,却不至向他们借贷 H4910 ;你必管辖 H7227 许多 H1471 国民 H4910 ,他们却不能管辖你。
  7 H3068 在耶和华 H430 ―你 神 H5414 所赐 H776 你的地 H259 上,无论那一 H8179 座城 H251 里,你弟兄 H259 中若有一 H34 个穷人 H553 ,你不可忍着 H3824 H7092 、揝着 H3027 H34 不帮补你穷乏 H251 的弟兄。
  8 H5670 总要 H6605 H6605 向他松开 H3027 H4270 H2637 ,照他所缺乏 H5670 的借 H1767 给他,补他的不足。
  9 H8104 你要谨慎 H3824 ,不可心 H1100 里起恶 H1697 H559 ,说 H7651 :第七 H8141 H8059 的豁免 H8141 H7126 快到了 H7489 ,你便恶 H5869 H34 看你穷乏 H251 的弟兄 H5414 ,甚么都不给 H7121 他,以致他因你求告 H3068 耶和华 H2399 ,罪便归于你了。
  10 H5414 你总要 H5414 H3415 H5414 他,给 H3824 他的时候心 H1558 里不可愁烦;因 H3068 耶和华 H430 ―你的 神 H1697 必在你这一切所行的 H3027 ,并你手 H4639 里所办的事 H1288 上,赐福与你。
  11 H776 原来那地 H7130 H34 的穷人 H2308 永不断绝 H6680 ;所以我吩咐 H559 你说 H776 :总要向你地 H6041 上困苦 H34 穷乏 H251 的弟兄 H6605 H6605 松开 H3027 手。
  12 H251 你弟兄 H5680 中,若有一个希伯来男人 H5680 或希伯来女人 H4376 被卖 H5647 给你,服事 H8337 你六 H8141 H7637 ,到第七 H8141 H2670 就要任他自由 H7971 出去。
  13 H7971 你任 H2670 他自由 H7387 的时候,不可使他空手而去,
  14 H6629 要从你羊群 H1637 、禾场 H3342 、酒醡 H6059 H6059 之中多多的给 H3068 他;耶和华 H430 ―你的 神 H1288 怎样赐福 H5414 与你,你也要照样给他。
  15 H2142 要纪念 H4714 你在埃及 H776 H5650 作过奴仆 H3068 ,耶和华 H430 ―你的 神 H6299 将你救赎 H3117 ;因此,我今日 H6680 吩咐 H1697 你这件事。
  16 H559 他若对你说 H3318 :我不愿意离开 H157 你,是因他爱 H1004 你和你的家 H2895 ,且因在你那里很好,
  17 H3947 你就要拿 H4836 锥子 H241 将他的耳朵 H1817 在门 H5414 上刺 H5769 透,他便永 H5650 为你的奴仆 H6213 了。你待 H519 婢女也要这样。
  18 H5869 H7971 H2670 他自由 H7185 的时候,不可以为难事 H5647 ,因他服事 H8337 你六 H8141 H7916 ,较比雇工 H7939 的工价 H4932 多加一倍 H3068 了。耶和华 H430 ―你的 神 H6213 就必在你所做 H1288 的一切事上赐福与你。
  19 H1241 你牛群 H6629 羊群 H1060 中头生的 H2145 ,凡是公的 H6942 ,都要分别为圣 H3068 ,归耶和华 H430 ―你的 神 H7794 。牛群 H1060 中头生的 H5647 ,不可用它耕地 H6629 ;羊群 H1060 中头生的 H1494 ,不可剪毛。
  20 H1004 这头生的,你和你的家属 H8141 H8141 ,每年 H3068 要在耶和华 H977 所选择 H4725 的地方 H3068 ,在耶和华 H430 ―你 神 H6440 面前 H398 吃。
  21 H3971 这头生的若有甚么残疾 H6455 ,就如瘸腿的 H5787 、瞎眼的 H7451 ,无论有甚么恶 H3971 残疾 H2076 ,都不可献 H3068 给耶和华 H430 ―你的 神;
  22 H8179 可以在你城 H2889 里吃;洁净 H2931 人与不洁净 H398 人都可以吃 H6643 ,就如吃羚羊 H354 与鹿 H3162 一般。
  23 H398 只是不可吃 H1818 它的血 H8210 ;要倒 H776 在地 H4325 上,如同倒水一样。
Esperanto(i) 1 Post paso de sep jaroj faru forlason. 2 Jen estas la esenco de la forlaso:cxiu kreditoro, kiu pruntedonis ion al sia proksimulo, forlasu tion, li ne postulu tion de sia proksimulo aux de sia frato; cxar estas proklamita forlaso pro la Eternulo. 3 De alilandulo vi povas postuli; sed kion vi havos cxe via frato, tion via mano forlasu. 4 Cetere ne estos cxe vi malricxulo (cxar la Eternulo benos vin en la lando, kiun la Eternulo, via Dio, donas al vi kiel heredan posedajxon), 5 se vi nur obeos la vocxon de la Eternulo, via Dio, por observi kaj plenumi cxiujn cxi tiujn ordonojn, kiujn mi ordonas al vi hodiaux. 6 CXar la Eternulo, via Dio, benos vin, kiel Li diris al vi; kaj vi pruntedonos al multaj popoloj, sed vi ne prunteprenos; kaj vi regos super multaj popoloj, sed super vi ili ne regos. 7 Se estos inter vi malricxulo iu el viaj fratoj en iu el viaj urboj en via lando, kiun la Eternulo, via Dio, donas al vi, tiam ne malmoligu vian koron kaj ne fermu vian manon antaux via frato, la malricxulo; 8 sed malfermu al li vian manon, kaj pruntedonu al li lauxmezure de lia manko, kio mankos al li. 9 Gardu vin, ke ne aperu en via koro malpia penso:Alproksimigxas la sepa jaro, la jaro de forlaso; kaj via okulo farigxos malfavora kontraux via malricxa frato kaj vi ne donos al li, kaj li plendos pri vi al la Eternulo, kaj peko estos sur vi. 10 Donu al li, kaj ne cxagrenu vin via koro, kiam vi donos al li; cxar pro tio benos vin la Eternulo, via Dio, en cxiuj viaj faroj kaj en cxiu entrepreno de via mano. 11 CXar ne mankos malricxuloj en la lando, tial mi ordonas al vi jene:malfermu vian manon al via frato, al via senhavulo, kaj al via malricxulo en via lando. 12 Se vendos sin al vi via frato, Hebreo aux Hebreino, li servu vin dum ses jaroj, sed en la sepa jaro forsendu lin de vi en libereco. 13 Kaj kiam vi forsendos lin de vi en libereco, ne forsendu lin kun malplenaj manoj; 14 sed havigu al li iom el viaj brutoj kaj el via garbejo kaj el via vinpremejo; per kio benis vin la Eternulo, via Dio, tion donu al li. 15 Memoru, ke vi estis sklavo en la lando Egipta, kaj la Eternulo, via Dio, liberigis vin; tial mi ordonas al vi tion hodiaux. 16 Kaj se li diros al vi:Mi ne foriros de vi, cxar mi amas vin kaj vian domon-cxar estas al li bone cxe vi: 17 tiam prenu alenon kaj enpiku en lian orelon kaj en la pordon, kaj li estos sklavo al vi por cxiam. Ankaux kun via sklavino agu tiel. 18 Tio ne sxajnu al vi malfacila, kiam vi forsendos lin de vi en libereco; cxar duoblan pagon de dungito li perlaboris cxe vi dum ses jaroj; kaj la Eternulo, via Dio, benos vin en cxio, kion vi faros. 19 CXiun virseksan unuenaskiton, kiu naskigxos al viaj grandaj kaj malgrandaj brutoj, dedicxu al la Eternulo, via Dio; ne laboru per la unuenaskito de via bovo, kaj ne tondu la unuenaskiton de via sxafo. 20 Antaux la Eternulo, via Dio, mangxu gxin cxiujare, sur la loko, kiun elektos la Eternulo, vi kaj via familio; 21 sed se gxi havos ian difekton, se gxi estos lama aux blinda, aux se gxi havos kian ajn malbonan difekton, tiam ne bucxu gxin ofere al la Eternulo, via Dio. 22 Sed inter viaj pordegoj vi povas gxin mangxi, malpurulo kaj purulo egale, kiel gazelon kaj cervon. 23 Nur gxian sangon ne mangxu; sur la teron elversxu gxin, kiel akvon.
Finnish(i) 1 Seitsemän vuoden perästä pitää sinun pitämän vapaavuoden. 2 Ja näin pitää vapaavuosi pidettämän: joka jotakin kädestänsä lähimmäisellensä lainannut on, sen hänen pitää hänelle antaman anteeksi, ja ei velkoman lähimmäistänsä ja veljeänsä; sillä se kutsutaan Herran vapaavuodeksi. 3 Muukalaista mahdat sinä velkoa; mutta veljelles pitää sinun sen antaman anteeksi. 4 Ja ei pidä yksikään kerjääjä teidän seassanne oleman; sillä Herra on siunaava sinua sillä maalla, jonka Herra sinun Jumalas sinulle perimiseksi antaa, omistettavakses. 5 Jos vaan sinä ahkerasti kuulet Herran sinun Jumalas äänen, ja pidät ja teet kaikki nämät käskyt, jotka minä sinulle tänäpänä käsken, 6 Niin Herra sinun Jumalas on siunaava sinua, niinkuin hän sinulle on sanonut, niin että sinä lainaat monelle kansalle, mutta ei sinun pidä lainaksi ottaman: sinun pitää hallitseman paljo kansaa, mutta sinun ei pidä kenenkään vallitseman. 7 Jos joku veljistäs on joutunut köyhäksi jossakussa kaupungissa sinun maallas, jonka Herra sinun Jumalas sinulle antaa, niin ei pidä sinun koventaman sydäntäs eikä käsiäs köyhältä veljeltäs sulkeman; 8 Mutta pitää kaiketi avaaman kätes hänelle ja mieluisesti lainaaman, senjälkeen minkä hän puutteessansa tarvitsee. 9 Ota vaari, ettei sinun sydämees tulisi Belialin ajatus, ettäs sanoisit: nyt tulee pian seitsemäs vuosi, joka on vapaavuosi, ja sinä armottomasti katsot sinun köyhän veljes puoleen, etkä mitäkään annan hänelle: niin hän huutaa sinun ylitses Herran tykö, ja se tulee sinulle synniksi. 10 Sinun pitää antaman hänelle hyvällä mielellä, ja sinun sydämes ei pidä paheksuman, koskas hänelle annat; sillä sentähden on Herra sinun Jumalas siunaava sinua kaikissa sinun töissäs, ja sinun kättes teoissa. 11 Sillä ei köyhät pidä puuttuman maalta, sentähden käsken minä sinua ja sanon: avaa aina kätes veljelles, joka tarvitseva ja köyhä on sinun maallas. 12 Jos veljes, Hebrealainen mies eli vaimo, myy itsensä sinulle, niin hänen pitää palveleman sinua kuusi vuotta; mutta seitsemäntenä vuotena pitää sinun hänen vapaaksi päästämän. 13 Ja kuin sinä hänen vapaaksi päästät, ei sinun pidä antaman hänen mennä tyhjin käsin sinun tyköäs; 14 Vaan sinun pitää hänelle mieluisesti lahjoittaman lampaistas ja riihestäs ja viinakuurnastas, niin että sinä annat hänelle sitä, jolla Herra sinun Jumalas sinunkin on siunannut. 15 Ja muista, että sinäkin olit orja Egyptin maalla, ja Herra sinun Jumalas pelasti sinun; sentähden minä näitä sinulle tänäpänä käsken. 16 Jos hän sanoo sinulle: en minä lähde sinun tyköäs; sillä hän rakastaa sinua ja sinun huonettas, sillä hänen on hyvä olla sinun tykönäs; 17 Niin ota naskali ja pistä hänen korvaansa niin myös oveen, ja anna hänen olla sinun orjas ijäisesti: niin pitää myös sinun tekemän piikas kanssa. 18 Ja älä työlääksi lue sitä sinulles, ettäs hänen tyköäs vapaaksi päästät; sillä hän on palvellut sinua, niinkuin kaksinkertainen palkollinen, kuusi vuotta: niin Herra sinun Jumalas siunaa sinua kaikissa niissä mitä sinä teet. 19 Kaikki härkyiset karjan, ja oinaat lammasten esikoisista, pitää sinun pyhittämän Herralle sinun Jumalalles: ei sinun pidä työtä tekemän karjas esikoisella eikä pidä sinun keritsemän lammastes esikoista. 20 Herra sinun Jumalas edessä pitää sinun ne syömän vuosi vuodelta, siinä paikassa minkä Herra valinnut on, sinä ja sinun huonees. 21 Jos sillä on joku virhe, niin että hän ontuu taikka on sokia, taikka muutoin joku paha virhe hänessä, niin ei sinun pidä uhraaman sitä Herralle sinun Jumalalles. 22 Sinun porteissas pitää sinun sen syömän, saastainen ja puhdas yhdessä, niinkuin metsävuohen ja peuran. 23 Ainoasti ei sinun pidä syömän sen verta, mutta vuodattaman maahan niinkuin veden.
FinnishPR(i) 1 "Joka seitsemäs vuosi pane toimeen vapautus. 2 Ja näin on vapautuksesta määrätty: jokainen saamamies luopukoon siitä, minkä hän on lähimmäiselleen lainannut, älköönkä velkoko lähimmäistänsä ja veljeänsä, sillä silloin on Herran kunniaksi vapautus julistettu. 3 Vierasta saat velkoa, mutta luovu siitä, mitä sinulla on saamista veljeltäsi. 4 Tosin ei köyhää sinun keskuudessasi tulisi ollakaan, sillä Herra on runsaasti siunaava sinua siinä maassa, jonka Herra, sinun Jumalasi, antaa sinulle perintöosaksi ja jonka saat ottaa omaksesi, 5 jos vain kuulet Herran, sinun Jumalasi, ääntä ja tarkoin noudatat kaikkia näitä käskyjä, jotka minä tänä päivänä sinulle annan. 6 Sillä Herra, sinun Jumalasi, on siunaava sinua, niinkuin hän on sinulle puhunut; ja sinä lainaat monelle kansalle, mutta sinun ei tarvitse lainaa ottaa, ja sinä vallitset monia kansoja, mutta he eivät vallitse sinua. 7 Jos sinun keskuudessasi on joku köyhä, joku veljesi jossakin porttiesi sisäpuolella siinä maassa, jonka Herra, sinun Jumalasi, sinulle antaa, niin älä kovenna sydäntäsi äläkä sulje kättäsi köyhältä veljeltäsi, 8 vaan avaa auliisti kätesi hänelle ja lainaa mielelläsi, mitä hän puutteessansa tarvitsee. 9 Varo, ettei sydämessäsi synny tämä paha ajatus: 'Seitsemäs vuosi, vapautusvuosi, on lähellä', ja ettet sen tähden katso karsaasti köyhää veljeäsi etkä anna hänelle mitään. Jos hän silloin huutaa sinun tähtesi Herran puoleen, niin sinä joudut syyhyn. 10 Anna mielelläsi hänelle, älköönkä sydämesi olko vastahakoinen antaessasi, sillä lahjasi tähden on Herra, sinun Jumalasi, siunaava sinua kaikissa töissäsi, kaikessa, mihin ryhdyt. 11 Koska köyhiä ei koskaan puutu maasta, sentähden käsken minä sinua näin: Avaa auliisti kätesi veljellesi, kurjalle ja köyhälle, joita sinun maassasi on. 12 Jos joku veljesi, hebrealainen mies tai nainen, on myynyt itsensä sinulle ja palvellut sinua kuusi vuotta, niin päästä hänet seitsemäntenä vuotena luotasi vapaaksi, 13 ja kun päästät hänet luotasi vapaaksi, niin älä lähetä häntä tyhjin käsin. 14 Vaan sälytä hänen selkäänsä runsaasti lahjoja laumastasi, puimatantereeltasi ja kuurnastasi; anna hänellekin siitä, millä Herra, sinun Jumalasi, on sinua siunannut. 15 Muista, että itse olit orjana Egyptin maassa ja että Herra, sinun Jumalasi, vapahti sinut. Sentähden minä tänä päivänä annan sinulle tämän käskyn. 16 Mutta jos hän sanoo sinulle: 'En tahdo lähteä luotasi', koska hän rakastaa sinua ja sinun perhettäsi ja koska hänen on ollut sinun luonasi hyvä olla, 17 niin ota naskali ja pistä se hänen korvansa läpi oveen; olkoon hän sitten sinun orjasi ainiaan. Samoin tee myös orjattarellesi. 18 Älköön sinusta olko vaikeata päästää häntä luotasi vapaaksi: onhan hänestä kuutena vuotena ollut sinulle kahta vertaa suurempi hyöty kuin palkkalaisesta. Ja Herra, sinun Jumalasi, on siunaava sinua kaikessa, mitä teet. 19 Kaikki urospuoliset esikoiset, jotka syntyvät raavaskarjassasi ja pikkukarjassasi, pyhitä Herralle, Jumalallesi; raavaasi esikoisella älä työtä tee, älä myöskään keritse lampaasi esikoista. 20 Herran, sinun Jumalasi, edessä syö perheinesi se joka vuosi siinä paikassa, jonka Herra valitsee. 21 Jos siinä on joku vamma, jos se ontuu tai on sokea tai jos sillä on joku muu paha vamma, mikä tahansa, niin älä uhraa sitä Herralle, sinun Jumalallesi. 22 Syö se porttiesi sisäpuolella; niin hyvin saastainen kuin puhdas saakoon syödä sitä, niinkuin syödään gasellia tai peuraa. 23 Vain verta älä syö; vuodata se maahan niinkuin vesi."
Haitian(i) 1 Chak sètan n'a annile dèt tout moun ki dwe nou, n'a kite lajan an pou yo. 2 Men ki jan n'a fè l': Tout moun ki te prete yon moun pèp Izrayèl parèy li lajan va kite lajan an pou li. Depi lè a rive pou yo annile tout dèt pou Seyè a, li p'ap ka egzije pou lòt la renmèt li lajan an ankò. 3 N'a gen dwa egzije pou moun lòt nasyon yo peye nou sa yo dwe nou. Men, nenpòt kisa yon moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou dwe nou, n'a kite l' pou li. 4 Konsa, p'ap gen moun pòv nan mitan nou, paske Seyè a, Bondye nou an, va beni nou nan peyi l'ap ban nou pou byen eritaj nou an, nan peyi nou pral pran pou nou an. 5 Men, se pou nou toujou obeyi Seyè a, se pou nou swiv pwen pa pwen tout kòmandman m'ap ban nou jòdi a. 6 Wi, Seyè a, Bondye nou an, va beni nou, jan li te pwomèt nou an, konsa n'a gen lajan pou prete anpil lòt nasyon. Men, nou menm nou p'ap janm bezwen prete nan men pesonn. N'a donminen sou anpil lòt pèp. Men, yo yonn p'ap gen pye sou kou nou. 7 Si ta gen yon pòv nan mitan moun pèp Izrayèl parèy nou yo k'ap viv nan yonn nan lavil nan peyi Seyè a te ban nou an, pa fèmen kè nou, pa refize lonje men bay frè nou ki nan nesesite. 8 Okontrè, se pou nou lonje men ba li, n'a prete l' lajan pou l' achte tou sa li bezwen. 9 Pa kite ankenn move lide pase nan tèt nou pou nou ta di: Nou toupre setyèm lanne a, lanne pou nou annile dèt tout moun ki dwe nou, epi pou nou fè move jan ak frè parèy nou ki nan nesesite, pou nou derefize prete l' anyen. Paske lè sa a, l'a rele Seyè a, l'a pale l' pou nou, epi n'a gen tò. 10 Non. Se pou nou prete l' epi lè n'ap prete l', se pou ou fè l' ak tout kè ou. Konsa, poutèt sa, Seyè a, Bondye nou an, va beni nou nan tout travay nou, nan tou sa n'ap fè. 11 Va toujou gen kèk moun nan pèp Izrayèl la k'ap nan nesesite. Se poutèt sa mwen mande nou pou nou aprann louvri men nou bay frè parèy nou ki pòv osinon ki nan nesesite nan peyi nou an. 12 Si yon moun menm ras ak nou, kit se gason, kit se fanm, vin vann tèt li ban nou pou li sèvi nou esklav, li va sèvi nou sizan. Lè setyèm lanne a va rive, se pou nou kite l' al fè wout li. 13 Lè n'ap ranvwaye l' la, pa kite l' ale san nou pa ba li anyen. 14 Men, n'a fè l' kado nan bèt nou yo, nan rekòt jaden nou, nan diven nou ak lwil nou, ki vle di n'a separe avè l' byen Seyè a, Bondye nou an, te ban nou pou benediksyon. 15 Pa bliye se esklav nou te ye tou nan peyi Lejip la, epi se Seyè a, Bondye nou an, ki te delivre nou. Se poutèt sa mwen ban nou lòd sa a jòdi a. 16 Men, si yon esklav konsa di nou li p'ap kite nou, paske li renmen nou ansanm ak tout moun lakay nou, paske nou aji byen avè l', 17 lè sa a, n'a pran yon bagay pwenti, n'a fè l' pwoche bò pòt devan lakay nou, n'a pèse zòrèy li. Konsa, l'a rete ap sèvi nou pou tout tan jouk li mouri. N'a fè menm bagay la tou pou fanm ki esklav lakay nou. 18 Piga nou janm wè sa twò rèd pou nou voye yon esklav tounen lakay li, paske li te sèvi nou pandan sizan pou mwatye pri nou ta peye yon moun k'ap travay pou lajan lakay nou. Se konsa, Seyè a, Bondye nou an, va beni nou nan tou sa n'ap fè. 19 Tout premye pitit mal fenmèl bèf nou osinon fenmèl mouton nou va fè, n'a mete yo apa pou Bondye, Seyè a. Piga nou janm fè premye ti towo fenmèl bèf nou fè a travay pou nou. Ni nou pa dwe janm taye lenn ki sou premye ti belye mouton fenmèl mouton nou yo fè a. 20 Chak lanne, nou menm ak tout fanmi nou, n'a manje yo devan Seyè a, kote Seyè a, Bondye nou an, te chwazi a. 21 Men, si l'ap bwete, osinon si li pèdi yon je, oswa si li gen nenpòt lòt enfimite ki konsekan, se pa pou nou touye l' pou Seyè a, Bondye nou an. 22 N'a manje l' lakay nou, tout moun va manje ladan l', kit yo nan kondisyon pou sèvi Bondye, kit yo pa nan kondisyon pou fè l', menm jan yo konn manje vyann gazèl ak vyann towo bèf. 23 Tansèlman, piga nou manje san l'. Se pou nou vide tout san an atè tankou dlo.
Hungarian(i) 1 A hetedik esztendõ végén elengedést mívelj. 2 Ez pedig az elengedésnek módja: Minden kölcsönadó ember engedje el, a mit kölcsönadott az õ felebarátjának; ne hajtsa be az õ felebarátján és atyjafián; mert elengedés hirdettetett az Úrért. 3 Az idegenen hajtsd be; de a mid a te atyádfiánál lesz, engedje el [néki] a te kezed. 4 De nem is lesz közötted szegény, mert igen megáld téged az Úr azon a földön, a melyet az Úr, a te Istened ád néked örökségül, hogy bírjad azt. 5 De csak úgy [lesz] [ez], ha hallgatsz az Úrnak, a te Istenednek szavára, megtartván és teljesítvén mind azt a parancsolatot, a melyet én ma parancsolok néked. 6 Mert az Úr, a te Istened megáld téged, a miképen megmondotta néked; és sok népnek adsz zálogos kölcsönt, te pedig nem kérsz kölcsönt, és sok népen fogsz uralkodni, és te rajtad nem uralkodnak. 7 Ha [mégis] szegénynyé lesz valaki a te atyádfiai közül valamelyikben a te kapuid közül a te földeden, a melyet az Úr, a te Istened ád néked: ne keményítsd meg a te szívedet, be se zárjad kezedet a te szegény atyádfia elõtt; 8 Hanem örömest nyisd meg a te kezedet néki, és örömest adj kölcsön néki, a mennyi elég az õ szükségére, a mi nélkül szûkölködik. 9 Vigyázz magadra, hogy ne legyen a te szívedben valami istentelenség, mondván: Közelget a hetedik esztendõ, az elengedésnek esztendeje; és elfordítsd szemedet a te szegény atyádfiától, hogy ne adj néki; mert õ ellened kiált az Úrhoz, és bûn lesz benned. 10 Bizonyára adj néki, és meg ne háborodjék azon a te szíved, mikor adsz néki; mert az ilyen dologért áld meg téged az Úr, a te Istened minden munkádban, és mindenben, a mire kezedet veted. 11 Mert a szegény nem fogy ki a földrõl, azért én parancsolom néked, mondván: Örömest nyisd meg kezedet a te szûkölködõ és szegény atyádfiának a te földeden. 12 Hogyha eladja magát néked a te atyádfia, a zsidó férfi és zsidó asszony, és szolgál téged hat esztendeig: a hetedik esztendõben bocsássad õt szabadon mellõled. 13 És mikor szabadon bocsátod õt mellõled, ne bocsásd el õt üresen; 14 [Hanem] terheld meg õt bõven a te juhaidból, a te szérûdrõl, és a te sajtódból; a mivel megáldott téged az Úr, a te Istened, adj néki abból. 15 És emlékezzél meg róla, hogy [te is] szolga voltál Égyiptom földén, és megszabadított téged az Úr, a te Istened; azért parancsolom én ma ezt néked. 16 Ha pedig ezt mondja néked: Nem megyek el tõled, mert szeret téged és a te házadat, mivelhogy jól van néki te nálad dolga: 17 Akkor vedd az árat, és fúrd a fülébe és az ajtóba; és legyen szolgáddá mindvégig; így cselekedjél szolgálóleányoddal is. 18 Ne essék nehezedre, hogy szabadon bocsátod õt mellõled; (hiszen két annyi bérre valót szolgált néked hat éven át, mint a béres-munkás) és megáld téged az Úr, a te Istened mindenben, a mit cselekszel. 19 Barmaid és juhaid elsõ fajzásának minden hímjét az Úrnak, a te Istenednek szenteljed. Ne munkálkodjál a te tehenednek elsõ fajzásán, és meg ne nyírjad a te juhaidnak elsõ fajzását. 20 Az Úrnak, a te Istenednek színe elõtt edd meg azt esztendõrõl esztendõre, te és a te házad népe, azon a helyen, a melyet kiválaszt az Úr. 21 Hogyha valami fogyatkozás lesz benne; sánta vagy vak lesz, [vagy] akármely fogyatkozásban szenvedõ: meg ne áldozd azt az Úrnak, a te Istenednek. 22 A te kapuidon belõl edd meg azt; a tisztátalan és a tiszta egyaránt, mintha õz volna az vagy szarvas. 23 Csakhogy a vérét meg ne edd, hanem a földre öntsd azt, mint a vizet.
Indonesian(i) 1 "Pada akhir tiap tahun ketujuh kamu harus mengadakan penghapusan hutang. 2 Beginilah caranya. Setiap orang Israel yang meminjamkan uang kepada orang sebangsanya, harus menghapuskan hutang itu, karena menurut keputusan TUHAN sendiri hutang itu sudah dihapuskan, jadi tak boleh ditagih lagi. 3 Kamu boleh menagih uang yang kamu pinjamkan kepada orang asing, tetapi tidak boleh menagih lagi uang yang kamu pinjamkan kepada orang sebangsamu. 4 TUHAN Allahmu akan memberkati kamu di negeri yang diberikan-Nya kepadamu. Maka di antara bangsamu tak akan ada orang miskin, 5 asal kamu taat kepada TUHAN Allahmu, dan dengan teliti melakukan segala yang saya perintahkan kepadamu hari ini. 6 TUHAN Allahmu akan memberkati kamu seperti yang dijanjikan-Nya. Kamu akan meminjamkan uang kepada banyak bangsa, tetapi kamu sendiri tidak akan meminjam; kamu akan menguasai banyak bangsa, tetapi mereka tidak akan menguasai kamu. 7 Apabila kamu nanti sudah berdiam di negeri yang diberikan TUHAN Allahmu kepadamu, lalu di salah satu kotamu terdapat orang sebangsamu yang berkekurangan, janganlah mementingkan dirimu sendiri dan menolak untuk membantu dia. 8 Sebaliknya, kamu harus bermurah hati dan meminjamkan kepada orang itu sebanyak yang diperlukannya. 9 Jangan menolak untuk memberi pinjaman kepadanya dengan alasan bahwa tahun penghapusan hutang sudah dekat. Jangan biarkan pikiran sejahat itu masuk ke dalam hatimu. Kalau kamu tidak mau meminjamkan, orang itu akan berseru kepada TUHAN untuk mengadukan kamu, maka kamu akan dinyatakan bersalah. 10 Berilah kepadanya dengan senang hati dan rela, maka TUHAN Allahmu akan memberkati segala usahamu. 11 Di kalangan orang Israel selalu akan terdapat beberapa orang yang miskin dan berkekurangan. Sebab itu saya memerintahkan kamu untuk bermurah hati kepada mereka." 12 "Apabila seorang laki-laki atau perempuan dari bangsamu menjual dirinya menjadi budakmu, ia harus bekerja untukmu selama enam tahun. Dalam tahun yang ketujuh ia harus dibebaskan. 13 Budak yang dibebaskan itu tak boleh dibiarkan pergi dengan tangan kosong. 14 Berilah kepadanya dengan murah hati dari apa yang diberikan TUHAN Allahmu kepadamu yaitu kambing domba, gandum dan anggur. 15 Ingatlah bahwa kamu dahulu budak di Mesir lalu dibebaskan oleh TUHAN Allahmu; itulah sebabnya saya berikan perintah ini kepadamu. 16 Tetapi kalau budak itu tidak mau pergi karena ia mencintai kamu dan keluargamu dan senang tinggal bersamamu, 17 bawalah dia ke pintu rumahmu dan tindiklah telinganya, maka ia akan menjadi budakmu seumur hidupnya. Begitu juga harus kamu perlakukan budakmu yang perempuan. 18 Kalau kamu membebaskan seorang budak, janganlah merasa kesal, sebab selama enam tahun ia telah bekerja untuk kamu dengan separuh upah seorang pelayan. Lakukanlah perintah itu, maka TUHAN Allahmu akan memberkati segala usahamu." 19 "Anak sapi dan kambing domba jantan yang pertama lahir harus dipersembahkan kepada TUHAN Allahmu. Sapi itu tak boleh dipakai untuk menarik bajak, dan domba itu tak boleh dicukur. 20 Setiap tahun kamu sekeluarga harus makan dagingnya di hadapan TUHAN Allahmu, di tempat yang dipilih TUHAN. 21 Tetapi kalau ternak itu cacat, misalnya pincang atau buta atau cacat berat lainnya, kamu tak boleh mempersembahkannya kepada TUHAN Allahmu. 22 Setiap orang, baik yang bersih maupun yang najis, boleh memakannya di rumah, seperti makan daging rusa atau daging kijang. 23 Darahnya tak boleh dimakan, tetapi harus ditumpahkan ke tanah seperti air."
Italian(i) 1 IN capo d’ogni settimo anno, celebra l’anno della remissione. 2 E questa sia l’ordinazione della remissione: Rimetta ogni creditore ciò ch’egli avrà dato in presto al suo prossimo; non riscuotalo dal suo prossimo, e dal suo fratello; conciossiachè la remissione del Signore sia stata bandita. 3 Tu potrai riscuotere i tuoi crediti dallo straniere; ma rimetti al tuo fratello ciò ch’egli avrà del tuo. 4 Come che sia, non siavi alcun bisognoso fra te; perciocchè il Signore ti benedirà largamente, nel paese che il Signore Iddio tuo ti dà, in eredità, per possederlo. 5 Purchè del tutto tu ubbidisca alla voce del Signore Iddio tuo, per osservar di mettere in opera tutti questi comandamenti che io ti do oggi. 6 Quando il Signore Iddio tuo ti avrà benedetto, siccome egli ti ha promesso, tu presterai a molte genti, e tu non prenderai nulla in prestanza; e signoreggerai sopra grandi nazioni, ed esse non signoreggeranno sopra te. 7 QUANDO vi sarà nel mezzo di te alcuno de’ tuoi fratelli, che sia bisognoso in alcuna delle terre dove tu abiterai, nel tuo paese che il Signore Iddio tuo ti dà; non indurare il cuor tuo, e non serrar la mano inverso il tuo fratello bisognoso; 8 anzi del tutto aprigli la mano, e del tutto prestagli quanto gli fia di bisogno per la necessità nella quale si troverà. 9 Guardati, che talora non vi sia nel tuo cuore alcun pensiero scellerato, per dire: L’anno settimo, l’anno della remissione è vicino; e che l’occhio tuo non sia maligno inverso il tuo fratello bisognoso, sì che tu non gli dia nulla; ed egli gridi contro a te al Signore, e vi sia in te peccato. 10 Del tutto dagli ciò che gli fia di bisogno; e non ti dolga il cuore quando tu gliel darai; perciocchè per cagion di questo il Signore Iddio tuo ti benedirà in ogni opera tua, e in ogni cosa alla quale tu metterai la mano. 11 Perciocchè i bisognosi non verranno giammai meno nel paese; perciò io ti comando che tu apra largamente la mano al tuo fratello, al tuo povero, e al tuo bisognoso che sarà nel tuo paese. 12 Quando alcuno de’ tuoi fratelli, Ebreo o Ebrea, si sarà venduto a te, servati sei anni, e al settimo anno mandalo in libertà d’appresso a te. 13 E quando tu lo rimanderai in libertà d’appresso a te, non rimandarlo vuoto. 14 Del tutto donagli alcun fornimento della tua greggia, e della tua aia, e del tuo torcolo; dagli di ciò in che il Signore Iddio tuo ti avrà benedetto. 15 E ricordati che tu sei stato servo nel paese di Egitto, e che il Signore Iddio tuo te n’ha riscosso; perciò io ti comando oggi questo. 16 Ma se pure egli ti dice: Io non voglio uscir d’appresso a te; perciocchè egli amerà te e la tua casa, perchè egli starà bene teco; 17 allora prendi una lesina, e foragli l’orecchia contro all’uscio; ed egli ti sarà servo in perpetuo. Fa’ eziandio così alla tua serva. 18 Non ti sia grave il rimandarlo in libertà d’appresso a te; conciossiachè egli t’abbia servito sei anni, che è il doppio dell’allogazione d’un mercenario; e il Signore Iddio tuo ti benedirà in tutto ciò che tu farai. 19 CONSACRA al Signore Iddio tuo ogni primogenito maschio che ti nascerà del tuo grosso o minuto bestiame; non lavorar la terra col primogenito della tua vacca, e non tosare il primogenito della tua pecora. 20 Mangialo, tu, e la tua famiglia, davanti al Signore Iddio tuo, ogni anno, nel luogo che il Signore avrà scelto. 21 E se v’è in esso alcun difetto, come s’egli è zoppo, o cieco, o ha alcun cattivo difetto, non sacrificarlo al Signore Iddio tuo. 22 Mangialo dentro alle tue porte; mangine indifferentemente l’immondo e il mondo, come d’un cavriuolo, o d’un cervo. 23 Sol non mangiarne il sangue; spandilo in terra come acqua.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 Alla fine d’ogni settennio celebrerete l’anno di remissione. 2 Ed ecco il modo di questa remissione: Ogni creditore sospenderà il suo diritto relativamente al prestito fatto al suo prossimo; non esigerà il pagamento dal suo prossimo, dal suo fratello, quando si sarà proclamato l’anno di remissione in onore dell’Eterno. 3 Potrai esigerlo dallo straniero; ma quanto a ciò che il tuo fratello avrà del tuo, sospenderai il tuo diritto. 4 Nondimeno, non vi sarà alcun bisognoso tra voi; poiché l’Eterno senza dubbio ti benedirà nel paese che l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, ti dà in eredità, perché tu lo possegga, 5 purché però tu ubbidisca diligentemente alla voce dell’Eterno, ch’è il tuo Dio, avendo cura di mettere in pratica tutti questi comandamenti, che oggi ti do. 6 Il tuo Dio, l’Eterno, ti benedirà come t’ha promesso, e tu farai dei prestiti a molte nazioni, e non prenderai nulla in prestito; dominerai su molte nazioni, ed esse non domineranno su te. 7 Quando vi sarà in mezzo a te qualcuno de’ tuoi fratelli che sia bisognoso in una delle tue città nel paese che l’Eterno, l’Iddio tuo, ti dà, non indurerai il cuor tuo, e non chiuderai la mano davanti al tuo fratello bisognoso; 8 anzi gli aprirai largamente la mano e gli presterai quanto gli abbisognerà per la necessità nella quale si trova. 9 Guardati dall’accogliere in cuor tuo un cattivo pensiero, che ti faccia dire: "Il settimo anno, l’anno di remissione, e vicino!", e ti spinga ad essere spietato verso il tuo fratello bisognoso, sì da non dargli nulla; poich’egli griderebbe contro di te all’Eterno, e ci sarebbe del peccato in te. 10 Dagli liberalmente; e quando gli darai, non te ne dolga il cuore; perché, a motivo di questo, l’Eterno, l’Iddio tuo, ti benedirà in ogni opera tua e in ogni cosa a cui porrai mano. 11 Poiché i bisognosi non mancheranno mai nel paese; perciò io ti do questo comandamento, e ti dico: "Apri liberalmente la tua mano al tuo fratello povero e bisognoso nel tuo paese". 12 Se un tuo fratello ebreo o una sorella ebrea si vende a te, ti servirà sei anni; ma il settimo, lo manderai via da te libero. 13 E quando lo manderai via da te libero, non lo rimanderai a vuoto; 14 lo fornirai liberalmente di doni tratti dal tuo gregge, dalla tua aia e dal tuo strettoio; gli farai parte delle benedizioni che l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, t’avrà largite; 15 e ti ricorderai che sei stato schiavo nel paese d’Egitto, e che l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, ti ha redento; perciò io ti do oggi questo comandamento. 16 Ma se avvenga ch’egli ti dica: "Non voglio andarmene da te", perché ama te e la tua casa e sta bene da te, 17 allora prenderai una lesina, gli forerai l’orecchio contro la porta, ed egli ti sarà schiavo per sempre. Lo stesso farai per la tua schiava. 18 Non ti sia grave rimandarlo da te libero, poiché t’ha servito sei anni, e un mercenario ti sarebbe costato il doppio; e l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, ti benedirà in tutto ciò che farai. 19 Consacrerai all’Eterno, il tuo Dio, ogni primogenito maschio che ti nascerà ne’ tuoi armenti e ne’ tuoi greggi. Non metterai al lavoro il primogenito della tua vacca, e non toserai il primogenito della tua pecora. 20 Li mangerai ogni anno con la tua famiglia, in presenza dell’Eterno, dell’Iddio tuo, nel luogo che l’Eterno avrà scelto. 21 E se l’animale ha qualche difetto, se è zoppo o cieco o ha qualche altro grave difetto, non lo sacrificherai all’Eterno, al tuo Dio; 22 lo mangerai entro le tue porte; colui che sarà impuro e colui che sarà puro ne mangeranno senza distinzione, come si mangia della gazzella e del cervo. 23 Però, non ne mangerai il sangue; lo spargerai per terra come acqua.
Korean(i) 1 매 칠년 끝에 면제하라 2 면제의 규례는 이러하니라 무릇 그 이웃에게 꾸어준 채주는 그것을 면제하고 그 이웃에게나 그 형제에게 독촉하지 말지니 이 해는 여호와의 면제년이라 칭함이니라 3 이방인에게는 네가 독촉하려니와 네 형제에게 꾸인 것은 네 손에서 면제하라 4 네가 만일 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀만 듣고 내가 오늘날 네게 명하는 그 명령을 다 지켜 행하면 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 유업으로 주신 땅에서 네가 정녕 복을 받으리니 너희 중에 가난한 자가 없으리라 5 (4절과 같음) 6 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 허락하신 대로 네게 복을 주시리니 네가 여러 나라에 꾸어 줄지라도 너는 꾸지 아니하겠고 네가 여러 나라를 치리할지라도 너는 치리함을 받지 아니하리라 7 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 주신 땅 어느 성읍에서든지 가난한 형제가 너와 함께 거하거든 그 가난한 형제에게 네 마음을 강퍅히 하지 말며 네 손을 움켜 쥐지 말고 8 반드시 네 손을 그에게 펴서 그 요구하는 대로 쓸 것을 넉넉히 꾸어주라 9 삼가 너는 마음에 악념을 품지 말라 곧 이르기를 제 칠년 면제년이 가까왔다 하고 네 궁핍한 형제에게 악한 눈을 들고 아무 것도 주지 아니하면 그가 너를 여호와께 호소하리니 네가 죄를 얻을 것이라 10 너는 반드시 그에게 구제할 것이요 구제할 때에는 아끼는 마음을 품지 말 것이니라 이로 인하여 네 하나님 여호와께서 네 범사와 네 손으로 하는바에 네게 복을 주시리라 ! 11 땅에는 언제든지 가난한 자가 그치지 아니하겠는고로 내가 네게 명하여 이르노니 너는 반드시 네 경내 네 형제의 곤란한 자와 궁핍한 자에게 네 손을 펼지니라 ! 12 네 동족 히브리 남자나 히브리 여자가 네게 팔렸다 하자 만일 육년을 너를 섬겼거든 제 칠년에 너는 그를 놓아 자유하게 할 것이요 13 그를 놓아 자유하게 할 때에는 공수로 가게 하지 말고 14 네 양 무리 중에서와 타작 마당에서와 포도주 틀에서 그에게 후히 줄지니 곧 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 복을 주신대로 그에게 줄지니라 15 너는 애굽 땅 종 되었던 것과 네 하나님 여호와께서 너를 속하셨음을 기억하라 ! 그를 인하여 내가 오늘날 이같이 네게 명하노라 16 종이 만일 너와 네 집을 사랑하므로 너와 동거하기를 좋게 여겨 네게 향하여 내가 주인을 떠나지 아니하겠노라 하거든 17 송곳을 취하여 그의 귀를 문에 대고 뚫으라 그리하면 그가 영영히 네 종이 되리라 네 여종에게도 일례로 할지니라 18 그가 육년 동안에 품군의 삯의 배나 받을 만큼 너를 섬겼은즉 너는 그를 놓아 자유하게 하기를 어렵게 여기지 말라 그리하면 네 하나님 여호와께서 너의 범사에 네게 복을 주시리라 ! 19 너는 우양의 처음 난 수컷은 구별하여 네 하나님 여호와께 드릴 것이니 네 소의 첫 새끼는 부리지 말고 네 양의 첫 새끼의 털은 깍지 말고 20 너와 네 가족이 매년에 여호와의 택하신 곳 네 하나님 여호와 앞에서 먹을지니라 21 그러나 그 짐승이 흠이 있어서 절거나 눈이 멀었거나 무슨 흠이 있든지 네 하나님 여호와께 잡아 드리지 못할지니 22 네 성 중에서 먹되 부정한 자나 정한 자가 다 같이 먹기를 노루와 사슴을 먹음같이 할 것이요 23 오직 피는 먹지 말고 물 같이 땅에 쏟을 지니라
Lithuanian(i) 1 “Kas septintieji metai­atleidimo metai. 2 Tais metais kiekvienas skolintojas tedovanoja skolininkui skolas, ar jis būtų artimas, ar brolis, nes tai Viešpaties atleidimo metai. 3 Iš svetimšalio gali reikalauti, bet savo broliui turi dovanoti. 4 Nebent kai nebus tarp jūsų suvargusio žmogaus, nes Viešpats Dievas gausiai palaimins tave žemėje, kurią duoda tau paveldėti. 5 Jei atidžiai klausysi Viešpaties, savo Dievo, balso, ir vykdysi įsakymus, kuriuos paskelbiau šiandien, 6 Jis tave laimins, kaip pažadėjo. Tu skolinsi daugeliui tautų, bet nieko neimsi skolon, viešpatausi daugeliui tautų, o tau niekas neviešpataus. 7 Jei kuris tavo brolių, gyvenančių žemėje, kurią Viešpats Dievas tau duos, suvargtų, neužkietink širdies ir neužgniaužk prieš jį savo rankos, 8 bet atverk jam plačiai savo ranką ir skolink jam, kiek reikia patenkinti jo poreikiui. 9 Žiūrėk, kad pikta mintis neįeitų į tavo širdį: ‘Nebetoli septintieji, atleidimo metai’, ir neatstumtum beturčio brolio, nenorėdamas jam skolinti, kad jis nesišauktų Viešpaties prieš tave ir tau nebūtų nuodėmės. 10 Tu duosi jam ir neliūdėsi duodamas, nes už tai Viešpats, tavo Dievas, palaimins tave visuose tavo darbuose ir kur tu bepridėtum savo ranką. 11 Beturčių visuomet bus krašte, todėl įsakau ištiesti ranką broliui ir beturčiui, kuris gyvena tavo šalyje. 12 Jei tau parsiduos tavo brolis hebrajas, vyras ar moteris, ir ištarnaus tau šešerius metus, septintais metais paleisk jį. 13 Suteikęs jam laisvę, neišleisk jo tuščiomis rankomis. 14 Aprūpink jį iš bandos, aruodo ir vyno spaustuvo; iš to, kuo Viešpats Dievas tave palaimino, duok jam. 15 Atsimink, kad vergavai Egipto žemėje, o Viešpats Dievas išlaisvino tave. Todėl šiandien tau tai įsakau. 16 Bet jei vergas sakytų: ‘Nenoriu išeiti, nes myliu tave bei tavo namus’, nes jam yra gerai pas tave, 17 tada imk ylą ir perverk jo ausį prie namo durų; jis liks tavo vergu visam laikui. Su tarnaite pasielk taip pat. 18 Tenebūna tau sunku paleisti jį į laisvę, nes jis buvo vertas dviejų samdinių, tarnaudamas tau šešerius metus; ir Viešpats Dievas laimins visus tavo darbus. 19 Kiekvieną galvijų ir avių pirmagimį patinėlį pašvęsk Viešpačiui, savo Dievui. Nenaudok galvijų pirmagimių darbui ir nekirpk avių pirmagimių. 20 Tu ir tavo šeima valgykite juos Viešpaties, savo Dievo, akivaizdoje kiekvienais metais toje vietoje, kurią Viešpats išsirinks. 21 Jei jis turėtų kliaudą, būtų raišas ar aklas, ar turėtų kitokį trūkumą, tokio neaukok Viešpačiui, savo Dievui. 22 Tokius valgyk namuose. Juos gali valgyti švarus ir nešvarus žmogus, kaip valgo stirną ar briedį. 23 Tik nevalgyk jų kraujo, bet jį išliek žemėn kaip vandenį”.
PBG(i) 1 Na początku każdego siódmego roku czynić będziesz odpuszczenie. 2 A toć jest sposób odpuszczania, żeby odpuścił każdy, który pożyczył z ręki swej, to, czego pożyczył bliźniemu swemu; nie będzie wyciągał długu od bliźniego swego, i od brata swego, ponieważ obwołane jest odpuszczenie Pańskie. 3 Od obcego wyciągać dług możesz: ale cobyś miał u brata twego, odpuści mu ręka twoja: 4 Dla tego, żeby się nie stał między wami kto przez cię ubogim, ponieważ hojnie błogosławić tobie będzie Pan w ziemi, którą Pan, Bóg twój, dawa tobie w dziedzictwo, abyś ją posiadł. 5 Tylko żebyś słuchając posłuszny był głosowi Pana, Boga twego, abyś strzegł, i czynił każde przykazanie to, które ja przykazuję tobie dzisiaj, 6 Albowiem Pan, Bóg twój, błogosławić cię będzie, jakoć obiecał; i będziesz pożyczał wielu narodom, a sam u nikogo nie będziesz pożyczał; i będziesz panował nad wielą narodów, a one nad tobą panować nie będą. 7 Gdyby był u ciebie ubogi ktokolwiek z braci twojej w któremkolwiek mieście twojem, w ziemi twojej, którą Pan, Bóg twój, dawa tobie, nie zatwardzaj serca swego, ani zawieraj ręki twej przed bratem twoim ubogim; 8 Ale szczodrze otworzysz mu rękę twoję, i ochotnie pożyczysz mu, ile będzie potrzebował i czego by mu niedostawało. 9 Strzeż się, aby nie była jaka niepobożność w sercu twojem, żebyś miał rzec: Nadchodzi rok on siódmy, rok odpuszczenia, i surowo byś się stawił bratu twemu ubogiemu, tak, żebyś mu nie użyczył, a on by wołał przeciwko tobie do Pana, i miałbyś grzech; 10 Ale ochotnie dawać mu będziesz, i nie będzie niechętne serce twoje, gdy mu dawać będziesz, albowiem dla tegoć pobłogosławi Pan, Bóg twój, we wszystkich sprawach twoich, i do czegokolwiek ściągniesz rękę twoję. 11 Boć się nie przebierze ubogich w ziemi waszej; dla tegoć rozkazuję, mówiąc: abyś szczodrze otwierał rękę twą bratu twemu, i nędznemu twemu, i ubogiemu twemu w ziemi twojej. 12 Jeźliby się zaprzedał tobie brat twój, Żydowin albo Żydówka, a służyłciby przez sześć lat, tedy siódmego roku wypuścisz go wolno od siebie; 13 A gdy go wolno puścisz od siebie, nie puścisz go próżnego. 14 Szczodrze go udarujesz z bydła twego, i z gumna twego, i z prasy twojej; z tego, w czem ci pobłogosławił Pan, Bóg twój, dasz mu. 15 I wspomnisz sobie, żeś był niewolnikiem w ziemi Egipskiej, skąd cię wykupił Pan, Bóg twój; dla tego ja to dziś tobie przykazuję. 16 Jeźliby też rzekł do ciebie: Nie pójdę od ciebie, przeto iż cię umiłował, i dom twój, a iż się ma dobrze u ciebie: 17 Tedy wziąwszy szydło, przekolesz ucho jego na drzwiach, i będzie sługą twoim na wieki; toż i służebnicy swej uczynisz. 18 Niech to nie będzie przykro w oczach twoich, że go puścisz wolno od siebie; bo dwojaką zapłatę najemnika zasłużył u ciebie przez sześć lat; i błogosławić będzie tobie Pan, Bóg twój, we wszystkiem, co będziesz czynił. 19 Wszystkiego pierworodztwa, które się urodzi z bydła twego, albo z trzody twojej, samce, poświęcisz Panu, Bogu twemu; nie będziesz robił pierworodnym krowy twojej, ani będziesz strzygł pierworodnych owiec twoich. 20 Przed Panem, Bogiem twoim, będziesz je jadł każdego roku, na miejscu, które obierze Pan, ty i dom twój, 21 A jeźliby na niem była wada, żeby chrome, albo ślepe, albo z jakąkolwiek wadą złą było, nie będziesz go ofiarował Panu, Bogu twemu. 22 W bramach twych jeść je będziesz, nieczysty i czysty zarówno, jako sarnę i jako jelenia; 23 Tylko krwi jego nie będziesz jadł; na ziemię wylejesz ją, jako wodę.
Portuguese(i) 1 Ao fim de cada sete anos farás remissão. 2 E este é o modo da remissão: todo credor remitirá o que tiver emprestado ao seu próximo; não o exigirá do seu próximo ou do seu irmão, pois a remissão do Senhor é apregoada. 3 Do estrangeiro poderás exigi-lo; mas o que é teu e estiver em poder de teu irmão, a tua mão o remitirá. 4 Contudo não haverá entre ti pobre algum (pois o Senhor certamente te abençoará na terra que o Senhor teu Deus te dá por herança, para a possuíres), 5 contanto que ouças diligentemente a voz do Senhor teu Deus para cuidares em cumprir todo este mandamento que eu hoje te ordeno. 6 Porque o Senhor teu Deus te abençoará, como te prometeu; assim, emprestarás a muitas nações, mas não tomarás empréstimos; e dominarás sobre muitas nações, porém elas não dominarão sobre ti. 7 Quando no meio de ti houver algum pobre, dentre teus irmãos, em qualquer das tuas cidades na terra que o Senhor teu Deus te dá, não endurecerás o teu coração, nem fecharás a mão a teu irmão pobre; 8 antes lhe abrirás a tua mão, e certamente lhe emprestarás o que lhe falta, quanto baste para a sua necessidade. 9 Guarda-te, que não haja pensamento vil no teu coração e venhas a dizer: Vai-se aproximando o sétimo ano, o ano da remissão; e que o teu olho não seja maligno para com teu irmão pobre, e não lhe dês nada; e que ele clame contra ti ao Senhor, e haja em ti pecado. 10 Livremente lhe darás, e não fique pesaroso o teu coração quando lhe deres; pois por esta causa te abençoará o Senhor teu Deus em toda a tua obra, e em tudo no que puseres a mão. 11 Pois nunca deixará de haver pobres na terra; pelo que eu te ordeno, dizendo: Livremente abrirás a mão para o teu irmão, para o teu necessitado, e para o teu pobre na tua terra. 12 Se te for vendido um teu irmão hebreu ou irmã hebreia, seis anos te servirá, mas na sétimo ano o libertarás. 13 E, quando o libertares, não o deixarás ir de mãos vazias; 14 liberalmente o fornecerás do teu rebanho, e da tua eira, e do teu lagar; conforme o Senhor teu Deus tiver abençoado te darás. 15 Pois lembrar-te-ás de que foste servo na terra do Egipto, e de que o Senhor teu Deus te resgatou; pelo que eu hoje te ordeno isso. 16 Mas se ele te disser: Não sairei de junto de ti; porquanto te ama a ti e a tua casa, por estar bem contigo; 17 então tomarás uma sovela, e lhe furarás a orelha contra a porta, e ele será teu servo para sempre; e também assim farás à tua serva. 18 Não seja duro aos teus olhos de teres de libertá-lo, pois seis anos te prestou serviço equivalente ao dobro do salário dum mercenário; e o Senhor teu Deus te abençoará em tudo o que fizeres. 19 Todo primogénito que nascer das tuas vacas e das tuas ovelhas santificarás ao Senhor teu Deus; com o primogénito do teu boi não trabalharás, nem tosquiarás o primogénito das tuas ovelhas. 20 Perante o Senhor teu Deus os comerás, tu e a tua casa, de ano em ano, no lugar que o Senhor escolher. 21 Mas se nele houver algum defeito, como se for coxo, ou cego, ou tiver qualquer outra deformidade, não o sacrificarás ao Senhor teu Deus. 22 Nas tuas portas o comerás; o imundo e o limpo igualmente o comerão, como da gazela ou do veado. 23 Somente do seu sangue não comerás; sobre a terra o derramarás como água.
Norwegian(i) 1 Hvert syvende år skal du la være et eftergivelses-år. 2 Og således skal det være med eftergivelsen: Hver den som har til gode noget han har lånt sin næste, skal eftergi ham det; han skal ikke kreve sin næste og sin bror, fordi der er lyst eftergivelse til Herrens ære. 3 Utlendingen kan du kreve, men det du har til gode hos din bror, skal du eftergi. 4 Rettelig skulde det nu ikke finnes nogen fattig hos dig; for Herren din Gud skal velsigne dig i det land som Herren din Gud gir dig til arv og eie, 5 bare du er lydig mot Herrens, din Guds røst, så du akter vel på å holde alle disse bud som jeg gir dig idag; 6 for Herren din Gud vil da visselig velsigne dig, således som han har tilsagt dig, og du skal låne til mange folk, men selv skal du ikke trenge til å låne av nogen, og du skal herske over mange folk, men de skal ikke herske over dig. 7 Når det er en fattig hos dig, blandt dine brødre i nogen av byene i det land som Herren din Gud gir dig, da skal du ikke være hårdhjertet og lukke din hånd for din fattige bror; 8 men du skal lukke op din hånd for ham og låne ham det han mangler og trenger til. 9 Vokt dig at det ikke kommer en ond tanke op i ditt hjerte, så du sier: Nu er det snart det syvende år, eftergivelses-året, og du ser med onde øine på din fattige bror og ikke gir ham noget! For da kommer han til klage over dig til Herren, og du fører synd over dig. 10 Du skal gjerne gi ham, og det skal ikke gjøre ditt hjerte ondt når du gir ham; for da skal Herren din Gud velsigne dig i alt ditt arbeid og i alt det du tar dig fore. 11 For fattige kommer det alltid til å være i landet; derfor byder jeg dig og sier: Du skal lukke op din hånd for din bror, for de trengende og fattige som du har i ditt land. 12 Når nogen av ditt folk, en hebraisk mann eller kvinne, blir solgt* til dig, da skal han tjene dig i seks år; men i det syvende år skal du gi ham fri, så han kan gå hvor han vil. / {* selger sig selv eller selges av andre.} 13 Og når du gir ham fri, skal du ikke la ham gå tomhendt fra dig. 14 Du skal sørge vel for ham med gaver av ditt småfe og fra din treskeplass og fra din vinperse; av det som Herren din Gud har velsignet dig med, skal du gi ham. 15 Du skal komme i hu at du selv har vært træl i Egyptens land, og at Herren din Gud fridde dig ut; derfor byder jeg dig dette idag. 16 Men sier han til dig: Jeg vil ikke gå bort fra dig, fordi han har det godt hos dig og holder av dig og dine, 17 da skal du ta en syl og stikke den gjennem hans øre inn i døren, så skal han være din tjener for all tid; det samme skal du gjøre med din tjenestepike. 18 La det ikke falle dig tungt at du gir ham fri og sender ham fra dig! For i seks år har han optjent for dig dobbelt så meget som du måtte ha gitt en dagarbeider i lønn, og Herren din Gud skal velsigne dig i alt det du gjør. 19 Alt førstefødt av hankjønn som fødes blandt ditt storfe og ditt småfe, skal du hellige Herren din Gud; du skal ikke bruke det førstefødte av ditt storfe til arbeid, og du skal ikke klippe det førstefødte av ditt småfe. 20 For Herrens, din Guds åsyn skal du og ditt hus ete det hvert år på det sted Herren utvelger. 21 Men er det noget lyte på det, er det halt eller blindt eller har noget annet ondt lyte, da skal du ikke ofre det til Herren din Gud. 22 Hjemme i dine byer kan du ete det; både den urene og den rene kan ete det, som om det var et rådyr eller en hjort. 23 Men dets blod skal du ikke ete; du skal helle det ut på jorden likesom vann.
Romanian(i) 1 La fiecare şapte ani, să dai iertare. 2 Şi iată cum se va face iertarea. Cînd se va vesti iertarea în cinstea Domnului, orice creditor care va fi împrumutat pe aproapele său, să -i ierte împrumutul, să nu silească pe aproapele său şi pe fratele său să -i plătească datoria. 3 Vei putea să sileşti pe străin să-ţi plătească; dar să ierţi ce ai la fratele tău. 4 Totuş, la tine să nu fie niciun sărac, căci Domnul te va binecuvînta în ţara pe care ţi -o va da de moştenire Domnul, Dumnezeul tău; 5 numai să asculţi de glasul Domnului, Dumnezeului tău, împlinind cu scumpătate toate aceste porunci pe cari ţi le dau astăzi. 6 Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, te va binecuvînta, cum ţi -a spus, aşa încît vei da cu împrumut multor neamuri, dar tu nu vei lua cu împrumut dela ele; tu vei stăpîni peste multe neamuri, dar ele nu vor stăpîni peste tine. 7 Dacă va fi la tine vreun sărac dintre fraţii tăi, în vreuna din cetăţile tale, în ţara pe care ţi -o dă Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, să nu-ţi împietreşti inima şi să nu-ţi închizi mîna înaintea fratelui tău celui lipsit. 8 Ci să -i deschizi mîna, şi să -l împrumuţi cu ce -i trebuie ca să facă faţă nevoilor lui. 9 Vezi să nu fii aşa de rău ca să zici în inima ta:,,Ah! se apropie anul al şaptelea, anul iertării!`` Vezi să n'ai un ochi fără milă pentru fratele tău cel lipsit şi să nu -i dai. Căci atunci el ar striga către Domnul împotriva ta, şi te-ai face vinovat de un păcat: 10 ci să -i dai şi să nu dai cu părere de rău în inimă; căci pentru aceasta te va binecuvînta Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, în toate lucrările de cari te vei apuca. 11 Totdeauna vor fi săraci în ţară; de aceea îţi dau porunca aceasta:,,Să-ţi deschizi mîna faţă de fratele tău, fată de sărac şi faţă de cel lipsit din ţara ta.`` 12 Dacă unul din fraţii tăi evrei, bărbat sau femeie, se vinde ţie, să-ţi slujească şase ani; dar în anul al şaptelea, să -i dai drumul dela tine şi să fie slobod. 13 Şi cînd îi vei da drumul ca să se ducă slobod dela tine, să nu -i dai drumul cu mîna goală; 14 să -i dai daruri din cireada ta, din aria ta, din teascul tău, din ce vei avea, prin binecuvîntarea Domnului, Dumnezeului tău. 15 Să-ţi aduci aminte că şi tu ai fost rob în ţara Egiptului, şi că Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, te -a răscumpărat: de aceea îţi dau astăzi porunca aceasta. 16 Dacă însă robul tău îţi va zice:,,Nu vreau să ies dela tine,`` -pentrucă te iubeşte, pe tine şi casa ta, şi se simte bine la tine, - 17 atunci să iei o sulă şi să -i găureşti urechea de uşă, şi să-ţi fie rob pentru totdeauna. Tot aşa să faci şi cu roaba ta. 18 Să nu-ţi pară rău cînd îl vei lăsa să plece slobod dela tine, căci ţi -a slujit şase ani, ceea ce face de două ori cît simbria unui om tocmit cu plată; şi Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, te va binecuvînta în tot ce vei face. 19 Să închini Domnului, Dumnezeului tău, pe orice întîi născut de parte bărbătească din cireada şi turma ta. Să nu munceşti cu întîiul născut al vacii tale, să nu tunzi pe întîiul născut al oilor tale. 20 Să -l mănînci în fiecare an, tu şi familia ta înaintea Domnului, Dumnezeului tău, în locul pe care -l va alege El. 21 Dacă are vreun cusur, dacă este şchiop sau orb, sau are vreo meteahnă trupească, să nu -l aduci ca jertfă Domnului, Dumnezeului tău. 22 Să -l mănînci în cetăţile tale: cel ce va fi necurat şi cel ce va fi curat vor putea să -l mănînce amîndoi, cum se mănîncă acum căprioara sau cerbul. 23 Numai sîngele să nu i -l mănînci, ci să -l verşi pe pămînt ca apa.
Ukrainian(i) 1 У кінці семи літ зробиш відпущення. 2 А оце те відпущення: кожен позикодавець, що позичає своєму ближньому, не буде натискати на свого ближнього та на брата свого, бо оголошено відпущення ради Господа. 3 На чужинця будеш натискати, а що буде твоє в брата твого, те відпустить йому рука твоя, 4 та тільки не буде серед тебе вбогого, бо конче поблагословить тебе Господь у Краї, якого Господь, Бог твій, дає тобі на спадок, щоб ти посів його, 5 якщо тільки конче будеш ти слухатися голосу Господа, Бога свого, щоб додержувати виконувати кожну ту заповідь, що я наказую тобі сьогодні. 6 Бо Господь, Бог твій, поблагословив тебе, як говорив був тобі, і ти зробиш, що багато людей даватимуть тобі позичку, а ти не даватимеш позички. І будеш ти панувати над багатьма народами, а над тобою не будуть панувати. 7 Коли буде серед тебе вбогий, один із братів твоїх ув одній із брам твоїх у Краї твоїм, що Господь, Бог твій, дає тобі, то не зробиш запеклим свого серця, і не замкнеш своєї руки від убогого брата свого, 8 бо конче відкриєш свою руку йому, і конче позичиш йому за його потребою, що буде бракувати йому. 9 Стережися, щоб у серці твоїм не зродилася зла думка, щоб ти не сказав: Наблизився сьомий рік, рік відпущення, і буде зле твоє око на вбогого брата твого, і не даси ти йому, то він буде кликати на тебе до Господа, і буде на тобі гріх. 10 Конче даси йому, і нехай не жаліє твоє серце, коли ти даватимеш йому, бо за ту річ поблагословить тебе Господь, Бог твій у кожнім чині твоїм, і в усьому, до чого доторкнеться рука твоя. 11 Бо не передеться убогий з-посеред Краю, тому я наказую тобі, говорячи: Конче відкривай руку свою для брата свого, і вбогого свого, і для незаможного свого в Краї своїм. 12 Коли буде проданий тобі брат твій єврей або єврейка, то буде служити тобі шість літ, а сьомого року відпустиш його вільним від себе. 13 А коли відпустиш його вільним від себе, не відпустиш його порожньо, 14 конче наділи його з худоби своєї дрібної, і з току свого, і з кадки чавила свого, чим поблагословив тебе Господь, Бог твій, те даси йому. 15 І будеш пам'ятати, що рабом був ти сам у єгипетськім краї, та викупив тебе Господь, Бог твій, тому я наказую тобі про цю річ сьогодні. 16 І станеться, коли він скаже тобі: Не вийду від тебе, бо полюбив я тебе та дім твій, бо добре йому з тобою, 17 то візьмеш шило та й проколеш його вухо до дверей, і стане він тобі вічним рабом; і невільниці своїй зробиш так само. 18 Нехай не буде тобі тяжким в очах твоїх те, що ти відпускаєш його вільним від себе, бо наємницьку платню він відробив тобі вдвоє за шість літ, і поблагословить тебе Господь, Бог твій, у всім, що ти робитимеш. 19 Кожного перворідного самця, що народиться в худобі твоїй великій та в худобі твоїй дрібній, посвятиш Господеві, Богові своєму. Не будеш працювати перворідним вола свого, і не будеш стригти перворідного отари своєї. 20 Перед лицем Господа, Бога свого, рік-річно будеш його їсти ти та дім твій у місці, яке вибере Господь. 21 А коли буде в нім вада, кульгаве або сліпе, усяка зла вада, то не принесеш його в жертву для Господа, Бога свого, 22 у брамах своїх будеш його їсти, нечистий і чистий разом, як сарну й як оленя. 23 Тільки крови його не будеш їсти, на землю виллєш її, як воду.